I've added Ljac's config for Leeroy so it's a lethal card now. Check the new update :)
Aggro Hunter 1.2 is out with massive overhaul to values. I'm learning the API and am getting more familiar with the different datatypes. Face Hunter 0.1 is out with a good casual concede winrate from what I have found.
Aggro Hunter 1.2
- Cleaned up Ballista Shot code (Credits to tebessa)
- Added Leeroy logic (Credits to Ljac)
- Complete overhaul on values in the config
- Fixed Kill Command's values so they're more appealing for the bot
- Fixed Southsea Deckhand's values to be more situational
- Fixed Ballista Shot being too high priority. Bot focuses on clear more often
- Fixed Bittertide Hydra being played too aggressively causing severe damage
- Fixed Unleash the Hounds values to be more appealing
- Updated Acherus Veteran to be more conditional
Face Hunter 0.1
- Initial Release
- Having problems with forcing the bot to hold Blackwald Pixie until turn 7 or later. If anyone could look at the config and give me a fix let me know
Make sure you report bugs in this thread and screenshot turns and report bot misplays in the bot itself. It'll take a few weeks to iron out the new cards' misplays.