osillo;38609 wrote:I reached rank 5 last season with Midrange Hunter. So I can confirm it works. This season it reached rank 10 about three days ago, so it climbed pretty fast to rank 10. But it's been stuck there since. It probably just needs more time to reach rank 5, when the good players reach 5-Legend. I used the same files you have there, and a slightly modified N'Zoth deck list. I'm in NA region.
i think u got lucky when u hit rank 5.
i had a crap ton of problems with mid range hunter.
the bot doesnt play freezing trap optimally, which is 100% necessary to hit 5 or higher consistently , played explosive trap against a single high health minion, and the list goes on and on.
i feel that a lot of legend decks wont hit rank 5 without a lucky streak. for example, ive been watching the bot play zoo.
from dark peddler it picks sir finley, then runs out of steam, duh. the bot also overextends 100% of the time when you have the advantage then a huge AOE comes down.
abusive or dark iron +2 attack used to hit face rather than waiting to use for trading up.
brainless decks far better IMO. even mid range shaman is not brainless enough.
tempo and control decks like pirate warrior, tempo mage can hit rank 10 pretty easily.
cthun druid plays klaxxi when cthun hasnt hit 10 yet. but if that gets fixed as well as other issues like hero powering and not hitting anything, it might have a shot at 5 if lucky.
any tier 1/2 decks on tempo storm can hit rank 10. within the same tier, tempo/control decks will fair better for the bot. the harder to play, for example, aggro shaman, the shittier it will be when the bot plays it.
IMO wild secret pala is far and wide, head and shoulders, light years ahead in terms of consistently hitting rank 5.