iNiles;36659 wrote:Out of curiosity what's your patron list? I played patron exclusively before finding this site, all without grom (the worgen list) and maxed out at ranked 5. Pretty hard to play well imo probably why I couldn't take it to legend.
I tried your updated seredin at maxwide 6800 and got 38% wr from rank 9 back to 13. Gonna push the maxwide back up and hope for a higher win rate. I used 6800 on zoo, but can i go for a higher maxwide and not rope out because secet pally isn't so much of a flood deck? Only muster for battle to cause problems. And what are the game losing kinda of mistakes you were talking about?
I rarely rope on my laptop which is a Core i7 2630 ay 7000 maxwide, but it happens vs board flood(hr last update didn't help silver on this matter) so I'm mainly using VMs on my desktop for main accounts.
If you are going to play manual to rank up, aggro decks are really good atm. Anything from sham to pally to face hunter, I would not suggest you jump right into these decks without some descent knowledge of the decks tho but they work great in current meta along with zoo.
Raky;36663 wrote:Nice idea. And put " divine favor " as Muligan against priest , mage and warrior
This is my deck ( really really strong)

This is my Muligan , what do you think ? You'd do the changes ?
I think it's "ok", I've ran it before and didn't like it as much but it works.
Having aldor along with keepers doesnt make it any easier vs control or mirror matches imo. I like them Kings better if you are gonna run 2x Haunted.