Originally Posted by: sepefeets 
Could you double check at the top of the silverlog what settings.txt file it was using after that switch.
it was using the one from the "old deck", Here from the specific game log :
From what I see in the logs, it seems that the normal behavior is to always reload settings.txt even if the deck hasn't changed, and only reload mulligan/combo/discovery when the deck has changed.
But from time to time (maybe 1 out of 10) it just skips the settings.txt part, maybe it doesn't have to do anything with changing deck after all.
I've run the same deck since this morning, new games (almost) always start this way :
10:06:35: #info: win:17 concede:0 lose:34 real winrate:33
10:07:10: [Settings] read Silverfish\Data\Warlock\zoobot\settings.txt
10:07:10: [Settings] current alpha is 0.5
10:07:10: [Settings] set enemy-face-hp to: 29
10:07:10: [Settings] set maxwide to: 5000
10:07:10: [Settings] calculate the second turn of the 250 best boards
10:07:10: [Settings] simulates the enemy turn on your second turn
10:07:10: [Settings] playing arround secrets is True
10:07:10: #######################################################
10:07:10: fight is logged in: C:\Program Files (x86)\Hearthstone\HearthRanger\ExternBot\Silverfish\SilverLogs\SilverLog_2016-09-07_10-07-10.txt
10:07:10: #######################################################
But sometimes skips that part
10:13:24: #info: win:17 concede:0 lose:35 real winrate:32
10:14:03: #######################################################
10:14:03: fight is logged in: C:\Program Files (x86)\Hearthstone\HearthRanger\ExternBot\Silverfish\SilverLogs\SilverLog_2016-09-07_10-14-03.txt
10:14:03: #######################################################
It will still use the last one loaded so there's no actual problem here, but it could explain why it sometimes don't work when changing deck