emilcoff;31370 wrote:WHen i said control secredin i was talking about this deck:
I think if you are going to use secrets you´ll need 2 avenges and 2 nobles. Forget about using quartermaster with bot coz 0 value.
I like the zombie chowx2 for keeping the board control till you play mys challenger, but i dont like having 1 avenge and 1 noble sacrifice.
Ill try that deck with: -1 mys challenger -1 quartermaster +1 noble sacrifice +1 avenge.
Im thinking about -1 haunted +1 equality.
What you think ? Remember how cards are played, It has to be simple and effective.
I have to do testing to check why the S18 version we used is failing atm, becaue that thing was pretty solid in S18.
I was merly saying i saw the Meta snapshot posting this
very different deck and was pointing that out. it seemed weaker to me right away and you make good points.
Allot will change after today though, with patron gone in a few hours it will flipflop the whole meta.
Atm iam still testing the warrior, probably the last week of the season i will go back to paladin or druid since i think it has the most potential to get rank 5 (the chest i want) unless warrior will get there.
I had best results so far in S19 with Mid-range Druid but i stopped testing with it after it got 500 wins (golden) around 55% on rank 7 but i didnt post it because i didnt have good data on it
the deck i used for my druid was is:
EDIT: it just happened my HS is updated and warsong commander is now nerfed.