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Vision AI, bot version v. and old Silverfish user... HELP ME!
#1 Posted : Monday, April 17, 2017 4:30:43 PM(UTC)

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OK, I have few questions, and I'd really like for someone to explain it to me cuz I can't find the answers nowhere on forum.
I downloaded new bot version v. that contains Vision AI and some other things have changed... regarding the bot interface and more... THE MOST IMPORTANT THING.., SF did not update and Sepe said he will not be active anymore, so as I'm an old SF user for 1 and a half year maybe...since the begining and I don't code and I don't know any program lenguege or basics of coding...

I don't understand how new Vision AI works... Is it the same as SF,can I use the files from SF Data folder, or Rank 5 thread with Vision AI and how? Where is the vision AI folder anyway in hearthranger folder? Basicly how to use new Vision AI if I'm not a coder and I don't understand anything that this thread : http://www.hearthranger....ionai/VisionAI_Help.htm is traying to tell us non coders... I presume I'm not the only one

I believe if JoyAdmin is saying that VISION AI is better than any other previous SF or old bot AI system but why can't all of us see that... better yet why can't all of us USE this new Vision AI? I'll tell you why, It's not explained anywhere for non Informaticaly teached people or however you want to call us non coders, non IT's bla bla...

I'd like to know how to get exact same resulty with new version v. and with Vision AI as we did with older versions of HR bot and old AI combined with SF and all the mulligan,combo,discovery,settings, and other files...

Can someone explain "us" and me ofcurse how to get the most out of Vision AI?

***BONUS Questions:
Is there any files(like combos,settings,discovers and so on) for Vision AI or is there none?
How should my Bot Controll options look like for the optimised experienece with new version and new Vision AI? Is there anything else I should do differently than as I had while i was using HR and SF combined?
Can I still use SF with new version and Vision AI?
I'd really like to understand the new Vision AI and new version of HR bot... I'm a longtime user and a greatfull one but currently and for the first time since I discovered and paid for this bot, for the FIRST time in history of that I don't understand how to use it now PROPERLY and correctly... And how to get my rank 5 every month and how to get 100 gold/30 win a day with ease?(With old HR and SF for 30 wins it took max 4h with Pirate Warr or 5h with any other deck that was viable)

Please someone HELP me because I'm desperate now... I did prolounge testing the Vision AI and I still used old HR bot combined with SF till today cuz I'm one of those people that is affraid of changes and now that I can't avaoid that change anymore, my fears did show thta I was right, and that I now can't see the PROPER way to use this new version v. and VISION AI as the way and with ease that I did use the older versions combined with SF...

So yeah, please HLEP ME! I'm sending SOS to the world as the song goes...
Hope some good soul is there that will show me the light :)

***Regardles, I'm very greatfull for all the things this bot and forum done for me, and esepcially to JoyAdmin,Sepe,Scottbreak, Old road to legend forum therad OP and so on...
#2 Posted : Monday, April 17, 2017 10:31:19 PM(UTC)
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HR always works with silverfish, it's 100% compatible with old version.

If you like to use silverfish, just use and config it as before, nothing changes.

#3 Posted : Tuesday, April 18, 2017 5:29:26 AM(UTC)

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JoyAdmin;48007 wrote:
HR always works with silverfish, it's 100% compatible with old version.

If you like to use silverfish, just use and config it as before, nothing changes.

Do you really believe this is THE whole answer I was expecting from an admin?

Look at how much I wrote and you wrote 2 sentences... not cool man

I wouldn't make this topic if I did not see a lot od people having the same issues as they do surely you can see that...but if I look at your answer people can see that either you don't care or that you made a mistake and don't want to tell it as it is.

Hoping for better answer...
#5 Posted : Tuesday, April 18, 2017 5:45:59 AM(UTC)
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Since you say that you gonna keep using silverfish, it's 100% the same as old version, nothing changes, so you can find answers in the old thread.

For vision a.i., nothing should be setup if you don't want to know how to setup.

Or for very basic deck settings, read [deck_config.ini] under [CustomConfig] directory.

Other questions are answered in vision a.i.'s help docs, just read it, then post specific questions I can answer.

Don't ask a question like 'how to become a scientist', I don't know, thanks.

1 user thanked JoyAdmin for this useful post.
ReQuiem222 on 4/18/2017(UTC)
#6 Posted : Tuesday, April 18, 2017 7:30:55 AM(UTC)

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JoyAdmin;48032 wrote:
Since you say that you gonna keep using silverfish, it's 100% the same as old version, nothing changes, so you can find answers in the old thread.

For vision a.i., nothing should be setup if you don't want to know how to setup.

Or for very basic deck settings, read [deck_config.ini] under [CustomConfig] directory.

Other questions are answered in vision a.i.'s help docs, just read it, then post specific questions I can answer.

Don't ask a question like 'how to become a scientist', I don't know, thanks.

Don't know if you know the show, but the show is called Silicon valley, it started 2014 and the plot is simple... programer make an breakthrough in the conversion software and they are trying to sell it... and so the season go on an the quirks are there and the laughs but than! In season 3 they release the beta, because the ALPHA went so good with their friends that are 100% IT EXPERTS, and they release beta for all the "common" users, for users that are not informaticaly schooled and do you know what happens? They fucked up... The beta went horribly wrong because previous users don't know a shit about programing and don't understand the complexity of this new software... They FUCKED UP!

Does this story remind you of something that is happening right now with your bot and the new Vision AI?
1 user thanked MarinoBog for this useful post.
u4ea on 4/18/2017(UTC)
#7 Posted : Tuesday, April 18, 2017 7:56:16 AM(UTC)
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MarinoBog;47991 wrote:

Hi,I will try to answer your questions.
1- no it is not the same as SF and you can't use the same files.The new folder you are looking for is called "CustomConfigs" which can be located in the Hearthranger folder.In the CustomConfigs folder you have deck_config.ini in which you can specify what configuration you want to use for a specific deck or class.But to use a configuration you have to make files yourself or wait for someone else to make them and share with the rest in the forum.After that you just create a new folder in the CustomConfigs folder with some name and then you go back to the deck_config.in and specify your deck to use the config files you put in the folder.

2-I don't know if Vision AI is better than anything else made before but the time will tell.But I can tell for sure that it is less user-friendly than SF.

3-To get the exact same results you will need to wait for the community to make custom files.

4-To get the most out of Vision AI you will need to learn basic syntaxis of programming and just read the help page http://www.hearthranger....ionai/VisionAI_Help.htm

5-There are no publicly available files at the moment.
6-Nothing is different from what it was before.
7-Yes,you can still use SF but it is outdated and you can't run new decks.

I hope this helps you understand the things better.If you have no idea where to begin or you just don't want to learn or have no time or some other reasons just wait for someone to release new custom files and don't stress yourself out.After all it's been only 2 days since the new AI was released,give it some time. :)
3 users thanked shadypro for this useful post.
u4ea on 4/18/2017(UTC), divaeva on 4/18/2017(UTC), MarinoBog on 4/18/2017(UTC)
#8 Posted : Tuesday, April 18, 2017 8:16:17 AM(UTC)

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shadypro;48054 wrote:
Hi,I will try to answer your questions.

For editing json files you can use Notepad++ with json plugins.
1 user thanked u4ea for this useful post.
MarinoBog on 4/18/2017(UTC)
#9 Posted : Tuesday, April 18, 2017 8:24:54 AM(UTC)
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u4ea;48059 wrote:
For editing json files you can use Notepad++ with json plugins.

Yeah,I know you can but I would suggest it only for those who want to write files themselves.For just editing the json files you can use the basic Notepad which everyone have.Even wordpad/ms word or whatever text editing software you have.
1 user thanked shadypro for this useful post.
MarinoBog on 4/18/2017(UTC)
#4 Posted : Tuesday, April 18, 2017 9:36:48 AM(UTC)

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MarinoBog;48027 wrote:
Do you really believe this is THE whole answer I was expecting from an admin?

Look at how much I wrote and you wrote 2 sentences... not cool man

I wouldn't make this topic if I did not see a lot od people having the same issues as they do surely you can see that...but if I look at your answer people can see that either you don't care or that you made a mistake and don't want to tell it as it is.

Hoping for better answer...

Honestly there's a lot of fluff in your post and JoyAdmin gave you the answer. Just because you wrote a lot, don't expect others to reply with the same. The answers to your questions can be already be found on the website (yes, it's true).

If you didn't already know that Vision Ai and SF are completely separate modules, then you have already demonstrated a lack of self-research. Don't expect to be spoon fed.
#10 Posted : Tuesday, April 18, 2017 9:40:20 AM(UTC)

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Thank you shady pro for well written explanation regarding the new Vision AI and all the other questions I had... It's clearer to me if nothing else... Guess I'll have to wait and see what will happen next... Will someone someone release files or not will there be a thread that is focused for example for learn how to code just enough to know how to use Vision AI haha or smth like that... Nevertheless thanks for your time and will to write your answer to me ☺️
#11 Posted : Tuesday, April 18, 2017 9:58:08 AM(UTC)

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MarinoBog;48067 wrote:
Thank you shady pro for well written explanation regarding the new Vision AI and all the other questions I had... It's clearer to me if nothing else... Guess I'll have to wait and see what will happen next... Will someone someone release files or not will there be a thread that is focused for example for learn how to code just enough to know how to use Vision AI haha or smth like that... Nevertheless thanks for your time and will to write your answer to me ☺️

I understand that the program may be complex for a non-programmer guy , but as someone who studied c++ , Joey did a great job the code is easy to understand really easy , and also easy to pickup ,it's basically child play , you just have to get used to it , if you have ever made silverfish files , it's not different at all just follow the instructions , Joey provided a guide with proper exemples , maybe he didn't cover all the stuff that you could've done with it , but look at this as a starting line.
1 user thanked Thagann for this useful post.
MarinoBog on 4/18/2017(UTC)
#12 Posted : Tuesday, April 18, 2017 11:52:37 AM(UTC)

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I'm tarying to use new VISION AI, not old AI with SF combo, vuz that is outdated ofc...

Sooooo, If I understan correctly, from deck_config.ini and this : [CONFIGS] PirateWarrior = warrior_pirate, I should rename my decks that I use to PirateWarrior or delete [CONFIGS] PirateWarrior = warrior_pirate and set for example [CONFIGS] ARRR = warrior_pirate if my deck is named ARRR, it is warrior deck, it is pirate deck and I'm playing standrad pirate warrior (decklist of my choice)? Is this true?

Or do I need to put for example [CONFIGS] ARRR = warrior_pirate in some other json file for Vision AI to use the default files for pirate warrior that are in CustomConfig/ warrior_pirate file...

Did I get this right?
#14 Posted : Tuesday, April 18, 2017 12:02:28 PM(UTC)
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MarinoBog;48075 wrote:
I'm tarying to use new VISION AI, not old AI with SF combo, vuz that is outdated ofc...

Sooooo, If I understan correctly, from deck_config.ini and this : [CONFIGS] PirateWarrior = warrior_pirate, I should rename my decks that I use to PirateWarrior or delete [CONFIGS] PirateWarrior = warrior_pirate and set for example [CONFIGS] ARRR = warrior_pirate if my deck is named ARRR, it is warrior deck, it is pirate deck and I'm playing standrad pirate warrior (decklist of my choice)? Is this true?

Or do I need to put for example [CONFIGS] ARRR = warrior_pirate in some other json file for Vision AI to use the default files for pirate warrior that are in CustomConfig/ warrior_pirate file...

Did I get this right?

Just name you deck PirateWarrior.
#13 Posted : Tuesday, April 18, 2017 12:44:08 PM(UTC)

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MarinoBog;48075 wrote:
I'm tarying to use new VISION AI, not old AI with SF combo, vuz that is outdated ofc...

Sooooo, If I understan correctly, from deck_config.ini and this : [CONFIGS] PirateWarrior = warrior_pirate, I should rename my decks that I use to PirateWarrior or delete [CONFIGS] PirateWarrior = warrior_pirate and set for example [CONFIGS] ARRR = warrior_pirate if my deck is named ARRR, it is warrior deck, it is pirate deck and I'm playing standrad pirate warrior (decklist of my choice)? Is this true?

Or do I need to put for example [CONFIGS] ARRR = warrior_pirate in some other json file for Vision AI to use the default files for pirate warrior that are in CustomConfig/ warrior_pirate file...

Did I get this right?

You have into the deck_config.ini a part called [CONFIGS] there you insert your decks in this form _-> DECK_NAME = DECK_CONFIG exemple :

PirateWarrior = warrior_pirate

UnicornPriest= unicorn_sandwich

then on the CustomConfig you create a folder called unicorn_sandwich there you create 4 files .json called Combo, Concede , Mulligan and GlobalValue also if you're running sir Finley you have to create another file called LOE_076.json to make the bot plays it better , for GlobalValue is advised to copy the default one because it's hard to customize and tweak properly .

1 user thanked Thagann for this useful post.
MarinoBog on 4/18/2017(UTC)
#15 Posted : Tuesday, April 18, 2017 4:30:11 PM(UTC)

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Ok, I did what you all said... Made pirate warrior standard version named him PirateWarrior, I did not do anything inside files of the new bot and i reinstalled the bot. Decklist for pirate warrior standard deck is from tempostorm meta snapshot for ungoro release... so top tier rank1 deck... With all that WINRATE of the bot is 23% afther 50 games palyed... Can someone explain what I'm doing wrong?
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