The bot never seems to want to use certain secrets, I don't know how representative this game is but I believe this is one where it just kept Redemption in hand and literally never used it. I could understand the logic of maybe holding onto an Avenge drawn on turn 4 or 5 with MC because it wants to get the 2nd off the MC and then have the one in hand for later on, but Redemption is a one of
In this one, I believe it's not casting Noble Sacrifice after Steward of Darkshire, which is one of the best interactions in the deck. This might not be the one, but I know I've seen it happen quite often.
2 minions on board, 2 avenges in hand, it passes with both avenges for no apparent reason.
There are probably others, but these are just the two I saw when I wasn't trying to monitor it 24/7. I'm using the same Secret Paladin Wild deck that was in the github
This is what Silverfish says when it initially starts:
#ConsoleLog: you are now running uai V122.4SE
#ConsoleLog: ----------------------------
#ConsoleLog: SILVER.EXE IS LOCATED IN: C:\Users\XXXXXXXX\Downloads\HearthRanger\ExternBot\Silverfish\
#ConsoleLog: New Deck: "Secrets", Old Deck: ""
#ConsoleLog: New Class: "Paladin", Old Class: "Druid"
#ConsoleLog: read deck Secrets\_combo.txt...
#ConsoleLog: 12 combo rules found
#ConsoleLog: can't find _discovery.txt (if you didn't create your own discovery file, ignore this message)
#ConsoleLog: [Mulligan] read deck Secrets\_mulligan.txt...
#ConsoleLog: [Mulligan] 31 rules found
#ConsoleLog: read deck Secrets\settings.txt...
#ConsoleLog: current alpha is 0.5
#ConsoleLog: set enemy-face-hp to: 29
#ConsoleLog: set maxwide to: 5000
#ConsoleLog: calculate the second turn of the 1000 best boards
#ConsoleLog: simulates the enemy turn on your second turn
#ConsoleLog: cards on hand for mulligan: FP1_002
#ConsoleLog: cards on hand for mulligan: FP1_020
#ConsoleLog: cards on hand for mulligan: LOE_017
The bot is currently 43% win rate, started at rank 12, now at 13 = / no way it's working properly if people are consistently hitting 5 and I can't maintain a 50% WR at 12. Sigh
Second edit: Just watched as it used Keeper of Uldaman on the 4/12 Ysera, then used the 6/6 Mysterious Challenger to clear out the 0/2 Healing Stream Totem, pass with Noble Sacrifice in hand and 4 mana crystals, so the enemy shaman could use Ancestral Spirit on the Ysera and then wipe the board, getting 2 of them. I think I'll just go back to 30 wins a day with zoo at a 50% win rate, at least that isn't 20 minutes of frustration watching missplay after missplay when everything is supposedly working.