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[Vision AI] misused's HearthRanger Decks - Witchwood Expansion
#80 Posted : Saturday, April 14, 2018 1:48:54 PM(UTC)

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misused;55674 wrote:
It's a thought I could get into. However, the problem you have with brute forcing the bot to go full face below 10 health is you struggle against decks that just won't die. What if you're against a taunt deck like Cubelock? Or maybe a Priest or Shudderwock which heals 12 a turn and now you fucked the board at 10 health trying to face it and they just fully healed. There's a lot of thought that goes into it and I don't want to setup brute force situations other than deliberate combos that need to be made like saving Pixie for turn 7+.

Thats understandable, but i think thats just a given trade-off for aggro decks vs control / decks with healing. If opponent plays cubelock, shutterwock, priest, fighting for board control with aggro won't work either. Especially, if oponent is already on turn 9-10 (many cases with cubeluck or shutterwock, where they can just 'out-control' you with stuff like voidlord -> dark pact, setting up 3 taunts on board in 1 turn. or play shutterwock, for aggro deck its probably already too late.

Maybe its possible to set up tactic against each class has different face values with low HP? For something like mage, paladin, hunter, who dont have access to easy heal?
#81 Posted : Saturday, April 14, 2018 1:56:38 PM(UTC)

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Update to Dude Paladin. Bug fixes and overall config overhaul. 0.3 didn't work too well and 0.4 is giving almost 100% casual concede.
- Bug fixes and misplay fixes where it wouldn't play level up in good situations
- Fixed logic for Maul
- Fixed logic for Level Up!
- Fixed logic for hero power making it useful if we don't have Lost in the Jungle

kamil234;55676 wrote:
Thats understandable, but i think thats just a given trade-off for aggro decks vs control / decks with healing. If opponent plays cubelock, shutterwock, priest, fighting for board control with aggro won't work either. Especially, if oponent is already on turn 9-10 (many cases with cubeluck or shutterwock, where they can just 'out-control' you with stuff like voidlord -> dark pact, setting up 3 taunts on board in 1 turn. or play shutterwock, for aggro deck its probably already too late.

Maybe its possible to set up tactic against each class has different face values with low HP? For something like mage, paladin, hunter, who dont have access to easy heal?

The point isn't winning board control with the deck. If you completely throw away board control logic, they'll gain board control faster than if you were fighting for it. This deck packs a punch in the first 2-4 turns and uses the 1 cost cards and spells to keep fighting for board control while the bot continues to dump out the hero power.

It is 100% possible to setup a config like you mentioned. However, that gets to the point where it's super comprehensive and I'm instead going through every possible situation the bot might come across and tell it how to respond. And even then there's different types of Mages and Paladins you can go up against. It's all hard to manage and it's just a fact to accept that you're not going to win majority of the time against a Shudderwock Shaman.
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javo32 on 4/15/2018(UTC)
#68 Posted : Saturday, April 14, 2018 2:07:55 PM(UTC)

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Cloud;55651 wrote:
the old murloc-paladin is still really good, cause its lost only 3 of its cards. 96%wr so far.

I used the old config files from her:

and just adjust the decklist:

current wins on casual concede eu are:

Id really like to see this tweaked to be as good as last rotation. Make primalfin play right. Make the starting hand mulligan correctly etc. I have faith in da murloc pally. Ljac's murloc pally got me to rank 3 by april 3rd already before dustwood expansion. Keep up the great work misused. I genuinely appreciate your dedication and decks so far. Very impressive.
#69 Posted : Saturday, April 14, 2018 2:18:25 PM(UTC)

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paco33;55678 wrote:
Id really like to see this tweaked to be as good as last rotation. Make primalfin play right. Make the starting hand mulligan correctly etc. I have faith in da murloc pally. Ljac's murloc pally got me to rank 3 by april 3rd already before dustwood expansion. Keep up the great work misused. I genuinely appreciate your dedication and decks so far. Very impressive.

I don't have the resources to test/make a config for this. I would be inclined to believe that Ljac's config would work almost the same with this one with the exception you might have to change the mulligan.
1 user thanked misused for this useful post.
javo32 on 4/15/2018(UTC)
#86 Posted : Saturday, April 14, 2018 2:24:59 PM(UTC)

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Here's few things i noticed here. Simply mine opinion on optimal play. Could be the bot logic itself, not necessarily the config.


Bot trades 2/1 into 3/2 (OK) but uses ironbeak to silence 2/1 into a 1/1 using all 3 mana. Would of been much better to use 1 mana reaver and use hero power. instead of the ironbeak (same stat line, but save the silence, only prevents 1 non-relevent damage).


Bot uses leeroy (using up 5 out of 6 mana) when there is a stealth jungle panther in hand. Correct play would be to play jungle panther / hero power, bow to face to set up lethal, then use leeroy next turn (avoids not hero powering, and unnecessary giving opponent 2 1/1s that turn). This does 7 to face, opponent still has no minions on board, and next turn you have 7 mana (leeroy + hero power, even if opponent uses hero power to gain armor, still exact lethal)


Bot should first check for trap before playing =<2 health minions. Instead, it buffs archerus on archerus, and goes face with meesha. (hits freezing trap). Then bot uses kill command on leeok (without beast on board)
It could have attack face first with 2/1 archerus, if it hits either one of the traps, the outcome is already better then whatever happened above, since there is still a beast on board remaining, and archerus still in hand.

But so far, i see baku hunter 1.2 much better then 1.0. Thanks alot :)
#87 Posted : Saturday, April 14, 2018 2:40:23 PM(UTC)

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kamil234;55680 wrote:
Here's few things i noticed here. Simply mine opinion on optimal play. Could be the bot logic itself, not necessarily the config.


Bot trades 2/1 into 3/2 (OK) but uses ironbeak to silence 2/1 into a 1/1 using all 3 mana. Would of been much better to use 1 mana reaver and use hero power. instead of the ironbeak (same stat line, but save the silence, only prevents 1 non-relevent damage).


Bot uses leeroy (using up 5 out of 6 mana) when there is a stealth jungle panther in hand. Correct play would be to play jungle panther / hero power, bow to face to set up lethal, then use leeroy next turn (avoids not hero powering, and unnecessary giving opponent 2 1/1s that turn). This does 7 to face, opponent still has no minions on board, and next turn you have 7 mana (leeroy + hero power, even if opponent uses hero power to gain armor, still exact lethal)


Bot should first check for trap before playing =<2 health minions. Instead, it buffs archerus on archerus, and goes face with meesha. (hits freezing trap). Then bot uses kill command on leeok (without beast on board)
It could have attack face first with 2/1 archerus, if it hits either one of the traps, the outcome is already better then whatever happened above, since there is still a beast on board remaining, and archerus still in hand.

First Scenario seems like a bot issue. I've noticed it'll silence after an attack. I've reported it in the bot and hope it gets fixed.
Second Scenario I could specifically save Leeroy for lethal as suggested above. I've toyed with the idea. However, playing Leeroy in that situation isn't too bad considering it sets lethal in 1 or 2 turns. This is probably one of the issues I'll tackle if there's a lot of situations that Leeroy should be saved.
Third Scenario is a bot issue as the bot isn't comprehensive enough to think about what the secret they played could be. I've seen it lead with 1/1 before and get lethal and I've also seen it play the wrong move. Report it in the bot and it'll get fixed.
1 user thanked misused for this useful post.
javo32 on 4/15/2018(UTC)
#88 Posted : Saturday, April 14, 2018 2:40:56 PM(UTC)

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misused;55681 wrote:
First Scenario seems like a bot issue. I've noticed it'll silence after an attack. I've reported it in the bot and hope it gets fixed.
Second Scenario I could specifically save Leeroy for lethal as suggested above. I've toyed with the idea. However, playing Leeroy in that situation isn't too bad considering it sets lethal in 1 or 2 turns. This is probably one of the issues I'll tackle if there's a lot of situations that Leeroy should be saved.
Third Scenario is a bot issue as the bot isn't comprehensive enough to think about what the secret they played could be. I've seen it lead with 1/1 before and get lethal and I've also seen it play the wrong move. Report it in the bot and it'll get fixed.

Sounds good. Thanks alot !
#89 Posted : Saturday, April 14, 2018 2:58:57 PM(UTC)
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Which deck should i craft to take rank 5?
#90 Posted : Saturday, April 14, 2018 3:01:03 PM(UTC)

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retoptop4;55683 wrote:
Which deck should i craft to take rank 5?

No deck right now is going to get you rank 5. The update is too new so the bot has misplays + configs are still being tweaked and messed with.

I'm a fan of the Odd Baku Dude Paladin. It's a pretty solid deck but has no ranked data to show for it.
1 user thanked misused for this useful post.
javo32 on 4/15/2018(UTC)
#91 Posted : Saturday, April 14, 2018 3:27:45 PM(UTC)

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Massive update to Face Hunter. Combo is now working!!! If you are using that deck, update it. Plays with board control in mind and an emphasis on the hero power. Becoming a great deck for casual concede.

Aggro Hunter 1.3
- Bug fixes and value changes to make the bot more appealing
- Leeroy Jenkins is now more valuable to hold for lethal. It will use if needed.
- Made it so Kill Command is less valuable if there are no beasts
- Fixed a bug where Hydra waited for the wrong card. Now it is less valuable if we don't have an Ironbeak Owl

Face Hunter 0.2
(Credits to spyscouter for these fixes)
- Bug fixes and value changes to make the bot more appealing
- Fixed a problem where the bot would use the Blackwald Pixie incorrectly
- Fixed a problem where the bot would use the Hero Power + Blackwald Pixie combo incorrectly
- Made Wolfrider more appealing if they have no taunt cards out
- Made Unleash the Hounds more appealing if they have 2+ minions out
6 users thanked misused for this useful post.
kamil234 on 4/14/2018(UTC), TastySpicySausage on 4/14/2018(UTC), Habanero on 4/14/2018(UTC), spyscouter on 4/14/2018(UTC), ggino on 4/14/2018(UTC), javo32 on 4/15/2018(UTC)
#92 Posted : Saturday, April 14, 2018 5:35:02 PM(UTC)

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Face Hunter updated to fix a bug where the bot would have 7 max mana but not 7 mana. Very uncommon problem but it's fixed with 0.3

- Fixed a bug where the bot would try to execute the combo without enough mana
2 users thanked misused for this useful post.
spyscouter on 4/14/2018(UTC), javo32 on 4/15/2018(UTC)
#93 Posted : Saturday, April 14, 2018 5:54:24 PM(UTC)

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Quick update on the current decks provided in this thread:

Hunter decks seem to do well in casual concede with Face Hunter reaching a near 100% winrate and Aggro Hunter being in the 90%. That is my testing and it is still variable and up for change.
Odd Baku Dude Paladin appears to be a great deck to play ranked with. I was rank 5 at the start of the patch and I'm able to hold a 50% winrate at rank 5. The results of this deck feel similar to that of Murloc Paladin from last patch. Definitely give it a try as I'm curious to see what its true peak rank is from someone who climbs the ladder with the deck.
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javo32 on 4/15/2018(UTC)
#94 Posted : Saturday, April 14, 2018 6:02:21 PM(UTC)

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misused;55687 wrote:
Quick update on the current decks provided in this thread:

Hunter decks seem to do well in casual concede with Face Hunter reaching a near 100% winrate and Aggro Hunter being in the 90%. That is my testing and it is still variable and up for change.
Odd Baku Dude Paladin appears to be a great deck to play ranked with. I was rank 5 at the start of the patch and I'm able to hold a 50% winrate at rank 5. The results of this deck feel similar to that of Murloc Paladin from last patch. Definitely give it a try as I'm curious to see what its true peak rank is from someone who climbs the ladder with the deck.

Do you think corridor creeper is critical? I’d hate to burn 800 dust lol
#95 Posted : Saturday, April 14, 2018 6:14:14 PM(UTC)

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Testing Odd Baku Paladin Config with this deck:


#96 Posted : Saturday, April 14, 2018 6:15:03 PM(UTC)

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Should this below prioritize creating more recruits before playing Level Up? I wonder if it is necessary.

#98 Posted : Saturday, April 14, 2018 6:18:05 PM(UTC)
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Seeing how popular Secret Paladin and Tempo Rogue are, configs should be made for such as well, they're simple decks bot should excel at.
#99 Posted : Saturday, April 14, 2018 6:37:39 PM(UTC)

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DropDeadGorgeous;55691 wrote:
Seeing how popular Secret Paladin and Tempo Rogue are, configs should be made for such as well, they're simple decks bot should excel at.

Secret Paladin definitely has some potential as secret Aggro Paladin. But tempo rogue with shadowsteps, elven minstrels, and vilespines might require too many decisions. From a bot standpoint...why would it voluntarily remove a 3/4 vilespine from the board? It counts stats in many situations then from that calculation it directs the card play. Just something to think about. It would be a good challenge though for sure.
#11 Posted : Saturday, April 14, 2018 6:43:33 PM(UTC)

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misused;55588 wrote:
For sure. Dude Paladin takes a bit more effort making configs due to the combos.

Level Up (5) + Lost in the Jungle (1) + Hero Power (2) + Vinecleaver (0). 7 Mana Combo
Level Up + Lost in the Jungle + Hero Power + Vinecleaver + Raid Leader (3). 10 Mana Combo
Marsh Drake (3) + Ironbeak Owl (3). 6 Mana Combo (Kinda overkill but you might waste a recruit killing it)
Stonehill Defender's Discover. What taunt minions do we prioritize when there's so fucking many.

I will be sharing a stonehill file here soon just watching a few more games. Good day for working on the files. Happy to have someone to work with Misused!

I need help with order. So far I have

Righteous Defender

WHO ELSE? We need more listed in order to play optimally.
#101 Posted : Saturday, April 14, 2018 6:46:37 PM(UTC)
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Hi everyone of the hearthRanger.exe community! I'm fairly new here only been playing hearthstone for 2 weeks now. I've benen using tons of websites, youtube videos, and twitch streams to increase my skill along with HearthRanger. I currently am rank 10. I'm running about 15 games or so on hstracker and ill post once its done. Looking a lot better. >< Using the new Odd Baku Paladin settings and decklist!
#102 Posted : Saturday, April 14, 2018 6:50:26 PM(UTC)

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so far (casual concede) odd dude pally is MUCH better then the odd hunter. From my (limited) testing hunter only got 59% WR (19W-13L), while odd paladin has 100% WR (12-0). Def. great deck for farming gold.

One tweak i may suggest with paladin, use other 1/1 minions to trade instead of dudes since dudes can be easily buffed with level up (such as if there is 1/1 argent squire without divine shield on board, use that instead of dude for trades)
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