OK, I have few questions, and I'd really like for someone to explain it to me cuz I can't find the answers nowhere on forum.
I downloaded new bot version v. that contains Vision AI and some other things have changed... regarding the bot interface and more... THE MOST IMPORTANT THING.., SF did not update and Sepe said he will not be active anymore, so as I'm an old SF user for 1 and a half year maybe...since the begining and I don't code and I don't know any program lenguege or basics of coding...
I don't understand how new Vision AI works... Is it the same as SF,can I use the files from SF Data folder, or Rank 5 thread with Vision AI and how? Where is the vision AI folder anyway in hearthranger folder? Basicly how to use new Vision AI if I'm not a coder and I don't understand anything that this thread :
http://www.hearthranger....ionai/VisionAI_Help.htm is traying to tell us non coders... I presume I'm not the only one
I believe if JoyAdmin is saying that VISION AI is better than any other previous SF or old bot AI system but why can't all of us see that... better yet why can't all of us USE this new Vision AI? I'll tell you why, It's not explained anywhere for non Informaticaly teached people or however you want to call us non coders, non IT's bla bla...
I'd like to know how to get exact same resulty with new version v. and with Vision AI as we did with older versions of HR bot and old AI combined with SF and all the mulligan,combo,discovery,settings, and other files...
Can someone explain "us" and me ofcurse how to get the most out of Vision AI?
***BONUS Questions:
Is there any files(like combos,settings,discovers and so on) for Vision AI or is there none?
How should my Bot Controll options look like for the optimised experienece with new version and new Vision AI? Is there anything else I should do differently than as I had while i was using HR and SF combined?
Can I still use SF with new version and Vision AI?
I'd really like to understand the new Vision AI and new version of HR bot... I'm a longtime user and a greatfull one but currently and for the first time since I discovered and paid for this bot, for the FIRST time in history of that I don't understand how to use it now PROPERLY and correctly... And how to get my rank 5 every month and how to get 100 gold/30 win a day with ease?(With old HR and SF for 30 wins it took max 4h with Pirate Warr or 5h with any other deck that was viable)
Please someone HELP me because I'm desperate now... I did prolounge testing the Vision AI and I still used old HR bot combined with SF till today cuz I'm one of those people that is affraid of changes and now that I can't avaoid that change anymore, my fears did show thta I was right, and that I now can't see the PROPER way to use this new version v. and VISION AI as the way and with ease that I did use the older versions combined with SF...
So yeah, please HLEP ME! I'm sending SOS to the world as the song goes...
Hope some good soul is there that will show me the light :)
***Regardles, I'm very greatfull for all the things this bot and forum done for me, and esepcially to JoyAdmin,Sepe,Scottbreak, Old road to legend forum therad OP and so on...