Originally Posted by: JogadorAbs 
I am happy to see a new working version of silver.exe
You said you used some HB codes for it, and as far as i remember, HB does get hit by banwaves every so often.
Detection has nothing to do with which AI you are using, right? Detection has to do with how does the bot "transmit the commands" to the game, right?
Only Blizzard employees, the Warden team specifically, would know exactly what they do for detection so all I can say is a bunch of speculation and observations...
How the bot interacts with the game is the easiest and most obvious way for them to detect anything and seems to have been how they always handled detection in the past. However, about a month ago they did 4 small ban waves over 2 weeks that only targeted the top of the D3 leaderboards which was completely abnormal and seemed to require some element of human reviewing. I know several people who used literally all of the 3rd party programs (bots, hud, macros) available for D3 pretty much 24/7 and did not get banned, but all of the botters in the top 150ish did get banned. If it had been purely based on the bot interacting with the game a specific way then they would have been able to mass ban everybody all at once instead of slowly in multiple waves over 2 weeks.
Theoretically Blizzard could record every move from every game (they most likely already do) and then compare your decisions to each of the different AI's decisions to see how often they match up, but custom settings would produce different results so it would be very hard for them to match anything that way.
If you're really worried about getting banned then either don't bot, or bot on alternate accounts since the game is free and you can make as many accounts as you like anyways.