Midrange-Jade-ShamanHello again, just hit rank 9 with this deck and settings, still climbing, so I thought I'd share it with yall ^^
Only problems I've come accross where dragon warriors, pirate warriors are 50/50 other classes didn' t really stand a chance.
// This File: _combo.txt
// Author: Kray
// Version: 0.1.1 (13-Dec-16)
// Deck Name: Midrange-Jade-Shaman
// Hero: Shaman
// Deck Type: Midrange
// -------------COMBO-------------------------
// [Nudge]Tunnel Trogg (LOE_018) > Totem Golem (AT_052)
// [Nudge]Tunnel Trogg (LOE_018) > Jade Claws (CFM_717)
// [Nudge]The Coin (GAME_005) + Tunnel Trogg (LOE_018) + Tunnel Trogg (LOE_018)
// [Combo]Tunnel Trogg (LOE_018) > The Coin (GAME_005) + Feral Spirit (EX1_248)
// [Nudge]Brann Bronzebeard (LEO_077) > Jade Spirit (CFM_715)
// [Nudge]Brann Bronzebeard (LEO_077) > Aya Blackpaw (CFM_902)
// [Nudge]Brann Bronzebeard (LEO_077) > Jade Chieftain (CFM_312)
// -------------CARDVALUE---------------------
// Cardvalue Brann Bronzebeard (LOE_077)
// Cardvalue Aya Blackpaw (CFM_902)
// Cardvalue White Eyes (CFM_324)
// Cardvalue Lightning Bolt (EX1_238)
// Cardvalue Jade Lightning (CFM_707)
// Cardvalue Mana Tide Totem (EX1_575)
// Cardvalue Thing from Below (OG_028)
// Cardvalue Totem Golem (AT_052)
// This File: _mulligan.txt
// Author: Kray
// Version: 0.1.1 (13-Dec-16)
// Deck Name: Midrange-Jade-Shaman
// Hero: Shaman
// Deck Type: Midrange
// ----------------ALL------------------
// Tunnel Trogg
// Totem Golem
// Totem Golem + Tunnel Trogg + coin
// Flametongue Totem + 2 Tunnel Trogg + coin
// Jade Claws + coin
// Feral Spirit + Tunnel Trogg + coin
// Discard Feral spirit when Totem Golem & nocoin
// ----------------SHAMAN---------------
// Lightning Bold + Tunnel Trogg
// Spirit Claws
// ----------------WARLOCK--------------
// Lightning Bold + Tunnel Trogg
// Spirit Claws
// ----------------PRIEST---------------
// Spirit Claws
// ----------------WARRIOR---------------
// Spirit Claws
// Maelstrom Portal + coin
// This File: settings.txt
// Author: Kray, Credits to Dre for explanations.
// Version: 0.1 (13-Dec-16)
// Deck Name: Midrange-Jade-Shaman
// Hero: Shaman
// Deck Type: Midrange
enfacehp = 29; //hp of enemy when your hero is allowed to attack the enemy face with his weapon
maxwide = 7200; //number of boards which are taken to the next deep-lvl where another move may be added to them
twotsamount = 1300; //number of boards where the next turn is simulated
simEnemySecondTurn = true; //simulate a 2nd enemy turn (might have been removed?)
playarround = false; //play around some enemy aoe spells?
playaroundprob = 50; //probability where the enemy plays the aoe spell but your minions are forced to survive
playaroundprob2 = 80; //probability where the enemy plays the aoe spell and your minions can die!
enemyTurnMaxWide = 40; //boards calculated in enemy first turn in first AI step (lower than enemySecondTurnMaxWide)
enemyTurnMaxWideSecondTime = 270; //boards calculated in enemys-first-turn BUT in the second AI step (higher than enemyTurnMaxWide)
enemySecondTurnMaxWide = 30; //number of enemy boards calculated in enemys second TURN (might have been removed?)
nextTurnDeep = 6; //maximum deep-lvls (total moves) in your second turn (recommended = dont touch this)
nextTurnMaxWide = 29; //maximum boards calculated in one second turn deep-lvl
nextTurnTotalBoards = 270; //maximum boards calculated in second turn simulation
useSecretsPlayArround = true; //try to play around enemy secrets
alpha = 50; //weight in % of your 2nd turn vs your 1st (0<= alpha <= 100) eg. 30 = 30% 2nd turn result + 70% first turn result
simulatePlacement = true; //simulate all placements for direwolfalpha/flametongue/defenderofargus
behave = controll; //select the behavior of the ai: control, rush, face (new) or mana (very experimental, dont use that :D)
// everything below is recommended to only be in your base settings.txt because they are personal choices
// some may purposefully not reload with auto-config-switching
// deck builders please start omitting these from your deck specific settings
useExternalProcess = true; //use silver.exe for calculations, a lot faster than turning it off (recommended = true)
concedeOnBadBoard = false; //concede if the enemy board is too good (recommended = false)
//concedeOnBoardValue = -900 //concedeOnBadBoard will trigger if our best board is lower value than this (recommended = dont touch this)
speed = false; //set this true to support sending multiple actions to bot (currently buggy so forced false)
useNetwork = false; //use networking to communicate with silver.exe instead of a file (experimental, likely to fail after some time)
netAddress =; //network address where silver.exe is running ( = this computer)
tcpPort = 14804; //tcp port to connect on
logBuffer = 0; //max log messages to buffer before writing to disk (0 causes a lot of disk activity but helps ensure data is written before possible crashes)
// This File: decklist.txt
// Author: Kray
// Version: 0.1.1 (13-Dec-16)
// Deck Name: Midrange-Jade-Shaman
// Hero: Shaman
// Deck Type: Midrange
// ---------------Deck---------------
// [1]Lightning Bold x2 (EX1_238)
// [1]Tunnel Trogg x2 (LOE_018)
// [2]Flametongue Totem x1 (EX1_565)
// [2]Jade Claws x2 (CFM_717)
// [2]Maelstrom Portal x2 (KAR_073)
// [2]Totem Golem x2 (AT_052)
// [3]Brann Bronzebeard x1 (LOE_077)
// [3]Feral Spirit x1 (EX1_248)
// [3]Hex x2 (EX1_246)
// [3]Mana Tide Totem x1 (EX1_575)
// [4]Jade Lightning x2 (CFM_707)
// [4]Jade Spirit x2 (CFM_715)
// [4]Jinyu Waterspeaker x2 (CFM_061)
// [5]Azure Drake x2 (EX1_284)
// [5]White Eyes x1 (CFM_324)
// [6]Aya Blackpaw x1 (CFM_902)
// [6]Thing from Below x2 (OG_028)
// [7]Jade Chieftain x2 (CFM_312)
// -----------Replacements------------
// -1 White Eyes +1 Feral Spirit
Current Winrate:

(last game didn't update yet, shaman = 50%. Total wins 11)
Edit: testers would be appriciated! :)