All find attached the first revision of divine paladin rules. I was getting about a 48% win ratio on standard across 100 games for Default. These % were calculated without any rank conceding and seemed to play freely between ranks 15-20.

With these Revised rules:

I would recommend leaving on Rank 20, and conceding against warrior, warlock and mage, this improves win %.
Didn't really test much against the warrior class though, just thought it wouldn't be a favorable match up, so feel free to test that.
As you can see these rules show improvement in paladin and hunter match ups against normal default rules.
Rules Overview
*Mulligans have been tested and working correctly as per hearthpwn guide.
*Games rules, there still seems to be some misplays happening.
Known Misplays/Bugs- Plays abusive then argent with coin, instead of argent end turn into abusive coin 2nd turn.
- Not using lethal with consecration
- plays rallying blade before playing divine shield minions, e.g when Steward of darkshire is in play and has 1 health minions in hand. Seems to play rallying blade first then argent shire
Let me know what else you see going wrong and i'll try to fix rules for v2.
Deck Rules - Divine Paladin . See link below. Should be fixed Sorry Guys, Didn't realise there was key. Hopefully this will work.I had selected link without key option, not realising this meant key was not provided, but still applied on link
Also please post images of your win rates by class, as it'll help me understand a truer distribution of how it is playing against different classes.
Please note this is version 1, and far from perfect
Hope it helps someone.
Will also take requests for other Deck Rules, if people like this one.