Here's few things i noticed here. Simply mine opinion on optimal play. Could be the bot logic itself, not necessarily the config.
Bot trades 2/1 into 3/2 (OK) but uses ironbeak to silence 2/1 into a 1/1 using all 3 mana. Would of been much better to use 1 mana reaver and use hero power. instead of the ironbeak (same stat line, but save the silence, only prevents 1 non-relevent damage).
Bot uses leeroy (using up 5 out of 6 mana) when there is a stealth jungle panther in hand. Correct play would be to play jungle panther / hero power, bow to face to set up lethal, then use leeroy next turn (avoids not hero powering, and unnecessary giving opponent 2 1/1s that turn). This does 7 to face, opponent still has no minions on board, and next turn you have 7 mana (leeroy + hero power, even if opponent uses hero power to gain armor, still exact lethal)
Bot should first check for trap before playing =<2 health minions. Instead, it buffs archerus on archerus, and goes face with meesha. (hits freezing trap). Then bot uses kill command on leeok (without beast on board)
It could have attack face first with 2/1 archerus, if it hits either one of the traps, the outcome is already better then whatever happened above, since there is still a beast on board remaining, and archerus still in hand.
But so far, i see baku hunter 1.2 much better then 1.0. Thanks alot :)