sadpwner;39849 wrote:For combos, does a higher bonus make the card less played? If that's the case, how do you make a card more played?
No the penalty number behind the cardID makes the card less played. like i.e.
// [Nudge] [1] Tunnel Trogg (LOE_018) > [2] Totem Golem (AT_052)
Behind the 2 cardID's the value is 0 so there is no penalty for playing it outside the combo. The bonus just makes it more likely to play it together if its in the hand together.
When u add value; so change the number behind the cardID higher then zero, it will be played less till not at all (Depending on the number) if not in the combo.
To make individual cards play
LESS likely make a cardvalue in this example card X with the ID XXX_999
// Cardvalue Card X
to make a card play
MORE likely you can add a negative cardvalue by just adding - before the number so:
// Cardvalue Card X
There is no science in this, start with a number not to high and do tests, the higher the number the less or relatively more, it gets played
I will check if i have time to write a more detailed version how to make combo's. Been testing around with it allot. You can also push cards on certain turns etc. the combo file can in some cases be even more important then the mulligan file