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This is my branch of Silverfish based on botmaker's old branch with updates selectively pulled from HB's branch, HR's branch, my own work, and contributions from others. I don't know how much time I will keep putting into it and if it kills your cat then it's not my fault. V125.3SE If you have trouble opening it, use 7zip. If you want old versions then go here, pick a version from the commit list, find the HR/Silverfish.7z file in the list and click the "view" button in its box, then click the "view raw" button to download. Changelog.Install directions are in botmaker's original thread or Dre's guide. Make sure to delete any and all old versions of silverfish because multiple versions in your ExternBot folder will cause conflicts, when you select mine in HR it should be the only one listed and the version number should end with SE. Do not compare the version numbers between my branch of SF, Joy's SF, or any other branch because we each have our own ways of numbering SF that have nothing to do with each other. Don't use the HR launcher unless there is really a HR update available because it will reinstall Joy's SF. HR will always have the yellow "update available" message but you can compare the yellow version # (installed version) to the version # in the white message below it (latest version) to tell if there is an update. Right after silverfish crashes or you see a misplay then you need to go into your Hearthranger\ExternBot\Silverfish\SilverLogs folder, find the most recent SilverLog(date/time).txt file, copy+paste it to pastebin.com or paste.ee, and then post/PM the link. Please do not post any part of the log directly to the thread. If there are any "CrashLog files then please upload each of them.Bug reports are near useless without a log so if you are watching it play then please just keep your log folder open and ready to make a copy of the most recent log, you don't need to upload it immediately, just rename the copy to explain what the misplay was so that you can remember when you do post it. If you post partial logs then be sure to include every board from the turn that the misplay occurred. ie. if it happened turn 7 then post every board that say mana=x/7.If a misplay is caused by "data sync" then it means HR is reading the game board too quickly after doing something and then giving the bad data to SF. ie. HR is not synchronizing properly with Hearthstone. Almost all misplays involving temp buffs, deathrattle minions, and charge minions are because of this. HR tells SF that the buff/minion isn't there yet and then SF does what it can with the bad info. This is a HR bug and JoyAdmin is continually working to fix it.I prioritize fixing misplays for meta decks or ones that are extremely easy to fix (most very obvious stuff). If it is something subtle (micro-optimizations) or questionable then it usually ends up at the bottom of my todo list. If it is subtle/questionable and involves a bunch of random cards nobody ever plays then it will most likely be ignored because I simply do not have the time.If I thank your post then it means I saw it. If I don't say anything about a posted misplay but your post was thanked then I agree and will work on it when I can. Dre's guide for many things: http://www.hearthranger....tom-files-and-more.aspx
New Mulligan info: http://www.hearthranger....e--WotOG.aspx#post39393
Old Mulligan guide: http://www.hearthranger....Own-Mulligan-Rules.aspx Combo guide: http://www.hearthranger....e--WotOG.aspx#post38977
Discovery guide: http://www.hearthranger....e--WotOG.aspx#post38682
Automatic Config Switching: http://www.hearthranger....e--WotOG.aspx#post38959
Requires .NET 4.5 which means no more Windows XP support unless you can get it working with Mono. Windows Vista & 7 need to install it but often already have but Windows 8 & 10 have it preinstalled. Arena works (don't expect much) but I do not provide any support for arena misplays because it would require way too much time micro-optimizing, if you want to make it better then you code it. My concerns are supporting meta decks and adding/improving features.
80 users thanked sepefeets for this useful post.
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