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Project Rank 5
#1967 Posted : Tuesday, December 27, 2016 12:44:43 PM(UTC)

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M4XXX;44447 wrote:
did not know the rewards stop increasing after rank 5! Well done then :)

it doesnt stop, you get more dusts as you rank and 1 extra golden common when you hit legend, but it's so much grind for 50 dusts

#1976 Posted : Tuesday, December 27, 2016 1:51:25 PM(UTC)
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at rank 7 with scottbreak's wild pirate warrior! excited to see if the bot can handle the rest of the way to rank 5.
here are the stats so far: stats

As you can see, still having huge issues with warrior at 3-10. Likely the only class stopping me from coasting to rank 5 at incredibly high speeds. The fact that, despite the huge amount of warrior losses (mostly due to the bot misplaying when to use minions to trade instead of weapon so that he can save hp), the bot still having a 55% win ratio is quite impressive. Hoping the number of warriors i'm facing drops so that my win percentage can go up a little :)
Will keep posted on if i can reach rank 5
#1977 Posted : Tuesday, December 27, 2016 2:04:16 PM(UTC)
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Hey I got a suggestion for the full package. To help noobs like me to pick up the learning curve faster it helps to have a working Mulligan and Combo file to use as a reference. So why not make a basic Mulligan and Combo file for each class and have then in the compressed file container on download. I mean that would be great for us noobs. lol Ok well peace. Ok so I figured I would edit and elaborate on this a little after reading some other posts. So let me get my thoughts in order. lol I would keep the basic mulligan and combo files strictly for the class specific cards so to keep it simple and alot easier to make up the files. Plus this will probably boost the files play ability. And could become an easy default when make their own costume files, as well as speed up the entire process. Ok well what do you guys think?
#1979 Posted : Tuesday, December 27, 2016 2:33:24 PM(UTC)
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Aight either im doing something terribly wrong or you guys are using different settings, im using pirate warrior on standard NA and it cant break rank 10, same deal with midrange sham, im using the settings as they come, do you need to do something else?!
#1978 Posted : Tuesday, December 27, 2016 3:11:24 PM(UTC)

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rackernovic;44455 wrote:
Hey I got a suggestion for the full package. To help noobs like me to pick up the learning curve faster it helps to have a working Mulligan and Combo file to use as a reference. So why not make a basic Mulligan and Combo file for each class and have then in the compressed file container on download. I mean that would be great for us noobs. lol Ok well peace. Ok so I figured I would edit and elaborate on this a little after reading some other posts. So let me get my thoughts in order. lol I would keep the basic mulligan and combo files strictly for the class specific cards so to keep it simple and alot easier to make up the files. Plus this will probably boost the files play ability. And could become an easy default when make their own costume files, as well as speed up the entire process. Ok well what do you guys think?

the "compressed file" you are looking for is in the first post of this thread.....
#1980 Posted : Tuesday, December 27, 2016 3:12:40 PM(UTC)

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emmanuelfs;44457 wrote:
Aight either im doing something terribly wrong or you guys are using different settings, im using pirate warrior on standard NA and it cant break rank 10, same deal with midrange sham, im using the settings as they come, do you need to do something else?!

are you watching the plays? maybe you are roping and need to turn down the settings. Also time of the day makes a huge difference. (midnight to 9AM seems to be the best)
#1984 Posted : Tuesday, December 27, 2016 3:27:01 PM(UTC)

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I can't make it this month. Pirate warrior bought me back from Rank 6 to 12.. Aggro shaman stays at 10 for 5 days in a row.. Secret pala stop at 7...
#1982 Posted : Tuesday, December 27, 2016 3:36:51 PM(UTC)
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emmanuelfs;44457 wrote:
Aight either im doing something terribly wrong or you guys are using different settings, im using pirate warrior on standard NA and it cant break rank 10, same deal with midrange sham, im using the settings as they come, do you need to do something else?!

I've found the bot struggles immensely with pirate warrior in standard, likely due to the huge amount of aoe clears on priest, and the difficulty the bot has with pirate warrior mirrors. I'd suggest increasing the maxwide value in your settings.txt, if your computer can handle it. Increasing mine by only 1000 has brought me from rank 9 to 6 in just a few hours. I might increase it again later, but placing the number too high will make your turn rope on complicated boards.

I've been having the same issues as you with standard midrange shaman, 44% winrate over ~70 games. Dropped me to rank 12. I've decided to take a step back on standard and focus on rank 5 wild. In the future i'll try out other standard decks, to see how the bot handles them
#1975 Posted : Tuesday, December 27, 2016 3:38:54 PM(UTC)
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TheRandomOne;44449 wrote:
Got to rank 5 wild with scottbreaks pirate warrior, i left it running and it went on a loss streak back to rank 7 but im going to see if it can get me back up to rank 3-4 today and then ill switch to something else so i can climb to legend myself.

i only ran the pirate deck a few times for a couple of hours this week and it got me from 25 to 5 on eu so its real fast.

Deck is currently sat at a 62% winrate.

edit: also i did notice the bot made a few misplays such as using up all its mana before playing finley which meant that when it got lifetap it couldnt use the card it got which would of given it lethal, dunno if theres a way i can increase finleys priority so it will use it first to try and find lethal. Bit of a tough one i suppose as you don't want it to always be a higher priority then other cards only when its fishing for lethal. maybe theres a way of having the bot hold a value for the number of burn cards in your deck and the average burn amount so if face is lower then average burn amount it'll fish for lethal.

do you have your winrate statistics vs. warrior (pirate warrior) ? and if you have 50% or better winrate, would you mind posting or linking your settings.txt? i've been having issues
#1981 Posted : Tuesday, December 27, 2016 3:44:35 PM(UTC)
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mrgodai;44459 wrote:
are you watching the plays? maybe you are roping and need to turn down the settings. Also time of the day makes a huge difference. (midnight to 9AM seems to be the best)

Thanks for replying, yes im watching it most of the time, beside a few mistakes, the play seems pretty much ok, i will leave it all night, i just reseted stats and i will post tomorrow so we can see real numbers (pirate warrior).
About the roping, im using defaults settings on a 16gb ram fx6300 so i dont think so, but could also try
#1985 Posted : Tuesday, December 27, 2016 6:18:43 PM(UTC)
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I am excited to say that Scottbreak's Wild Pirate Warrior has officially reached rank 5 for me!
Total statistics starting from ~rank 12, are 63-51 (55% winrate). Only terrible matchup was Warrior.

Proof: proof

Deck statistics: stats
#1986 Posted : Tuesday, December 27, 2016 6:47:45 PM(UTC)

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i think we need to stop people from posting how they are stuck etc, and just ask them to post the screen shot of their statistics of games played, win rate against each class etc or we can never know if they have the wrong settings or havent run the bot long enough.

there are so many variables that can contribute to failure to climb. without details its impossible to diagnose correctly and help.

and seriously so much is on the OP people just cant be bothered to go to the first page and read.

you want help? help us help you... seriously.

post stats on the last 24-48 hours or something. dont post aggregate win stats from rank 20. its pointless cuz the stats from lower ranks will skew the statistics that can tell us what is wrong. you can have a 90% win rate climbing to rank 10 and have 40% win rate from 10-8 and it wont tell us crap cuz the average will still be above 60%
1 user thanked otkpotato for this useful post.
Woondha on 12/28/2016(UTC)
#1987 Posted : Tuesday, December 27, 2016 6:53:33 PM(UTC)

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Im trying midrange shaman found on Tempostorm. I combined aggro jade shaman, and dre's midrange. It looks pretty good but Im still testing
#1988 Posted : Tuesday, December 27, 2016 6:58:53 PM(UTC)

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Started a session at rank 10 earlier today with the Wild Pirate deck. Stuck at rank 9 and it's not looking too promising...
#1998 Posted : Tuesday, December 27, 2016 8:00:08 PM(UTC)

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Zarozym;44470 wrote:
Started a session at rank 10 earlier today with the Wild Pirate deck. Stuck at rank 9 and it's not looking too promising...

That's the regular winrate in the actual meta. Explaining in words: more anti aggro decks rather than others. Also you have to put inside the recipe the rng factor of the game. Midrange shaman is\was more succesful cause it got 0 mana things from below with is a huge tempo swing with taunt also, and ragnaros (rng factor) played exactly after calculate the best outcome. End of the story: build some midrangish decks with these factors and create your own txts.

Dragons Deck (warrior and priest) are very easy to set. Build one and watch the behaviour.
For example: I want a druid deck but the bot can't handle Raven Idols. I create a Token druid and tech in Power of the wild (or mark of lotus) instead of idols. That's it.
#1989 Posted : Tuesday, December 27, 2016 8:00:35 PM(UTC)

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Zarozym;44470 wrote:
Started a session at rank 10 earlier today with the Wild Pirate deck. Stuck at rank 9 and it's not looking too promising...

a 66 game sample size is good enough.

1. did you have the mulligans and combos down?
2. install new silverfish after updating HR, unlock the new silverfish after reinstalling?
3. check if HR is reading the right silver.doll from bot control options?

frost i know what you're saying but hes losing to very favorable match-ups =/
but i agree more consistent climbing mid range shaman is still the way to go. some of us have 3-4 accounts i have 3 i think modai has 4, at rank 5 already with mid range shaman. wont make sense if u guys dont make it on just one account with the same decks
#1990 Posted : Tuesday, December 27, 2016 8:03:15 PM(UTC)

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otkpotato;44474 wrote:

frost i know what you're saying but hes losing to very favorable match-ups =/
but i agree more consistent climbing mid range shaman is still the way to go. some of us have 3-4 accounts at rank 5 already with mid range shaman. wont make sense if u guys dont make it with the same decks

Bad mulligan and rng factor.
#1991 Posted : Tuesday, December 27, 2016 8:10:27 PM(UTC)

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omgfrost;44475 wrote:
Bad mulligan and rng factor.

you may be right. its really hard to tell. but then u look at his deck stats versus other pirate warrior its really a world of difference thats why im guessing it might be something other than RNG

there are so many factors for aggro to work and tbh i really dont have experience in how well the bot plays aggro cuz i find that its so hard to call something a misplay.
its much more complex than most people think so its really hard to judge if the bot is playing is correctly and the word correct is very subjective. the bot in terms of quantifying the play wont be wrong but it doesnt mean its the best play.

if u guys want rank 5 and want to be safe, mid range shaman. if ur hovering around rank 8-9 u'll hit 5 guaranteed if everything else (mulligan/combo/settings/silverfishversion/everything unlocked) is right.
#1992 Posted : Tuesday, December 27, 2016 8:23:09 PM(UTC)

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otkpotato;44474 wrote:
a 66 game sample size is good enough.

1. did you have the mulligans and combos down?
2. install new silverfish after updating HR, unlock the new silverfish after reinstalling?
3. check if HR is reading the right silver.doll from bot control options?

frost i know what you're saying but hes losing to very favorable match-ups =/
but i agree more consistent climbing mid range shaman is still the way to go. some of us have 3-4 accounts i have 3 i think modai has 4, at rank 5 already with mid range shaman. wont make sense if u guys dont make it on just one account with the same decks

Yes to all three. And sadly I lack the cards (and dust) for the Midrange Shaman list as presented, or a Dragon Deck like omgfrost suggests. So basically, I should let the bot run and hope for the best.
#1999 Posted : Tuesday, December 27, 2016 8:32:32 PM(UTC)

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Here is results for a little bit of time. Looks good

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