sepefeets;39678 wrote:These are not deckrule files (those are for the default ai), these are silverfish configuration files. See the link about automatic setting switching for full details about where you can put them but basically you can just extract the entire Data folder from the 7zip, put it in your SF folder, and then rename each of the deck folders to whatever the name of your deck is.
Ok, so I went to the github, into the Secret Paladin folder, and opened combo, mulligan, and settings.
In my bot folder, I am in HearthRanger\ExternBot\Silverfish\Data\Paladin\Secrets, because my deck in the game is called Secrets, and is 100% the same deck as what is listed
I opened up each of combo, mulligan, and settings, and copy pasted the text from the github into each one, and then saved
Now, in game, I have the external ai being run, using silver.dll
Is that all correct?
I don't have a discovery file, but I suppose it wouldn't matter for this deck (unless something like Spellslinger -> Discover card happens?)
I don't know if it's normal behavior either, but the deck seems to have an aversion to playing secrets when I otherwise can't determine why not. Like, it will be on turn 3 and pass with 1 mana against a Rogue when it has Noble Sacrifice in hand and a Mysterious Challenger. Wouldn't the better play be to drop the secret, even if it just does 2 damage when he attacks into it, because it protects my other minions and I'm going to get another one off the Mysterious Challenger in 3 turns anyways? Another instance was when I had Challenger, both Boom Bots, Dr. Boom himself, and passed with 1 mana open and Competitive Spirit in hand. If it's normal and I'm wrong, that's cool, maybe that's why I've never hit legend myself and capped at rank 4 ...
Well, something is clearly wrong, I'm 0-4 at rank 14 and watched the bot hero power over dropping Secret Keeper + 3 unique secrets lol, but it's like it kind of knows what to do? So it recognizes that when the enemy drops a Chillmaw and the board is a 1/2 sludge, 1/1 token, 5/5 Loatheb, and a Truesilver, it will properly clear with the 1/2 slime, 1/1, and Truesilver, leaving Loatheb at 5/2, THEN drop another Sludge Belcher, avoiding the AE ......... so confusing! Is there a setting I need to tweak to have it use secrets? Another example: 1/1 Secret Keeper in play, 2 1/1 tokens, a 1/3 weapon, and the hand is double Avenge, Muster, Selfless Hero. The bot dropped the Hero, attacked all 3 1/1s into the 1/3 Voidwalker, hero powered, and passed the turn with both Avenges and Muster in hand
I've also seen it pass with Steward of Darkshire in play against an empty board with N'zoth in hand
= /