V125.3SE released.
[1460] fix heraldvolazj crash
[1465.1][1465.2] fix barnes crash when it gets abnormal data (minions disappearing???)
[1465.3][1465.4] fix a crash with rng target effects
[1491] fix djinniofzephyrs crash
read the turn deck into the .exe (not much use yet)
[1539] reduce board value if hero attacked a minion without killing it
[1415][1500.6][1523][1526][1563.1] don't play upgrade after attacking
added penalties to discourage playing bloodsail cultist without a weapon/after attacking (didn't fix any logs though)
penalize wasting hero temp attack spells (redundant?)
[1181][1286][1293][1300][1522][1543] major hex/poly changes
add penalty to overwrite weapons with jade claws to counter some of the jade golem value
ps. I will probably be gone a few days and season is ending, if you are still trying to rank then don't assume a new build will help.