sadpwner;40680 wrote:The bot might go into recession after the next wing is released. With the power creep Kharazan has created, the matchups will be very difficult to win without technical knowledge. Also, the popular and to be popular decks are strong against hunter.
btw, dre are you planning to pick up beast druid?
When all cards are revealed, tempo-storm will probably do a meta-snapshot. I will then analyse this and focus on the highest tier deck which is good for the bot.
Looking at beast druid right now it's the absolute lowest tier 3 deck. Apart from that i see it's bottable, might need to replace raven idol tho. I have to see how it turns out in the upcomming snapshot. Also I think the card where everyone is waiting for: Menagerie Warden, needs some testing and possible changes in the AI to be optimal. These cards which can be rly powerfull in manual hands, can be quite weak in the bots hands.
Atm iam casualy perfecting Aggro shaman because i expect this deck to be good even after all cards are here. But don't worry - soon i will go all out on making files again and can promise that i will get people to rank 5 next season aswell with a deck.