Kraker01;43258 wrote:Stats about individual cards because I'd like to craft something to improve this deck but I don't know what to craft
if you want a straight forward answer, get rag. if you have rag and want to craft something else craft ysera/alikir. i would lean towards ysera because next meta will be priest. and shaman might not remain tier 1 after next expansion. and im going to assume you have every other core card.
if you want all the stats i might have to make a whole new thread because individual card win rate varies greatly against who you're playing against. means i need to post 9 tables against each match up because they differ greatly.
not only that, you'll need to understand that there will be cards like hex that show a very low win rate but tech cards/ draw cards like manatide, are all pretty bad because if you're playing a hex that means the opponent has a threat that your board doesnt have a way of getting rid of or if you play manatide, it means you need card draw or you dont have good cards in your hand to make use of your mana curve. you will have to keep that in mind if i get to it.
and another thing you have to understand is that some cards win rate can be also misleading like bloodlust. the win rate is like 75-80% however it is almost only played when you have lethal. and you dont win when its played to clear enemy board or you play it against a hunter explosive secret. so the data is a lot more than it meets the surface, but as long as you can understand how the type of card, whether its tempo, anti tempo, dead card 70% of the time, and just cards that are played on curve, and how it affects how each win rate is skewed and how to interpret that information then the stats would help you greatly in ur deck building.