er009;39963 wrote:Keep up the good work.
True that bot is not clever enough to play warrior combos properly, been there tried that since patron warrior, but then again the bot can't do any complicated plays either like control-ish decks or tempo mage from what I've gathered by deckbuilding for new players a few months ago. And since there is no change to IA of silver, then the best way for it to play is still good ol straight forward aggro/midrange decks if you want high winrate.
In my opinion, I would rather see silver do less missplays than be able to play control decks. 2 reasons, faster gold earned and less headache with the combo/discovery files :D
The problem with patron and beserker is that the bot will recalculate every time the minion gets updated, so if you have 3 patrons and u do wirl and you get 3 extra patrons it will take ages and you will Always rope-out. This will never change i think.
alltough i HAVE reached rank 5 before with 15k++ dust controll warriors. I think i can get this new tempo-mage to work even. I think only freeze mage, hand-locks, and pattron/frotling beserker-warriors won't work. Other decks might be worth a shot if they fit in the meta.