Thagann;43053 wrote:I have cut from the decklist double feral spirits and barnes and added double argent horserider and al'akir btw i'ts pretty odd that you have that high of a win rate against hunter the matchup is quite hard to win must have been luck, usually if you are behind on board feral spirits won't win you the game they will just delay 1 turn and if you play feral spirits you proc cat trick , with argent horserider you can counter snipe a card you suffer a lot and freezing,I like the flexibility more than the win-more feral spirits.

not luck if i include all the data i got about 63-65% for decks i build against hunter and shamans which ofcourse have double feral. i got about 200+ sample size 300+ including last season so im quite confident of the work feral puts in against hunter. im on 3 different accounts trying different decklists seeing whats strong against different decks/classes. ferals increases win rate against hunter more than any card. thats why its hard for me to cut. my highest win rate against any class is 1. hunter 2. shaman. but i lose out to control quite a bit, tempo mages etc.
i run al akir on one acct too its good, and according to my data its stronger than rag.
im quite worried cutting double feral will weaken trogg but i will try something similar to yours. how about fire elemental? ive been asking everyone a bout fire elemental because based on deckoptimizer it only has about 35% win rate when played. what matchups are your decklist strong against?
by the way you're using the bot and not playing by hand right? just wanna double check that we're on the same page