New Midrage hunter filesOk guys I decited to post my updated files, even though i need to do some more testing and maybe some changes. The meta is still unstable although allot better then last week.
Why mid-range hunter?Checking the meta hunter is sitting in the high tier 2. but is the first deck in the list the bot plays really good. (altough sepe made changes for shaman yesterday so i need to test those) In theory the hybrid version of the hunter is slightly better. But in my experience the bot handles mid-range versions better then the hybrid versions.
card changes to last version (complete decklist in the files)as said before, these are the changes
-2x Flame Juggler +2x Kindly grandmother (pretty straight forward, change the worst 2-drop in the prev deck with a better one)
-1x Carrion Cub + 1x (extra) Deadly shot (carrion didnt do much only if you got the houndmaster with it, which didnt happen all the time, extra deadly for huge tempo against controll
-1x Stampeding kodo + 1x Barnes (not enough 2 at minions that need kodo at the moment + Barnes is very good with allot of strong Deathrattle minions in here
-1x Thundra Rhino + 1x Ragnaros (tech card see blow)
I like the rag, it won me a couple of games. (i.e. played it on an empty board vs mage with me on 2 health and the mage on 7) Also Barnes al ready put a 1/1 copy on the board on turn 4. But its still a tech card. you can put everything in its place, preferably a strong effect/deathrattle minion like sylvana's but maybe you want to go with a secret (expl./freeze) or place the Rhino back.
Rank, win-rates, and matchup'sYesterday i started gaining from rank 13 to 8 with 75% winrate. but after that I fought allot of shamans (this deck's nightmare) Iam currently sitting on rank 7.
So no rank 5 yet the winrate from 13-7 from last night is 52% but only 27% against shamans. The lowest after is mage 46% and everything else is above 50%.
Files@ sepe can you update my Mid-range hunter with these files: