the other one account got rank 5 using dres midrange hunter decks.
the account don't buy Karazhan and Explorers' League, lack some cards.
my desk:
// [1] Fiery Bat (OG_179) 2x
// [2] Quick Shot (BRM_013) 2x
// [2] Scavenging Hyena (EX1_531) 2x
// [2] Kings Elek (AT_058) 2x
// [3] Animal Companion (NEW1_031) 2x
// [3] Eaglehorn Bow (EX1_536) 2x
// [3] Kill Command (EX1_539) 2x
// [3] Unleash the Hounds (EX1_538) 2x
// [4] Houndmaster (DS1_070) 2x
// [4] Infested Wolf (OG_216) 2x
// [5] Tundra Rhino (DS1_178) 1x
// [6] Savannah Highmane (EX1_534) 2x
// [8] Call of the Wild (OG_211) 2x
// [2] Dire Wolf Alpha(EX1_162) 1x
// [3] Carrion Grub(OG_325) 1x
// [3] Deadly Shot (EX1_617) 2x
// [5] Stampeding Kodo(NEW1_041) 1x