Originally Posted by: NiPigeon I would really like to get a premium bot license, but my winrate with ur Mage Control deck is terrible, its around 15%.. Am i doing something wrong or do i have to make something in the settings? :)
It's really fun to see people caring about to buying a premium license but not doing it because the decks winrates, when the really truth is that you mainly DON'T buy the license to reach a high rank on the ladder, or tell me.. Do you think that 30 euros(lifetime license price) are worth enough just to reach rank 5 each season and earn those 500 of dust?? If you say yes let me tell you that you and all people that think like that are really wrong. The main reason to buy a premium license is the fact that you will be capable to go max gold and quests EVERY SINGLE DAY! And by the end of the season you will end with around 4,500 of gold, and that means over 40 packs of cards!! Taking in mind that 40 card packs are around 50 euros in the battlenet store, that means that you recovered your investment in the first month, besides that ALL the Scott's decks are enough to farm golden portraits at rank 20. And, if you want to reach rank 5 during a season, do it with the decks that have demonstrated to be able to do it with the bot, and stop blaming other decks!
In a resume, if you buy a premium license, just go max gold and quests every day and enjoy the epics and legendaries at the end of each month you'll be getting from the packs. I can guarantee you that you'll be getting much more dust and cards like this than reaching rank 5. And if you want to climb the ladder, let the bot do it with the correct deck, by the end of the season is almost sure it will hit at least rank 5.