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silverfish update
#702 Posted : Thursday, October 8, 2015 10:48:15 AM(UTC)

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Is there an ETA on the next update?
#703 Posted : Thursday, October 8, 2015 2:33:21 PM(UTC)
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#698 Posted : Thursday, October 8, 2015 2:49:51 PM(UTC)
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BlackOak;30754 wrote:
the files in silverfish.rar should be extracted into ../ExternBot/Silverfish
so you need to delete the silverfish-master folder and it's contents and redo :)

Thanks for your quick answer, BlackOak.

However im actually confused. Theres 2 .rar files here on my downloads, the silverfish.rar and the silverfish-master.rar . do I get to use both, or only one?
And i will walk you through everything i've done so far. Sorry if im beein dumb, but i just can't get this to work.

A) So I downloaded hearthranger client, unlocked it and extracted.
B) Then, I downloaded the silverfish client, wich brings me to either use the silverfish.rar or the silverfish-master.rar . either way, I unlocked it and extracted on Hearthranger/ExternBot/Silverfish .
C) On Hearthranger/ExternBot/Silverfish/Silverfish/Settings I changed the externprocess to true and some other stuff to true
D) from http://www.hearthranger....les---mulligan-txt.aspx , I got some mulligan / combo rules, created the .txt files inside silverfish folder, and copied them there.
E) Opened hearthstone, hearthranger and silverfish.exe (wich still say it cant find my mulligan.txt and combo.txt) , changed the settings on HR to use external bot, and applied silver.dll
F) want to kill myself because it mulligans kinda wrong, and dont play cards correctly, most of the times it ropes out. Only working when I use the default hearthranger AI, but silverfish for what im reading about, its better.

did i did any miss step? thanks for your attention, and sorry if my english is kinda bad.

Edit: Anyway. I extracted the silverfish.rar into /externbot/silverfish , and created both _mulligan.txt and _combo.txt files and used the link i posted before. This is how my silverfish.exe looks like now

i dont think it was supposed to be like that?

Edit2: This is my silverfish folder btw
#704 Posted : Thursday, October 8, 2015 2:55:18 PM(UTC)

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You need to unblock the DLL's

Here is how

#705 Posted : Thursday, October 8, 2015 3:05:34 PM(UTC)
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gatomiaurex;30771 wrote:
You need to unblock the DLL's

Here is how


Yes, I had done this but it still can't choose
#706 Posted : Thursday, October 8, 2015 10:02:59 PM(UTC)
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idojungle;30769 wrote:

B) Then, I downloaded the silverfish client, wich brings me to either use the silverfish.rar or the silverfish-master.rar . either way, I unlocked it and extracted on Hearthranger/ExternBot/Silverfish .

When I click the link it the first post it only downloads silverfish.rar (not -master)


idojungle;30769 wrote:

C) On Hearthranger/ExternBot/Silverfish/Silverfish/Settings I changed the externprocess to true and some other stuff to true

You have the silverfish folder inside the silverfish folder :(

It should be: Hearthstone>Hearthranger>ExternBot>Silverfish

and inside there should be both the silverfish dll and exe. The only other folders in there should be: common, source_code, and UltimateLogs

Edit: Once you get your folders sorted out, dont forget to unblock silver.exe and silver.dll
2 users thanked one-i for this useful post.
idojungle on 10/8/2015(UTC), felipewarms on 10/9/2015(UTC)
#708 Posted : Saturday, October 10, 2015 6:49:32 AM(UTC)

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I had 3 cards on the board, enemy got one Unstable Ghoul.

Then bot played a 4th minnion first (shredder) before killing the Ghoul, hence the Shredder got one damage from the deathrattle effect unnessesairy.

If it first kills the Ghoul and then placed the shredder, the shredder was unharmed.
#709 Posted : Saturday, October 10, 2015 9:33:30 AM(UTC)

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Dre;30847 wrote:

I had 3 cards on the board, enemy got one Unstable Ghoul.

Then bot played a 4th minnion first (shredder) before killing the Ghoul, hence the Shredder got one damage from the deathrattle effect unnessesairy.

If it first kills the Ghoul and then placed the shredder, the shredder was unharmed.

post log
#710 Posted : Saturday, October 10, 2015 9:43:25 AM(UTC)

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Here it is.

It played the shredder first, then killed the ghoul with my cards allready on the board. So the Shredder took 1 dmg of the deathrattle aswell unnessesairy.

#711 Posted : Sunday, October 11, 2015 3:16:07 PM(UTC)
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Anyone know how to fix silverfish exe being stuck on "wait for board"? I have done all of the steps above and unblocked the dlls ... option comes up to select silverfish dll as external but exe is still stuck on "wait for board". Thanks
#712 Posted : Sunday, October 11, 2015 6:26:24 PM(UTC)
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RG1825;30931 wrote:
Anyone know how to fix silverfish exe being stuck on "wait for board"? I have done all of the steps above and unblocked the dlls ... option comes up to select silverfish dll as external but exe is still stuck on "wait for board". Thanks

Combination of re-downloading HearthRanger, Silverfish, and unblocking everything form Silverfish (.exe, .dll, Silver.exe.config too if I recall correctly) fixed it for me
#713 Posted : Sunday, October 11, 2015 11:45:59 PM(UTC)

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Should have attacked with the squire into the keeper of the grove to increase redemption quality.
#714 Posted : Monday, October 12, 2015 5:10:54 AM(UTC)

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Is there a way to make the bot prioritize playing Zombie Chow over Northshire Cleric / coin + 2 mana minion? The bot keeps losing games because of this.
#715 Posted : Monday, October 12, 2015 6:32:51 AM(UTC)

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gatomiaurex;30952 wrote:

Is there a way to make the bot prioritize playing Zombie Chow over Northshire Cleric / coin + 2 mana minion? The bot keeps losing games because of this.
I can make a combo as a fix for this but cleric is the better move card draw at start helps you gain tempo :)

@botmaker, I would like a bit more control in mulligan if possible:
Could you add a "-" function for example:
// Keep 1 x Truesilver Champion if dont have Coghammer

I'm not sure how much of a pan in the arse this next request will be:
More hero specific control
// Keep 1 x Knife Juggler [If my hero is: Hunter, Paladin, Warrior] and [Enemy Hero is: Mage, Priest, Paladin]

More of a dream request as it will make my life a lot easier and that's not your job :)
$weapon as in the classes that use a weapons: Hunter, Paladin, Rogue & Warrior
$secret as in classes that use secrets: Hunter, Mage & Paladin
// 1 x Piloted Shredder vs weapon users

// 1 x Kezan Mystic (GVG_074) vs secret users

As always thanks in advance :)
#716 Posted : Monday, October 12, 2015 6:48:15 AM(UTC)

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BlackOak;30954 wrote:
I can make a combo as a fix for this but cleric is the better move card draw at start helps you gain tempo :)

It's not the right move against hunter, paladin, rogue warlock. Also, you lose tempo and board control if you play her on turn 1 just to heal on turn 2 because then you can't develop a board.
#717 Posted : Monday, October 12, 2015 7:23:53 AM(UTC)

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gatomiaurex;30955 wrote:
It's not the right move against hunter, paladin, rogue warlock. Also, you lose tempo and board control if you play her on turn 1 just to heal on turn 2 because then you can't develop a board.

So you would like to play Zombie then cleric? with and without coin?
Then this:
// [Nudge] [1] Zombie Chow (FP1_001) > [2] Northshire Cleric (CS2_235)
#718 Posted : Monday, October 12, 2015 10:42:45 PM(UTC)

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Turn 4

Should have defend of argus first then attack with the creeper into the novice. reason being playing around bladefury and getting more value when he hits a 2/1


turn 2

should have killed the northsire cleric.

turn 5

Should have imploisoned the northshire and played the voidwalker.


Turn 6 should have played the voidcaller after tapping


Turn 5 should have just traded in the knife jungler rather than the nerubian because of death's bite




turn 4 should have killed the mad scientist.



turn 5 should have jsut played shredder.
#719 Posted : Tuesday, October 13, 2015 3:03:38 PM(UTC)
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Was playing Zoo vs Paladin.
He had a Shielded Minibot out, silver did a lifetap coz only flame imp on hand. Draw Voidwalker but played flame imp anyway. Minibot had divine shield, so it just died for free.

start calculations, current time: 14:41:33:0031 V116.36 control 5000 face 14 twoturnsim 1000 ntss 6 20 200 playaround 110 50 ets 40 ets2 200 ents 40 plcmnt
mana 3/3
emana 2
own secretsCount: 0
enemy secretsCount: 0 ;
0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
warlock 30 30 0 False False 36 True 0 False 0 0
weapon: 0 0 unknown
ability: True CS2_056 0
pala 30 30 0 False False 4
weapon: 0 0 unknown
ability: True CS2_101 0
fatigue: 24 0 24 0
shieldedminibot GVG_058 zp:1 e:16 A:2 H:2 mH:2 rdy:False natt:0 ex divshield ptt
Own Handcards:
pos 1 seagiant 9 entity 63 EX1_586 0 0
pos 2 darkirondwarf 4 entity 56 EX1_046 0 0
pos 3 voidterror 3 entity 61 EX1_304 0 0
pos 4 hellfire 4 entity 46 CS2_062 0 0
pos 5 flameimp 1 entity 41 EX1_319 0 0
Enemy cards: 5
ownDiedMinions: NEW1_019,52;
enemyDiedMinions: FP1_001,7;
og: 824,1;
eg: 981,1;

received 14:41:33:0031 actions to do:
play id 41 pos 1
set best action-----------------------------------

play id 41 pos 1


useHeroPower: Life Tap choice: 0 place0
handcard changed: voidwalker
start calculations, current time: 14:41:40:8616 V116.36 control 5000 face 14 twoturnsim 1000 ntss 6 20 200 playaround 110 50 ets 40 ets2 200 ents 40 plcmnt
mana 1/3
emana 2
own secretsCount: 0
enemy secretsCount: 0 ;
0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
warlock 28 30 0 False False 36 True 0 False 0 0
weapon: 0 0 unknown
ability: False CS2_056 0
pala 30 30 0 False False 4
weapon: 0 0 unknown
ability: True CS2_101 0
fatigue: 23 0 24 0
shieldedminibot GVG_058 zp:1 e:16 A:2 H:2 mH:2 rdy:False natt:0 ex divshield ptt
Own Handcards:
pos 1 seagiant 9 entity 63 EX1_586 0 0
pos 2 darkirondwarf 4 entity 56 EX1_046 0 0
pos 3 voidterror 3 entity 61 EX1_304 0 0
pos 4 hellfire 4 entity 46 CS2_062 0 0
pos 5 flameimp 1 entity 41 EX1_319 0 0
pos 6 voidwalker 1 entity 58 CS2_065 0 0
Enemy cards: 5
ownDiedMinions: NEW1_019,52;
enemyDiedMinions: FP1_001,7;
og: 824,1;
eg: 981,1;

received 14:41:40:8616 actions to do:
play id 41 pos 1
set best action-----------------------------------
play id 41 pos 1

play id 41 pos 1

playcard: Flame Imp choice: 0 place1
mana changed 4 0 3 2 4 3
#686 Posted : Wednesday, October 14, 2015 3:52:35 AM(UTC)

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emilcoff;30688 wrote:
speed = false; //set this to true, to support sending multiple actions to bot

i dont understand what is this o0

So botmaker already explained this, but the "speed" option relates to sending actions from Silverfish AI to HearthRanger Bot to execute (action = "play a card", "attack a minion", etc).

When "speed" = "false", the AI sends 1 action a time (i.e. 1 minion attack). This is the default and has been forever.

When "speed" = "true", the AI sends as many actions as it can to HearthRanger at one time (i.e. attack minion 1 with minion 2, attack minion 3 with minion 4, etc).

When you have few minions on the board (i.e. < 4), it won't really matter which way you set it.

But if you play Aggro decks that flood the board a lot with many minions (i.e. Aggro Paladin, Deathrattle Zoo, Token Druid), you will notice the difference.

For me each time HearthRanger needs to get the next attack command from AI, the callback takes ~1-2 seconds (I guess because of some HR delay between actions). So the bot often ran out of time trying to play cards and attack with all 7 minions. When AI sends all commands to HearthRanger (speed=true), it removes a little of that delay between actions, so multiple attacks happen much faster.
#699 Posted : Wednesday, October 14, 2015 3:32:49 PM(UTC)
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idojungle;30769 wrote:
Thanks for your quick answer, BlackOak.

However im actually confused. Theres 2 .rar files here on my downloads, the silverfish.rar and the silverfish-master.rar . do I get to use both, or only one?
And i will walk you through everything i've done so far. Sorry if im beein dumb, but i just can't get this to work.

A) So I downloaded hearthranger client, unlocked it and extracted.
B) Then, I downloaded the silverfish client, wich brings me to either use the silverfish.rar or the silverfish-master.rar . either way, I unlocked it and extracted on Hearthranger/ExternBot/Silverfish .
C) On Hearthranger/ExternBot/Silverfish/Silverfish/Settings I changed the externprocess to true and some other stuff to true
D) from http://www.hearthranger....les---mulligan-txt.aspx , I got some mulligan / combo rules, created the .txt files inside silverfish folder, and copied them there.
E) Opened hearthstone, hearthranger and silverfish.exe (wich still say it cant find my mulligan.txt and combo.txt) , changed the settings on HR to use external bot, and applied silver.dll
F) want to kill myself because it mulligans kinda wrong, and dont play cards correctly, most of the times it ropes out. Only working when I use the default hearthranger AI, but silverfish for what im reading about, its better.

did i did any miss step? thanks for your attention, and sorry if my english is kinda bad.

Edit: Anyway. I extracted the silverfish.rar into /externbot/silverfish , and created both _mulligan.txt and _combo.txt files and used the link i posted before. This is how my silverfish.exe looks like now

i dont think it was supposed to be like that?

Edit2: This is my silverfish folder btw

i don't see setting.txt
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