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Project Rank 5
#918 Posted : Thursday, September 22, 2016 1:08:52 AM(UTC)
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i believe the hunter deck should utilize the hero power more than just dumping all the minion on the board whenever to play around AOE spells
#903 Posted : Thursday, September 22, 2016 3:32:51 AM(UTC)

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er009;41544 wrote:
To be fair, aggro shaman is alot easier deck to pilot than the new midrange shaman with Karazhan cards alltho they have alot of similarities but being able to play the deck correctly is harder, like chancing to get a spellpower totem while you have spirit claw or maelstorm to make super favorable plays is crucial.

Iam very confident Sepe can program for the correct use of Maelstrom and Spirit claws with +SP. it basicly comes down to penaltize Spirit claws without a SP totem / minion (allready posted logs for this for him) then favoring Maelstorm with +SP (allready posted logs for this too) Bloodmage has to be pentaltized in combo.txt most likely for this deck, since its deck dependant. And thats basicly it. Sepe allready said non of the kara cards are refined. So it was expected.

It allready makes the right plays with for i.e. lightning storm. So I'am not worried at all for those 2 cards. Then having said that:

- The "new" aggro shaman uses the same 2 spells so will have the same missplays with it.
- Midrange Shaman has allways been better in the bot then aggro shaman
- Aggro Shaman is currently lower tier then Mid-range Shaman

Hackhelp;41547 wrote:
i believe the hunter deck should utilize the hero power more than just dumping all the minion on the board whenever to play around AOE spells

Midrange Hunter's strengt is to play minions on curve. I believe it has perfect balance on that part in my files now. If you think different you can remove the cardvalue on the heropower in the combo file. But i made it for a reason. Your winrate will lower when you make this change in my experience of months of testing. Yes Aoe excists. But there is also allot of DR minions in it. Or minions that fall out of AOE range. If you play around AOE all day you WILL fall behind. Also we are botting not playing manual. The bot has no current way to know as we do, that turn 4 druids might have swipe, or turn 7 mages might have flamestrike. As the current Playaroundaoe code is outdated.
#919 Posted : Thursday, September 22, 2016 6:27:52 AM(UTC)

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Is it possible that the deck fairs better on certain regions then others?

I woke up and threw the bot on; managed to get to Rank 11 last night, and EVERY match-up was Hunter vs Hunter (6/6 - Identical decks, give or take a card or two). It was really was the luck of the draw that won/lost the games.

How long is taking on average for you guys to hit Rank 5? I see a few comments, like that of Ringo999, that ring the bell of familiarity.

I'm getting a 58% winrate with Dre's Midrange hunter and staying around rank 10.

Is this a normal winrate for this deck and the bot?

But it's obviously not "normal" as there are people getting Rank 5 after one night of play. I can't put my finger on it!
Obviously there's some "luck" behind it; getting a good streak, good opponents.etc But it seems like a BIG difference between Rank 10 and Rank 5?
#920 Posted : Thursday, September 22, 2016 6:59:07 AM(UTC)
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OliiPS;41559 wrote:
Is it possible that the deck fairs better on certain regions then others?

I woke up and threw the bot on; managed to get to Rank 11 last night, and EVERY match-up was Hunter vs Hunter (6/6 - Identical decks, give or take a card or two). It was really was the luck of the draw that won/lost the games.

How long is taking on average for you guys to hit Rank 5? I see a few comments, like that of Ringo999, that ring the bell of familiarity.

But it's obviously not "normal" as there are people getting Rank 5 after one night of play. I can't put my finger on it!
Obviously there's some "luck" behind it; getting a good streak, good opponents.etc But it seems like a BIG difference between Rank 10 and Rank 5?

Which Region are you?
I'm eu server and i bot over night because i think its easier to climb instead playing on day.
I also hit rank 4 but i dropped then back to rank 6.. i think i would reach rank3- rank 2 if i had the karazhan expansion xd
#921 Posted : Thursday, September 22, 2016 7:08:19 AM(UTC)

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"That's incredible"

Started yesterday 4 PM from rank 12 1 star until tonight (about 4 AM) when I reached rank 5 1 star.. rank 5 in 12 hours :D

Deck: Standard Midrange Hunter - Dre (-1 Hyena, -1 Tundra; +1 Deadly Shot, +1 Ragnaros)
Region: EU

1 user thanked ptx for this useful post.
Dre on 9/22/2016(UTC)
#922 Posted : Thursday, September 22, 2016 7:25:54 AM(UTC)

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I shall make the changes ptx has and see how I get on in 12 hours - starting at Rank 10, so the results SHOULD theoretically come a little sooner.
#924 Posted : Thursday, September 22, 2016 7:53:18 AM(UTC)

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It can take a days or some days to get rank 5. Depending on luck and matches. But 58% is allot. Even manual players who hit legendary often dont have 58% wr. Just keep on doing what u you do and you will hit rank 5.
#923 Posted : Thursday, September 22, 2016 9:54:39 AM(UTC)
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OliiPS;41563 wrote:
I shall make the changes ptx has and see how I get on in 12 hours - starting at Rank 10, so the results SHOULD theoretically come a little sooner.

i think you did something wrong with the settings / deck :D
and try to bot at night should be easier to climb
#925 Posted : Thursday, September 22, 2016 11:14:14 AM(UTC)

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@Dre your deck is really good (Midrange Hunter) I stay at rank 5 in EU servers

#926 Posted : Thursday, September 22, 2016 12:44:33 PM(UTC)
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So im runing this deck: (midrange hunter) for about 40 games.

With new silverfish (sepefeets one).

This Mullligan:

And this combo:

And this settings:



And i need some combo and mulligan commands for "Kindly Grandmother", "Barnes" cards.

For example when bot's playing "tundra rhino" card and after this "Kindly grandmother" (the kindly grandmother drop 3/2 beast after death), bot is not doing anything with this 3/2 beast from deathrattle.
Same for Barnes, sometimes bot is not doing anything with beast from "Barnes" battlecry.

Also im looking for Mulligan commands to keep the "Kindly grandomother" sometimes.
#927 Posted : Thursday, September 22, 2016 12:50:30 PM(UTC)
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The rank 5 work more easily on EU because they dont have real meta and eu is weaker than NA usually, on NA its pretty difficult to get rank 5 with hunter or sham deck.

iv put 15 day in a row the sham deck and managed to get rank 7 and 15 other day hunter and managed to get rank 7 too, the bot was on like 24/24 7/7 , i must agree you got better winstreak in the middle of the night probably because people are asleep or drunk or just want to play a game before going to sleep and ragequit more easily,

But going rank 5 on NA is really difficult, its not impossible because some people can do it, but its way way harder than eu, all the people here who said they got rank 5 in a night or in like 2 day was ALL in Eu server or Asia server.
#928 Posted : Thursday, September 22, 2016 1:02:11 PM(UTC)
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The bot do not know the card "Beastly Wrath". (Give a friendly Beast +2 Attack and Immune this turn.)

I tryed a own hunter midrange deck with that card, the bot never use this card in all cases. 8-10 times.

Maybe u should know that.
#929 Posted : Thursday, September 22, 2016 1:11:19 PM(UTC)

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Well... I'm on EU and I can barely touch single digits, let alone Rank 5.

It's been running all day and has been at Rank 9 once, for 1 star. It seems to be getting matched against mirror decks 9 times outta 10 times. I'd post the Match History but I'm been toggling between laptop and PC, to see whether or not ones performing better than the other.

Here's a screenshot of the config right now. As you can see, it's using Silverfish V123.5SE and is updated to Version 6.2.50 - I know it says "Update Available", but there's not, it's just what happened when I replaced the Silverfish folder with Sepe's. I'm posting this in the hopes I HAVE done something wrong and one of you guys can spot it, but from where I'm standing... There's no chance this config is going to get me to Rank 5.


(^Click the link, then the image again to zoom)

Like I said, following the experience of ptx, the deck I'm running is the Standard Midrange Hunter - Dre (-1 Hyena, -1 Tundra; +1 Deadly Shot, +1 Ragnaros)

(^Click the link, then the image again to zoom)
#930 Posted : Thursday, September 22, 2016 3:29:32 PM(UTC)
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OliiPS;41586 wrote:
Well... I'm on EU and I can barely touch single digits, let alone Rank 5.

It's been running all day and has been at Rank 9 once, for 1 star. It seems to be getting matched against mirror decks 9 times outta 10 times. I'd post the Match History but I'm been toggling between laptop and PC, to see whether or not ones performing better than the other.

Here's a screenshot of the config right now. As you can see, it's using Silverfish V123.5SE and is updated to Version 6.2.50 - I know it says "Update Available", but there's not, it's just what happened when I replaced the Silverfish folder with Sepe's. I'm posting this in the hopes I HAVE done something wrong and one of you guys can spot it, but from where I'm standing... There's no chance this config is going to get me to Rank 5.


(^Click the link, then the image again to zoom)

Like I said, following the experience of ptx, the deck I'm running is the Standard Midrange Hunter - Dre (-1 Hyena, -1 Tundra; +1 Deadly Shot, +1 Ragnaros)

(^Click the link, then the image again to zoom)

Your settings are fine dude.
But try to take -Ragnaros - Deadly Shot for Hyena + Tundra.
It works perfectly for me.
I think ragnaros is a little bit to slow for me
#931 Posted : Thursday, September 22, 2016 3:32:07 PM(UTC)

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razor95;41589 wrote:
Your settings are fine dude.
But try to take -Ragnaros - Deadly Shot for Hyena + Tundra.
It works perfectly for me.
I think ragnaros is a little bit to slow for me

I had that deck running throughout the whole day yesterday (Hyena and Tundra) and it could barely escape Rank 14. With the Ragnaros and DS it peaked at 9. I'm going to see how it fairs tonight, as I tend to only bot throughout the day. We'll see if the timezone really is a factor.
#904 Posted : Thursday, September 22, 2016 3:57:27 PM(UTC)

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Dre;41552 wrote:
Yes Aoe excists. But there is also allot of DR minions in it. Or minions that fall out of AOE range. If you play around AOE all day you WILL fall behind. Also we are botting not playing manual. The bot has no current way to know as we do, that turn 4 druids might have swipe, or turn 7 mages might have flamestrike. As the current Playaroundaoe code is outdated.

Those are bad examples, it is the newer aoe's that haven't been added because for the most part aoe is way less common now and not worth playing around so it wasn't a priority to add them. I'll probably take a look at it again though.

@Doomdevil - Post misplay logs to the SF thread.
#932 Posted : Thursday, September 22, 2016 5:05:34 PM(UTC)
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OliiPS;41590 wrote:
I had that deck running throughout the whole day yesterday (Hyena and Tundra) and it could barely escape Rank 14. With the Ragnaros and DS it peaked at 9. I'm going to see how it fairs tonight, as I tend to only bot throughout the day. We'll see if the timezone really is a factor.

Botting overnight is 100% better and are you on eu?
#933 Posted : Thursday, September 22, 2016 5:12:21 PM(UTC)

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razor95;41594 wrote:
Botting overnight is 100% better and are you on eu?

We'll see how it goes! And yes sir, EU.
#934 Posted : Thursday, September 22, 2016 7:56:36 PM(UTC)

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+2 rank 5's with Dre's mid hunter.

In US I've been noticing that early AM hours often have too few players and so you can face people a few ranks higher than you. In evenings there are too many players and they are more skilled than their rank. Somewhere in the mid AM hours to early afternoon seems to be easiest IMO.
#935 Posted : Thursday, September 22, 2016 8:22:18 PM(UTC)
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sepefeets;41599 wrote:
In US I've been noticing that early AM hours often have too few players and so you can face people a few ranks higher than you. In evenings there are too many players and they are more skilled than their rank. Somewhere in the mid AM hours to early afternoon seems to be easiest IMO.

I am trying to do an analysis of this but need a lot more data than mine. I have only started 24/7 boting this week so no usable trends emerging yet.
More info can be found here
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