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[Standard] Divine Aggro Paladin 60% WR
#1 Posted : Sunday, May 1, 2016 2:48:03 PM(UTC)
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I had two Paladin Quest today so I was looking for a new Standard Paladin Deck to use.
I came across this one Divine Aggro (84% WR to legend)

Deck List:

Sadly I didn't had time to test this deck for to long but I think for the first day of the Season this is pretty good (Rank 20-18)


I used the Default DeckRules

For Auto Compose:

2 users thanked DerTieran for this useful post.
legendarystephen on 5/1/2016(UTC), frantikBOTIK on 5/7/2016(UTC)
#2 Posted : Sunday, May 1, 2016 2:58:08 PM(UTC)
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Hi, I'll be testing this myself as well. Gonna go to work with it turned on for ranked.
#3 Posted : Sunday, May 1, 2016 8:37:37 PM(UTC)
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I have been using that deck since it was posted on Reddit a few days ago but I haven't been able to get past Rank 15 but it's still the best results ive gotten with any bot deck.
#4 Posted : Monday, May 2, 2016 10:03:19 PM(UTC)
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I'll let this deck run for a few hours and give another high N account of it's success.


Edit: Game 1, turn 3. Misplayed Blood Knight.
Edit 2: Game 17, WR = 62.5%, Rank 16 from 20.
#5 Posted : Monday, May 2, 2016 10:29:13 PM(UTC)

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I am writing a revised Deck rules for this file, will post up in the next day or so, after testing that it is more effective than default deck rules.
#6 Posted : Tuesday, May 3, 2016 3:07:56 PM(UTC)
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alabatusa;37639 wrote:
I am writing a revised Deck rules for this file, will post up in the next day or so, after testing that it is more effective than default deck rules.

Wow that sounds really cool! How do we take use of this after you post it?
#7 Posted : Thursday, May 5, 2016 6:19:38 AM(UTC)

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legendarystephen;37660 wrote:
Wow that sounds really cool! How do we take use of this after you post it?

You can copy into deck rules folder in hearthranger, and then select in drop down box where you select defaultrules currently.

Atm. This has been pushed back by a couple of days due to me falling ill.
Will run standard rules tonght assess success, then run my rules tomorrow and see success of that and then try and debug where my rules can be made better over the weekend.

2 users thanked alabatusa for this useful post.
Studio13 on 5/5/2016(UTC), legendarystephen on 5/6/2016(UTC)
#8 Posted : Friday, May 6, 2016 4:25:24 AM(UTC)

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All find attached the first revision of divine paladin rules. I was getting about a 48% win ratio on standard across 100 games for Default. These % were calculated without any rank conceding and seemed to play freely between ranks 15-20.

With these Revised rules:

I would recommend leaving on Rank 20, and conceding against warrior, warlock and mage, this improves win %.
Didn't really test much against the warrior class though, just thought it wouldn't be a favorable match up, so feel free to test that.
As you can see these rules show improvement in paladin and hunter match ups against normal default rules.

Rules Overview
*Mulligans have been tested and working correctly as per hearthpwn guide.
*Games rules, there still seems to be some misplays happening.

Known Misplays/Bugs
- Plays abusive then argent with coin, instead of argent end turn into abusive coin 2nd turn.
- Not using lethal with consecration
- plays rallying blade before playing divine shield minions, e.g when Steward of darkshire is in play and has 1 health minions in hand. Seems to play rallying blade first then argent shire

Let me know what else you see going wrong and i'll try to fix rules for v2.

Deck Rules - Divine Paladin . See link below. Should be fixed
Sorry Guys, Didn't realise there was key. Hopefully this will work.
I had selected link without key option, not realising this meant key was not provided, but still applied on link

Also please post images of your win rates by class, as it'll help me understand a truer distribution of how it is playing against different classes.
Please note this is version 1, and far from perfect

Hope it helps someone.

Will also take requests for other Deck Rules, if people like this one.
2 users thanked alabatusa for this useful post.
saikotik94 on 5/12/2016(UTC), frantikBOTIK on 5/13/2016(UTC)
#9 Posted : Friday, May 6, 2016 5:30:02 AM(UTC)
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alabatusa;37746 wrote:

All find attached the first revision of divine paladin rules. I was getting about a 48% win ratio on standard across 100 games.

Mulligans have been tested and working correctly as per hearthpwn guide.

In terms of Games rules, there still seems to be some misplays happening. Let me know what you see and i'll try and edit the rules to be better.

Deck Rules - Divine Paladin

Would recommend leaving on Rank 20, and conceding against warrior, warlock and mage. To improve win %.

Hope it helps someon.

Hello, I cant download it. What is decryption key ?
#10 Posted : Friday, May 6, 2016 5:38:33 AM(UTC)
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spool4;37749 wrote:
Hello, I cant download it. What is decryption key ?

same here, I was trying download it with Jdownloader but I need that key/pass
#11 Posted : Friday, May 6, 2016 5:45:53 AM(UTC)

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Same here, could you post the key, please?
#12 Posted : Friday, May 6, 2016 6:04:07 AM(UTC)

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Key plz
#13 Posted : Friday, May 6, 2016 8:01:47 AM(UTC)
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Yes, encryption key for Deck Rules - Divine Paladin please
#14 Posted : Friday, May 6, 2016 10:01:20 AM(UTC)

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bettergamer;37755 wrote:
Yes, encryption key for Deck Rules - Divine Paladin please

See revised link below my original post
Divine Paladin Rules
2 users thanked alabatusa for this useful post.
OverLordus on 5/6/2016(UTC), bettergamer on 5/7/2016(UTC)
#17 Posted : Friday, May 6, 2016 10:39:02 AM(UTC)
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I'll let this run today and see how the rule set changes things. Thanks!
#15 Posted : Friday, May 6, 2016 10:53:18 AM(UTC)

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alabatusa;37757 wrote:
See revised link below my original post
Divine Paladin Rules

Thank you for the rules! But I noticed one problem, it can miss lethal. "Consecration" can also deal 2 dmg to enemy hero. I had a situation: I had 4 attack on the board, consecration in hand and enemy got 1 minion on board and had 6 HP itself. Bot decided to attack the minion and not to use consecration. I deleted custom rules for consecration, I think that was the problem. Otherwise, the bot itself didn't know that consecration deals dmg to hero. I don't have enough time to check more on that, just noticed it missed lethal.
#16 Posted : Friday, May 6, 2016 11:02:07 AM(UTC)

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OverLordus;37761 wrote:
Thank you for the rules! But I noticed one problem, it can miss lethal. "Consecration" can also deal 2 dmg to enemy hero. I had a situation: I had 4 attack on the board, consecration in hand and enemy got 1 minion on board and had 6 HP itself. Bot decided to attack the minion and not to use consecration. I deleted custom rules for consecration, I think that was the problem. Otherwise, the bot itself didn't know that consecration deals dmg to hero. I don't have enough time to check more on that, just noticed it missed lethal.

That is strange indeed. The consecration rule was set as gain for cast, that is gives it extra preference to play if favourable. May have to program in increased use of consecration if lethal. Don't think deleting it was best, as that line would help in a lot of situations.

If lethal was present on board and bot didn't use, then that's more the rules set as "zoo" in the globals page. Maybe that caused it. Hard to see what goes on there. Maybe might work better if the globals is set to default. Will try that tonight to see if any improvement.
#19 Posted : Saturday, May 7, 2016 1:23:14 PM(UTC)
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I am new to this bot, can anyone direct me into right direction what should I change in deck rules.
Situation was as follows, there was a single 3/2 single grim patron on board, my bot had 6 mana with keeper of uldaman and 2 spells in hand, bot used keeper of uldaman on grim patron and passed instead of using hero power and making silver hand recruit 3/3.
#20 Posted : Tuesday, May 10, 2016 5:46:51 PM(UTC)
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alicekim1;37803 wrote:
I am new to this bot, can anyone direct me into right direction what should I change in deck rules.
Situation was as follows, there was a single 3/2 single grim patron on board, my bot had 6 mana with keeper of uldaman and 2 spells in hand, bot used keeper of uldaman on grim patron and passed instead of using hero power and making silver hand recruit 3/3.

Install this and use it. http://www.hearthranger....fish-update--WotOG.aspx If there's still misplays then post it on the thread so they can update it.

Also the bot, along with the new rules, are very good. I'm playing with auto-concede after win and staying at rank 20. I reviewed the stats and am now auto-conceding against mages as those matches tend to be long but I don't have enough information to decide if I should concede against rogues. Currently at 76% win rate.


Edit: Should mention that I do not have keeper of uldaman since I am 100% F2P. I'm running A light in the Darkness and a murloc knight for some value. Both have proven to be very useful.
#21 Posted : Thursday, May 12, 2016 7:35:28 PM(UTC)
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Hey, guys. I haven't contributed any to these forums, but after our recent troubles with the introduction to WotoG, I had to give props to Sixenm for his Divine Aggro Paladin Deck, to Sepefeets for his updated version of Silverfish and of course to alabatusa for creating the deck rules.

Before I post my results, I want to address that I have been using the same exact deck list posted on Hearthpwn. I have not substituted any cards, used any additional programs, or any other deck rules than what has been previously mentioned above. Concerning the Task Editor, I have been running Hearthranger on Auto concede at Rank 20 and 1 star.

Here are my results. As you can see, after 80 games and 547 minutes I have had significantly more wins than losses across all classes with my lowest win/loss against Druids and Warlocks at 71.4%, which really isn't that bad in my opinion. Since I have so many wins against those two classes, I have not considered adding an additional auto concede option against them.

While I tried to make this post sound as unbiased and as far from subjective as possible, I really want to highlight how much this deck and all of its contributors have turned this into possibly one of the best farming decks out there right now. This has become my standard go-to for farming my 100 gold per day and completing Paladin quests. Nearing 200 Ranked wins now, I have estimated only another day or two of farming Rank 20 before I have my Golden Paladin. Needless to say, I'm very pleased with the results.

There is one more thing that I would like to address. The Hearthstone meta, as we all know, is constantly fluctuating even outside of huge expansions like WotoG. Just because this deck and the deck rules and silverfish all happen to be working now to produce the results that I have posted, doesn't mean that it won't tank to a <50% win rate in the next month or so. Take advantage of the free wins/gold now while it lasts.

Lastly, if my post helps any of you out there, please be sure to give credit where credit is due and Thank the members who have helped contribute to the huge success this deck has brought to the HearthRanger community.
1 user thanked saikotik94 for this useful post.
alabatusa on 5/13/2016(UTC)
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