Guys I just can't believe it...seriously this was the LAST thing I expected but I hit Rank 5...IN TWO FREAKING DAYS!!!
First of all thank you BotWhat for all the time and effort you put into to making these configs available for us. None of this would have been possible without you!
So I all did was run BotWhat's ZooLock v1.1 BUT I made several changes to the deck (I did NOT touch the json files at all just swapped out a few cards):
1. -2 Archerus Veteran +2 Tar Creeper
I realized this deck shines as a midrange deck more than an aggro deck that tries to close out early on. Most popular classes on ladder atm are rogue and priest and Archerus Veteran is horrible against both classes. It makes for a juicy target
for Potion of Madness, Backstab and rogues hero power. When I added in +2 Tar Creeper's my WR shot through the roof against both priest and rogue.
2. -1 Bloodsail Corsair +1 Abyssal Enforcer
You already have 3 other pirates in the deck to pull patches and I found that removing one corsair really didn't hurt the early game much since the deck has so many other 1 drops. Abyssal is AMAZING against shamans (just take a look at the
statistics). Great against aggro matchups especially lock mirror matches.
I was considering crafting Cairne for priest matchups but now that I hit 5 I know the deck has a decent WR across the board as is. I ran the bot from early morning till around late evening so about 12 hours for two days.
EDIT: Record should actually be 94-75 as I botted a couple of more games on another pc (won all games). Guess I got a bit lucky with a win streak but nevertheless the deck is very strong.