Originally Posted by: Dre Metastats is also for humans :) did you take in considderation that Bran is one of the worser cards for the bot to play for example ;) I've been doubting about the 2x mana tide though for early carddraw. But then again my most succesful midrange shaman decks also had one. And you have 3 other carddrawers in the deck.
EU, Standard, Ranks 11-9: 12 wins and 8 loses looking at replays right now.
Bot is never playing Lightning Storm, literally all the time it is just sitting in hand while bot is trading the board away (okay it was used once on a board with total 14 power / 13 health)
It hexes Frothing instead of using Jade Lightning on it (Frothing is 11/3) . Does not use Jade Lightning to kill enemy Mana Tide totem... Something is really off with cardvalues.
I made some changes to combo and mulligan. But can you explain this:
Quote:// Discard Jade claws when you have Spirit Claws
Should not it be 1? As far as it looks its the amount of the same cards to keep, do we need 2 jade claws or am i wrong about the code?
Anyway added same line for warrior cos claws is the only way to stop Big-Time Fucker from doing 12 damage to us.
Ill run it for 6-8 hours, we'll see how it goes.