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Sepefeets Silverfish update (OG, Kara, MSG)
#1144 Posted : 8 years ago

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Turn 4:

decides to play Abusive Sergeant on empty board + Faerie Dragon for 3 mana instead of Faerie Dragon + Hero Power for 4 and saving the Abusive Sergeant (now his battlecry is lost).

//edit: maybe the bot still thinks Abusive Sergeant is a 2/1 and therefor better then a 1/1 Silver Hand Recruit? Can't decipher that in the botcode.
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sepefeets on 10/15/2016(UTC)
#1145 Posted : 8 years ago

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SF ends turn without playing minions


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sepefeets on 10/15/2016(UTC)
#1147 Posted : 8 years ago

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Turn 8/9 Wrong order, casted Maelstrom before using heropower, when there was no spellpower. Total strange play anyway. Play should have been either:

- Play heropower (2) IF sp totem THEN play Maelstrom portal (2) ELSE lightning storm (3) + hit giant with fire elemental.
- Hit giant with fire elemental --> Play Trog (1) + 2x lightning storm (6) High chance (75%) to clear the board since you can also do 1 dmg with the weapon in hand. next turn with 2 overload still 8 mana left for decent plays

Datasync on turn 5 btw. Wants to play Feral spirit + Flame, but doesnt see the Ferals so it just heropowers...I cry everytime.
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sepefeets on 10/15/2016(UTC)
#1148 Posted : 8 years ago

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Wild seacret paly playing secrets while opponets also wild seacret pally has secretkeeper and buffs him, meanwhile I have no seacretkeeper on my board and no minions except for silver recruite...


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sepefeets on 10/15/2016(UTC)
#1149 Posted : 8 years ago

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Turn 8/9 trows the bloodmage into a 1/1 (maybe to draw a card) but then it should have utlized the 3/1 weapon first. Also should really prioitize dealing with the thunder buff, which it has multiple ways tho. Instead it is left alive. Turned out good in this one, because he turned out to have 2.... But this card steamsrolls often when left alive.

2nd turn 10. Enemy has 8 health I play ragnaros (god this card won many games) enemy has 3 minions on board. so leathal is 25%. Bot should have trade into the minion so it only had 2 left. chances for leahtal become 33%. Also the 2/2 trade for a 4/2 enemy minion is a good trade. Instead it attack's face.

3rd turn 10. Should have not played Maelstrom when it found out the heropower totem was not a sp one.
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sepefeets on 10/15/2016(UTC)
#1150 Posted : 8 years ago

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Turn 5 uses (wastes) a lightning bolt to knock of the divine shield of a 1/1 minion

Turn 6 wrong order. It gained a 1/1 thunder buff from barnes and then plays: Heropower + mana tide totem. Ofc it should play the mana tide totem first so it gets buffed aswell when the hero-power is pressed.

side note: It plays Barnes on turn 4/5 and ends turn it seems. But shoudnt it recalculate first to check if its a charge minion? (not the case in my deck but still xD

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sepefeets on 10/15/2016(UTC)
#1151 Posted : 8 years ago

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Turn 4 wrong order. Plays bloodmage --> Maelstrom --> attacks beserker with weapon. Berserker gets buffed allot because of the mealstrom. (altough not shown due datasync i guess.) but the Obvious order should be: play Bloodmage (buffes the wep) - attack the berserker and THEN play Maelstrom.
1 user thanked Dre for this useful post.
sepefeets on 10/15/2016(UTC)
#1152 Posted : 8 years ago

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BOT STOPPED working/ silverfish did not work and bot did not play any card...

http://pastebin.com/hXcnGjNh - last match sliver worked

http://pastebin.com/ULdkP79a - 20 logs (and more) of the same text when silver did not work... I wasn't at my computer so when I got home, bot lost all thsese matches and went from rank 8 to 20 because it did not play any cards...
HELP whats the problem? So i did not toutch any thing on my comp because I only left bot to play...
1 user thanked MarinoBog for this useful post.
sepefeets on 10/13/2016(UTC)
#1153 Posted : 8 years ago

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MarinoBog;42240 wrote:
BOT STOPPED working/ silverfish did not work and bot did not play any card...

http://pastebin.com/hXcnGjNh - last match sliver worked

http://pastebin.com/ULdkP79a - 20 logs (and more) of the same text when silver did not work... I wasn't at my computer so when I got home, bot lost all thsese matches and went from rank 8 to 20 because it did not play any cards...
HELP whats the problem? So i did not toutch any thing on my comp because I only left bot to play...

I am having the same problem! Please help!
1 user thanked osillo for this useful post.
sepefeets on 10/13/2016(UTC)
#1154 Posted : 8 years ago

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@MarinoBog @osillo - Update to 123.7SE.
#1155 Posted : 8 years ago

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Turn 7. Yeah enemy conceded but the bot seemed to have no intentions killing the mana-tide. the 3/1 weapon would be ideal to kill of this minion. It's a high priority target.
1 user thanked Dre for this useful post.
sepefeets on 10/15/2016(UTC)
#1156 Posted : 8 years ago
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Hello, a little bug report:

Turn 6, board was clear. Enemy Warior played Bloodhoof Brave (4 mana, 2/6 taunt, enrage +3 attack). Hunter (bot) with 6 mana played Quickshot > Bloodhoof Brave and enraged it from 2 to 5 dmg, then played Eaglehorn Bow and face > Bloodhoof Brave, which had been enraged and face got 5 dmg instead of 2.

This is actually second time I've seen bot enraging Bloodhoof with Quickshot and then hitting it with face, didn't report the first time.

PS: You're doing a really impressive job, thanks ;)
1 user thanked papuce for this useful post.
sepefeets on 10/14/2016(UTC)
#1159 Posted : 8 years ago

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@sepe need help:


So this sims to just play heropower + attack with totem golem to face. I have the 1/3 wep in hand. enemy has a 3/3 on the board. So it needs to play bloodmage so the weapon gets buffed and it can kill of the 3/3 with the weapon. spirit claws was cast the turn before, I tried to fix this by adding:

// [Nudge] [1] Spirit Claws (KAR_063) > [2] Bloodmage Thalnos (EX1_012)

But this results in it to cast the other spirit claws in hand OVER the one allready equiped. tried serval things. When the other spirit claws is not in hand it works. But why would it ever want to equip a new spirit weapon over the current one?

EDIT: Ah its the AI i think, see full log: http://pastebin.com/ZWTV3knC

Because later on on turn 1/5 it plays a new spirit claws while it still had charges on the remaining...
1 user thanked Dre for this useful post.
sepefeets on 10/14/2016(UTC)
#1160 Posted : 8 years ago

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http://pastebin.com/ZWTV3knC (same log as last post)

Kinds of a biggy see turn 9

It hexes and kills the Ivory knight and leaves the doomsayer on the board. I was very Lucky and the 50/50 ragnaros hit the doomsayer. But whoa...That is some serious gambling

Should have hexed the doomsayer obviously...

Turn 10 should have atleast expect a little bit the chillmaw would go off. and play the 2x spirit wolf into it, instead of playing azure drake first (lost 3 health) and wasting a lightning storm while the Chillmaw had a chance (and it did) to deal 3 damage to all which overplays then lightning storm damage anyway.
1 user thanked Dre for this useful post.
sepefeets on 10/15/2016(UTC)
#1161 Posted : 8 years ago

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Turn 6 plays 2x flametongue totem, there should be a small penalty for playing a 2nd flametongue on the board imo. Dont fire all your guns right away. In this case the board got cleared by aoe clear.

1st turn 10. on 4/10. Has 4 mana left, 2x hex in hand - but not interested hexing a 8/8 instead it ends turn.
1 user thanked Dre for this useful post.
sepefeets on 10/15/2016(UTC)
#1157 Posted : 8 years ago

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papuce;42259 wrote:
Hello, a little bug report:

Turn 6, board was clear. Enemy Warior played Bloodhoof Brave (4 mana, 2/6 taunt, enrage +3 attack). Hunter (bot) with 6 mana played Quickshot > Bloodhoof Brave and enraged it from 2 to 5 dmg, then played Eaglehorn Bow and face > Bloodhoof Brave, which had been enraged and face got 5 dmg instead of 2.

This is actually second time I've seen bot enraging Bloodhoof with Quickshot and then hitting it with face, didn't report the first time.

PS: You're doing a really impressive job, thanks ;)

I can't do anything about it without a log.

@Dre - http://www.hearthranger....te--WotOG.aspx#post42101
#1158 Posted : 8 years ago

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Ah thnx, yeah sorry - Sometimes i miss those, because iam reading and finding misplays like mad xD Did you see / registered my posts 1140 - 1142 - 1143 - 1144 - 1148 - 1152 and 1153 btw? (all after SE7 update) missed the thanks on that. Then i get confussed xD

And we go further:


Turn 9. Plays Maelstrom + thunder buff + hero power. Should have been: Thunder buff + hero power (chance hero power is sp totem) THEN Maelstrom. Rather not play the Maelstrom at all there if the totem is not a sp one. because there was no 1hp enemy minion just 2hp.
1 user thanked Dre for this useful post.
sepefeets on 10/15/2016(UTC)
#1162 Posted : 8 years ago

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SF plays Ram Wrangler without a beast on board to activate it and there are beast cards in hand that can be played.

Reported this before - SF plays ram wrangler with no beast on board and beasts in hand. Beasts in hand have better attack value than RW on its own.


1 user thanked bobsmith9999 for this useful post.
sepefeets on 10/15/2016(UTC)
#1163 Posted : 8 years ago

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@Dre - Been busy so I've fallen behind and just glance everything over and give a quick response when I can. No thanks yet = I haven't saved the log yet.

@bobsmith9999 - The last log had some trickiness with a secret that it thought would kill w/e was played because it might have been snipe, so it wanted to sacrifice the ram wrangler to get an ironfur grizzly on board that could be houndmastered the next turn... This log is more straight forward.
1 user thanked sepefeets for this useful post.
bobsmith9999 on 10/14/2016(UTC)
#1164 Posted : 8 years ago

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Mage Secrets misplay: Uses Kill Command 1st instead of Steady Shot

Most mage secrets used are Ice Block and Ice Barrier. Mage was at 1 health. SF should have used Steady Shot 1st to check if Ice Block / win game.


1 user thanked bobsmith9999 for this useful post.
sepefeets on 10/15/2016(UTC)
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