Rank: Administration
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Posts: 4,884
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v. - Full support for Knights of the Frozen Throne Expansion ! [v.]- An important bug fixed, this bug only affects game client with English(UK) settings.[v.]
- An important bug fixed which affects all shaman class overload cards.
- The following cards bug/misplay fixed:
MindBreaker, MeatWagon, Bolvar,Fireblood, Breath of Sindragosa,Defile, Death Coil,Faceless Shambler,Roll The Bones, Mortal Coil, Gentle Megasaur, Light's Sorrow, Steward of Darkshire, Cult Master, Ravaging Ghoul, Abominable Bowman, Hadronox,Onyx Bishop,N'Zoth, the Corruptor
- An important bug fixed which affects card play when new KFT hero card is hold in hand.
- Other improvements.
- Bug fixed - Bot may attack opponent's hero when it's stealthed.
- Over 6000 decks added to deck library for auto deck composer.
- The following cards bug/misplay fixed: Clutchmother Zavas, Spreading Plague, Malfurion the Pestilent Wild Growth, Obliterate, Frostmourne, Fandral Staghelm
- Other improvements.
- A bug fixed which may affect all battlecry cards.
- The following cards bug/misplay fixed: Death Coil, Defile, Skulking Geist, Archbishop Benedictus, Mire Keeper, Corpsetaker, Wrath, Army of the Dead, Light's Sorrow, Ice Breaker, Divine Spirit
- Other improvements. [ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.dll] updated with latest public build, it fixed a bug related to non-English OS users.
- Over 8000 decks added to deck library for auto deck composer.
- Several important play logic bugs fixed. Bot performs better than old version.
- The following cards bug/misplay fixed: Spirit Lash, Nourish, Living mana, Righteous Protector, Jade Idol, Transmute Spirit, Doomrang, Jade Blossom, Tracking, Vicious Fledgling,Druid of the Swarm,Bittertide Hydra
- Other improvements.
- An important bug fixed which affects all cards with poisonous attribute.
- The following cards bug/misplay fixed: Upgrade!, Stormwind Champion,Skelemancer,Innervate, Crypt Lord, Bittertide Hydra, Savage Roar, Reversing Switch, Sanguine Reveler
- Other improvements.
- Bot patch for game client update v.9.1
- The following cards bug/misplay fixed: Wicked Knife,Spreading Plague,Naga Sea Witch, Doomsayer,Edwin VanCleef,Knife Juggler,Sanguine Reveler, Doomguard,Innervate,Druid of the Swarm,Windfury, Eternal Servitude,Potion of Madness
- Other improvements.
- Over 3000 decks added to deck library for auto deck composer.
- The following cards bug/misplay fixed: Envenom Weapon,Doom Pact,The Coin,Sunborne Val'kyr,Deathspeaker, Vilespine Slayer,Voidform,Shadowstep,Potion of Madness,Pilfered Power, Atiesh,Obsidian Statue
- A bug fixed which affects all weapon cards with poisonous attribute.
- Other improvements.
- The following cards misplay/bug fixed:
Bloodfury Potion,Violet Illusionist,Mal'Ganis,Vicious Fledgling,Leokk, Darkshire Councilman,Prince Keleseth,Soulfire,Houndmaster,Crackling Razormaw, Acolyte of Pain, Bomb Squad
- Several trading bugs fixed.
- Over 3000 decks added to deck library for auto deck composer.
- An important bug fixed which may cause bot stuck at deck selection screen.
- Other improvements.
- Bot patch for game client v.9.2.
- Some bugs fixed. Bot will wait some more time after drawing new card.
- Other improvements.
- The following cards misplay/bug fixed:
Equality,Argent Protector, Southsea Captain,Timber Wolf, Volcanic Potion, Southsea Deckhand, Doomguard, Prince Keleseth, Crazed Alchemist, Frostbolt, Death's Shadow, Bonemare
- Several trading bugs fixed.
- Over 4000 decks added to deck library for auto deck composer.
- Other improvements.
- An important bug fixed which may cause stuck in some rare cases.
- Improved concede on lethal check.
- Improved auto restart game function.
- The following cards misplay/bug fixed: Felfire Potion,Dragonfire Potion,Thrall, Deathseer,Twisting Nether,Crazed Alchemist,
- Many other improvements.
- Bot patch for game client v.9.4.
- New bot patch for game client v.9.4.
- An important bug fixed which affects bot main logic in none English OS.
- Now bot supports new card 'Marin the Fox' and its sub cards.
- Improved function to supress info dialog in game.
- Other improvements.
- New option to reroll 40 gold daily quest.
- A UI bug fixed that bot can not save all task changes in different work mode.
- The following cards misplay/bug fixed.
Eternal Servitude,Circle of Healing,Frostmourne, Cold Blood,Polymorph,Darkshire Councilman, Soulfire, Explosive Trap,Living Roots,Despicable Dreadlord,Tar Lurker, Tar Lord,Tar Creeper,Mind Control Tech,Blessing of Might, Stonehill Defender,Mark of the Lotus,Doomguard,Keening Banshee, Al'Akir the Windlord
- Other improvements.
How to update manually?Start Launcher.exe at Hearthranger directory, then click [UPDATE] button. [Download Page]http://www.hearthranger.com/forum/yaf_postst3384_Download-Hearthstone-Bot---HearthRanger.aspx
11 users thanked JoyAdmin for this useful post.
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