scottbreak;43921 wrote:Hit Rank 5 today. Overall winrate from Rank 11 to Rank 5 was 54%

Used your settings for a couple games, recognized some obvious misplays though.
Guess it's about your _combo.txt and the fact that you are not using any cardvalues, never happened with Dre's Midrange Shaman before.
Skipped Turn 1 instead of Coin > 2x Tunnel Trogg while Lightningbolt is on hand.
On Turn 2 it casts Lightningbolt before Coin > 2x Tunnel Trogg:
start calculations, current time: 11:30:22:1037 V125.0SE face 7000 face 30 twoturnsim 1400 ntss 6 28 280 ets 40 ets2 280 ents 40 plcmnt
mana 1/1
emana 1
own secretsCount: 0
enemy secretsCount: 0 ;
0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
shaman 30 30 0 False False 66 True 0 False 0 0
weapon: 0 0 unknown
ability: True CS2_049 0
cthunbonus: 0 0 0
jadegolems: 0 0
priest 30 30 0 False False 64
weapon: 0 0 unknown
ability: True CS1h_001 0
fatigue: 25 0 26 0
northshirecleric CS2_235 zp:1 e:30 A:1 H:3 mH:3 rdy:True natt:0 ex
Own Handcards:
pos 1 spiritclaws 1 entity 38 KAR_063 0 0
pos 2 lightningbolt 1 entity 48 EX1_238 0 0
pos 3 tunneltrogg 1 entity 53 LOE_018 0 0
pos 4 flamewreathedfaceless 4 entity 37 OG_024 0 0
pos 5 thecoin 0 entity 68 GAME_005 0 0
pos 6 tunneltrogg 1 entity 41 LOE_018 0 0
Enemy cards: 3
td: EX1_238;CFM_637;LOE_076;CFM_325,2;CS2_146,2;KAR_063;EX1_012;EX1_565,2;CFM_717,2;KAR_073,2;AT_052,2;EX1_248,2;EX1_241,2;OG_024;CFM_707,2;CFM_902;
tdc: 25
received 11:30:22:1037 actions to do: (currtime = 11:30:22.2427)
set best action-----------------------------------
mana changed 2 -100 2 1 2 1
start calculations, current time: 11:30:44:4150 V125.0SE face 7000 face 30 twoturnsim 1400 ntss 6 28 280 ets 40 ets2 280 ents 40 plcmnt
mana 2/2
emana 2
own secretsCount: 0
enemy secretsCount: 0 ;
0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
shaman 29 30 0 False False 66 True 0 False 0 0
weapon: 0 0 unknown
ability: True CS2_049 0
cthunbonus: 0 0 0
jadegolems: 0 0
priest 30 30 0 False False 64
weapon: 0 0 unknown
ability: True CS1h_001 0
fatigue: 24 0 25 0
northshirecleric CS2_235 zp:1 e:30 A:1 H:3 mH:3 rdy:True natt:0 ex
Own Handcards:
pos 1 spiritclaws 1 entity 38 KAR_063 0 0
pos 2 lightningbolt 1 entity 48 EX1_238 0 0
pos 3 tunneltrogg 1 entity 53 LOE_018 0 0
pos 4 flamewreathedfaceless 4 entity 37 OG_024 0 0
pos 5 thecoin 0 entity 68 GAME_005 0 0
pos 6 tunneltrogg 1 entity 41 LOE_018 0 0
pos 7 patchesthepirate 1 entity 58 CFM_637 0 0
Enemy cards: 4
og: 1090,1;890,1;
td: EX1_238;LOE_076;CFM_325,2;CS2_146,2;KAR_063;EX1_012;EX1_565,2;CFM_717,2;KAR_073,2;AT_052,2;EX1_248,2;EX1_241,2;OG_024;CFM_707,2;CFM_902;
tdc: 24
received 11:30:44:4150 actions to do: (currtime = 11:30:45.3840)
play id 48 target 30 pos 1
play id 53 pos 1
play id 68 pos 1
play id 41 pos 2
set best action-----------------------------------
play lightningbolt id 48, target northshirecleric id 30, pos 1
play tunneltrogg id 53, pos 1
play thecoin id 68, pos 1
play tunneltrogg id 41, pos 2
play lightningbolt id 48, target northshirecleric id 30, pos 1
playcard: Lightning Bolt target: Northshire Cleric choice: 0 place1
start calculations, current time: 11:30:51:5844 V125.0SE face 7000 face 30 twoturnsim 1400 ntss 6 28 280 ets 40 ets2 280 ents 40 plcmnt
Maelstrom > Bloodmage > Maelstrom instead of Bloodmage > Maelstrom > Maelstrom:
start calculations, current time: 11:23:19:7916 V125.0SE face 7000 face 30 twoturnsim 1400 ntss 6 28 280 ets 40 ets2 280 ents 40 plcmnt
mana 7/7
emana 6
own secretsCount: 0
enemy secretsCount: 0 ;
0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
shaman 30 30 0 False False 66 True 0 False 0 0
weapon: 0 0 unknown
ability: True CS2_049 2
cthunbonus: 0 0 0
jadegolems: 1 0
priest 13 30 0 False False 64
weapon: 0 0 unknown
ability: True CS1h_001 0
fatigue: 19 0 19 0
healingtotem NEW1_009 zp:1 e:77 A:0 H:2 mH:2 rdy:True natt:0
wyrmrestagent AT_116 zp:1 e:24 A:2 H:7 mH:7 rdy:True natt:0 ex tnt
twilightwhelp BRM_004 zp:2 e:33 A:2 H:2 mH:3 rdy:True natt:0 ex
netherspitehistorian KAR_062 zp:3 e:19 A:1 H:2 mH:3 rdy:True natt:0 ex
kabaltalonpriest CFM_626 zp:4 e:17 A:3 H:4 mH:4 rdy:True natt:0 ex
Own Handcards:
pos 1 ayablackpaw 6 entity 51 CFM_902 0 0
pos 2 bloodmagethalnos 2 entity 56 EX1_012 0 0
pos 3 maelstromportal 2 entity 60 KAR_073 0 0
pos 4 maelstromportal 2 entity 52 KAR_073 0 0
pos 5 jadelightning 4 entity 62 CFM_707 0 0
Enemy cards: 5
ownDiedMinions: CS2_146,34;CFM_637,57;CFM_325,41;CFM_712_t01,81;
enemyDiedMinions: KAR_062,6;CS2_235,21;
og: 1089,1;890,1;1098,1;1298,2;821,1;1090,1;592,1;646,1;500,1;647,1;
eg: 1702,1;2192,1;24,1;929,1;
td: EX1_238,2;CFM_637;LOE_076;CFM_325;CS2_146;KAR_063,2;LOE_018,2;EX1_565,2;CFM_717,2;AT_052,2;EX1_248;EX1_241;OG_024,2;
tdc: 20 tdc mismatch 19
received 11:23:19:7916 actions to do: (currtime = 11:23:20.4266)
play id 60 pos 1
play id 56 pos 1
play id 52 pos 1
set best action-----------------------------------
play maelstromportal id 60, pos 1
play bloodmagethalnos id 56, pos 1
play maelstromportal id 52, pos 1
play maelstromportal id 60, pos 1
playcard: Maelstrom Portal choice: 0 place1
ownminions changed