Dre;42394 wrote:Some side information guys.
The new meta:
Midrange Shaman is the ONLY tier 1 deck atm. I never saw this happen before lol. They have 2 different cards in comparison to my deck. which are:
- Ragnaros + Harrison Jones and
- Barnes + Flamewreathed Faceless
I also would like to add that without Ragnaros, Barnes becomes less powerfull aswell, so i would say these changes come as one.
Iam gonna stick with Ragnaros and Barnes myself due the fact they won me so many games, but for the people who want to try; my files work just fine with those 2 changes.
I try that deck.and also -lighting storm +daceless.=2 faceless.sometimes- storm +bloodlust like in description in options against control decks.
Can you make settings for such deck bloodlast?
2. Also i had Q6600 3.4hz.When bot runs processor download 50-70.
useSecretsPlayArround = true; //try to play around enemy secrets
When secrets appears bot became slow and processor download 99%.and bot fail turn. IS it normal?
BOt always put at start cheapest creature to avoid mage rplicate?Or without this option he can put expensive one at start?
Can this eck get rank 5 without secret gaming?Or i should overlock pc?