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silverfish update
#617 Posted : Monday, September 28, 2015 4:05:56 PM(UTC)

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Bot plays Cabal Shadow Priest when the opponent has no minions when it could have played a Mechanical Yeti and use hero power, Is there a way to fix this?
#618 Posted : Monday, September 28, 2015 10:21:48 PM(UTC)

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I don't know if this even can be done with the current version of hearthranger, but I think it would be cool if there was a way to keep silverfish updated with the latest version always.

Like when using silverfish in hearthranger, then it would check for later versions and download them, then unblock silverfish (can be done from command line.

streams.exe -s -d silver.dll

I dunno if you botmaker have thought about something like that or have talked with joyadmin? I think it would be a cool feature but dunno if it can be implemented at its current state.

Dunno through with files like settings if you would overwrite them in suce case or just add missing lines (in case of new features then gets new settings).

Just a suggestion that I come to think of would be nice, in cause you want the newest version of silverfish but might not check hearthranger forum daily.


I haven't checked this but its something that come to mind. When I play against priest the worst case scenario is often that you got too many minions on the board and the priest either light bomb (almost all minions dead) or holy nova (2-4 damage all depending on +spell power) or auchenai soulpriest + circle of healing, easily kill 4-X health minions on your side. Does silverfish play around this, holding back minions so your loss is no too big in case of spells that damage all you minions. Often this can be enough to loose a game, when enemy priest got an almost empty board just waiting for that light bomb to go off.

It is especially bad as a warrior as you haven't that many minions usually, especially as control warrior.
#619 Posted : Tuesday, September 29, 2015 11:59:02 AM(UTC)

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update v116.31:
tweaked cabal shadow priest
tweaked/fixed board-"flooding" (for control)
tweaked sylvanas
fixed new secrets

@godshades (http://pastebin.com/L6ePYK4n) thats a common problem with random dmg (from the bombs)
he wanted to kill the bombs into the two minions (he is asuming that minions will get the damage)
(rest should be fixed with latest changes)

-bot didnt attack with silverchamp, because hero wasnt ready (HR was again faster than Hearthstone :D)
- the probability is calculated the "normal"-way:
1 - decksize/decksize-handsize if he has only 1 of the remaining card in his hand or deck
1 - ((decksize * (decksize - 1))) / (((decksize + handsize) * (decksize + handsize - 1))) if he has 2 cards of the aoe in his hand or deck
(see: https://en.wikipedia.org...rgeometric_distribution )

@emilcoff its like blackoak said (you can also turn off enemy turn simulations, if he is to board-clear for you :D)

@franner you could use tortoise (or similar svn tools) and checkout this folder https://github.com/noHer...ee/master/HR/silverfish
and update it from time to time (or does it have auto-update function?) thats what some guys from hearthcrawler did.
and no, i'm not going to write an auto-update tool

in _combo.txt the hero:mage switch, does that mean my hero mage or enemy hero mage? sorry if you've been asked a million times either way it's a nice feature.

4 users thanked botmaker for this useful post.
godshades on 9/29/2015(UTC), gxgxgx on 9/29/2015(UTC), BlackOak on 9/29/2015(UTC), gatomiaurex on 9/29/2015(UTC)
#621 Posted : Tuesday, September 29, 2015 12:05:07 PM(UTC)

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argentwatchman not atk after use hero power

enemy: tinkertowntechnician
own board: hound(1/1) + loatheb (5/2)
bot do: huntersmark tinker => loatheb atk, should use hound trade

p/s: sr for too many report :D
#622 Posted : Tuesday, September 29, 2015 7:01:03 PM(UTC)

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@Botmaker: Found a bug with Murloc Warleader. It doesn't remove its +2,+1 buff aura from minions properly when it dies, so the bot usually ignores the Warleader since it thinks the buff is permanent.

You can checkout the fix here: https://github.com/xytri...4fef519fd974a8fea8cd719

Example (kills the 4/3 Coldlight Oracle instead of Warleader, leaving a 3/3 Warleader behind -- when it could've killed the Warleader and left a 2/2 Oracle behind):

#620 Posted : Tuesday, September 29, 2015 7:17:50 PM(UTC)

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botmaker;30115 wrote:




this bit who's hero is it?
#623 Posted : Tuesday, September 29, 2015 7:39:19 PM(UTC)
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Could you take a look at the card "Bolster" The bot doesn't ever seem to play the card, no matter how many taunt minions I have on the board, or the situation.

#624 Posted : Tuesday, September 29, 2015 9:19:21 PM(UTC)

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updat v116.32:
fixed argentwatchman

@blackoak its the own hero.

@nevergoingback can you pls post a log of such a fight? i quickly locked over the code, but didnt find anything.

@xytrix thanks, will fix this soon.
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BlackOak on 9/30/2015(UTC)
#625 Posted : Wednesday, September 30, 2015 1:45:49 AM(UTC)

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Shitty AI, buddy, ranger, logic, crawler... It never worked decently, why?
#630 Posted : Wednesday, September 30, 2015 3:29:33 AM(UTC)

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Treketre;30178 wrote:
Shitty AI, buddy, ranger, logic, crawler... It never worked decently, why?

Somebody has taken the time and effort to create something for this community, and hundreds of people enjoy using it every day.

What do you add to this community? Nothing. absolutely zero. You're just here to badmouth what someone more talented and smarter than you creates.

Prove me wrong - make a better bot. Add constructive criticism. Otherwise stfu
2 users thanked fryham for this useful post.
BlackOak on 9/30/2015(UTC), gxgxgx on 9/30/2015(UTC)
#628 Posted : Wednesday, September 30, 2015 4:03:55 AM(UTC)

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Treketre;30178 wrote:
Shitty AI, buddy, ranger, logic, crawler... It never worked decently, why?
To emulate a human player is not an easy thing to do, but I believe writing code to emulate you would be a very simple thing to do.
10 Moan about stuff
20 goto 10

A general observation, playing a card with "draw card(s)" seems to be set to to high a priority (or weight). Examples:
Sprint; even when hand has a few playable cards
Flare; when no secrets or stealthed minions, just to draw a card
Warlock Hero Power; when hand has a few playable cards
2 users thanked BlackOak for this useful post.
fryham on 9/30/2015(UTC), gxgxgx on 9/30/2015(UTC)
#629 Posted : Wednesday, September 30, 2015 10:48:49 AM(UTC)

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BlackOak;30188 wrote:

A general observation, playing a card with "draw card(s)" seems to be set to to high a priority (or weight). Examples:
Sprint; even when hand has a few playable cards
Flare; when no secrets or stealthed minions, just to draw a card
Warlock Hero Power; when hand has a few playable cards

Especialy agree with flare, should be like

IF play against paladin USE only when active_enemysecrets >4 OR no playable cards.

Vick Nan
#626 Posted : Wednesday, September 30, 2015 11:28:53 AM(UTC)

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Treketre;30178 wrote:
Shitty AI, buddy, ranger, logic, crawler... It never worked decently, why?

I actually went ahead and bought a license for every single bot there is for HS - HR with Silverfish beats the competition hands down. God aren't you out of the loop not even being able to figure this simple fact out. Get a grip
#631 Posted : Wednesday, September 30, 2015 11:35:26 AM(UTC)

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I wonder but will it ever be possible to insert decklists into the bot so that the bot knows whats in the deck? Also, for enemy opponents. For example, spot these cards = this deck.

I also wonder but are there priorities on secrets? The bot should prioritise more common secrets such as mirror entity, freezing and explosive.
#627 Posted : Wednesday, September 30, 2015 1:44:44 PM(UTC)

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Vick Nan;30231 wrote:
I actually went ahead and bought a license for every single bot there is for HS - HR with Silverfish beats the competition hands down. God aren't you out of the loop not even being able to figure this simple fact out. Get a grip

For every? You didnt tried a good bot in your life, you just tried the crap buddy and this one, like all others that reply with retard things. You dont even know to search at google for a bot and thats why u think this is the best LOL hahahaa

BlackOak;30188 wrote:
To emulate a human player is not an easy thing to do, but I believe writing code to emulate you would be a very simple thing to do.
10 Moan about stuff
20 goto 10

A general observation, playing a card with "draw card(s)" seems to be set to to high a priority (or weight). Examples:
Sprint; even when hand has a few playable cards
Flare; when no secrets or stealthed minions, just to draw a card
Warlock Hero Power; when hand has a few playable cards

My first answer works for you too, but you are just a retard ignorant.
#632 Posted : Wednesday, September 30, 2015 6:22:20 PM(UTC)
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Its not a very good example, but here is one of bot passing turn instead of playing bolster. Seems to happen more often then not. if you need more examples let me know

There are two taunts on board

mana changed 5 -100 10 10 10 10
start calculations, current time: 14:12:35:4135 V116.30 control 5000 face 15 twoturnsim 1000 ntss 6 20 200 ets 40 ets2 200 ents 40 plcmnt
mana 5/10
emana 10
own secretsCount: 0
enemy secretsCount: 0 ;
2 2 0 2 0 0 0 1 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
warrior 6 30 2 False False 36 True 0 False 2 0
weapon: 2 2 battleaxe
ability: False CS2_102 6
priest 22 30 0 False False 4
weapon: 0 0 unknown
ability: True AT_132_PRIEST 0
fatigue: 14 0 11 0
abusivesergeant CS2_188 zp:1 e:64 A:2 H:1 mH:1 rdy:False natt:0 ex tnt ptt
sparringpartner AT_069 zp:2 e:56 A:3 H:2 mH:2 rdy:False natt:0 ex tnt ptt
cairnebloodhoof EX1_110 zp:1 e:19 A:4 H:5 mH:5 rdy:True natt:0
pilotedshredder GVG_096 zp:2 e:62 A:4 H:3 mH:3 rdy:True natt:0
sylvanaswindrunner EX1_016 zp:3 e:18 A:5 H:5 mH:5 rdy:True natt:0
harvestgolem EX1_556 zp:4 e:29 A:2 H:3 mH:3 rdy:True natt:0
Own Handcards:
pos 1 bolster 2 entity 50 AT_068 0 0
Enemy cards: 5
og: 333,2;1292,2;558,1;530,1;699,2;989,1;766,1;517,1;1019,2;
eg: 671,2;372,1;371,1;251,1;557,1;793,1;252,1;698,1;256,1;491,1;1150,1;188,2;982,1;

received 14:12:35:4135 actions to do:
set best action-----------------------------------
#634 Posted : Wednesday, September 30, 2015 6:25:34 PM(UTC)

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Update V116.33:
-compiled with latest HR.dll
-fixed Murloc Warleader
-tweaked flare

@BlackOak can you give me an example of doing carddraw instead of playing minion? (cause the value of carddraw is not very high in control.cs)
2 users thanked botmaker for this useful post.
oijkn on 9/30/2015(UTC), scarpi95 on 9/30/2015(UTC)
#636 Posted : Wednesday, September 30, 2015 7:04:09 PM(UTC)

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botmaker;30261 wrote:
Update V116.33:
-compiled with latest HR.dll
-fixed Murloc Warleader
-tweaked flare

@BlackOak can you give me an example of doing carddraw instead of playing minion? (cause the value of carddraw is not very high in control.cs)

Thank you for your reactivity !! you roxx bro

#635 Posted : Wednesday, September 30, 2015 7:58:35 PM(UTC)

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botmaker;30261 wrote:
Update V116.33:
-compiled with latest HR.dll
-fixed Murloc Warleader
-tweaked flare

@BlackOak can you give me an example of doing carddraw instead of playing minion? (cause the value of carddraw is not very high in control.cs)

Thanks for the fast update again!

Few toughts when playing ZooLock this evening and watching for improvements. Using standart settings, its on controll.

- Lock hardly uses his hero ability atm, only used it when i had just one or no cards left.

- 2 times it played a demon as last card in the hand, while there was a voidcaller on the board, instead of drawing a card.
So ended the turn with an empty hand and a demon played who could have been free due the voidcaller and so missed an oportunity to get an extra card.

Imo the penalty for playing a demon should be a bit higher when there is a voidcaller on the board, is that possible?
#633 Posted : Wednesday, September 30, 2015 10:44:33 PM(UTC)

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nevergoingback;30260 wrote:
Its not a very good example, but here is one of bot passing turn instead of playing bolster. Seems to happen more often then not. if you need more examples let me know

There are two taunts on board

Just happened to be looking at the code and think I spotted the source of your Bolster bug.

@Botmaker: PenalityManager::getAttackBuffPenality has a 60 point penalty for playing attack buff spells without a target. I don't think Bolster will ever be played with a target though (hits all taunts).
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