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Wild Pirate Warrior (Diamond 5)
#1 Posted : Wednesday, September 28, 2022 1:35:29 PM(UTC)

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Inspired by cyzndb's "swordfish" pirate rogue deck I created a similar deck for the warrior. The deck contains nearly all neutral pirates from the rogue deck with almost the same card rules. In addition special card mechanics of the pirate warrior are used. It is a classic rush deck. However, it also has a solid midgame mechanic through Raid the Docks. See key cards for more details.

The deck is suitable for rank climbing. Diamond 5 is no problem. However, I strongly doubt that the deck is capable of reaching rank legend.

Deck Code

Config Files

Key Cards
The deck relies on the quest Raid the Docks. This quest has 3 levels which is triggered by playing pirates. Since this deck consists mostly of pirates, the quest is a no-brainer. Activating the first level lets us draw our only weapon from the deck. Ancharrr. Its ability ensures that we do not run out of pirates. In addition, synergies with Upgrade! and Bloodsail Cultist provide a longer lifetime for this card. N'Zoth's First Mate also lets us start the early game with a weapon equipped. The 2nd quest activation lets us deal additional damage to random enemy characters. The 3rd activation gives us Cap'n Rokara on the hand. If the game isn't over at this time (which should be the case most of the times), The Juggernaut ensures that we still have a chance to win games against control decks in mid- and lategame, even if the chances are lower. Otherwise, the same mechanics as for the rogue deck are applied. Patches the Pirate, Ship's Cannon and Parachute Brigand provide as much pressure as possible in the early game.

Feel free to share you results with this deck config. Main purpose of it for me was hunting the golden portrait as well as grinding ranks up to Diamond 5.
5 users thanked HeartBuddy for this useful post.
GaugeGuy on 9/28/2022(UTC), zkkrat on 9/28/2022(UTC), h0rst1 on 9/29/2022(UTC), Space on 9/29/2022(UTC), sucedaneo on 9/29/2022(UTC)
#2 Posted : Wednesday, September 28, 2022 7:10:26 PM(UTC)
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Awesome work! I will try it out once the bot is back up. :)
#3 Posted : Thursday, September 29, 2022 7:25:23 AM(UTC)

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Thank you so much for the work done, at the beginning of the new season I will test your deck :)

P.S. Isn't it better to use a deck in which 28 out of 30 cards are pirate creatures? It seems to be easier to complete the quest and you need fewer config files. I won’t say anything about the winrate, but it seems this deck is also good, and from the configuration you only need to write the mulligan and the priority for completing the quest and drawing it as soon as possible. I want to hear your opinion, thanks.

#4 Posted : Thursday, September 29, 2022 1:50:17 PM(UTC)

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Space;62586 wrote:
Thank you so much for the work done, at the beginning of the new season I will test your deck :)

P.S. Isn't it better to use a deck in which 28 out of 30 cards are pirate creatures? It seems to be easier to complete the quest and you need fewer config files. I won’t say anything about the winrate, but it seems this deck is also good, and from the configuration you only need to write the mulligan and the priority for completing the quest and drawing it as soon as possible. I want to hear your opinion, thanks.


Thx for the feedback :)

In my opinion, it doesn't make much difference for the quest completion if the deck contains 27 or 23 Pirates. If you subtract the quest card itself and anchorr (first quest draw) there are only 5 non-Pirate cards remaining. Each of these cards has an important meaning. "Frenzied felwing" is essential to increase board presence in the early game. The value of "Ship's Cannon" don't need any explanation. "Shiver there timbers" is a good low cost removal spell in various situations. "Smoothering starfish" helps a lot against mass taunt minions. "Upgrade!" improves the potential of our weapon ability. The first quest activation guarantees "Achorrr" and the associated pirate draws. So even in midgame there should be enough pirates in your hand.

Anyways, feel free to customize the deck config. I excited to see how deck variations can push the performance of this archetype.
#5 Posted : Saturday, October 29, 2022 6:25:45 AM(UTC)
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I will give a Try when i Have have the Legendaries :)
#6 Posted : Sunday, November 6, 2022 1:53:12 PM(UTC)
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I dont want to be the bad guy, but your decklist in Wild is very weak. Frenzied Felwing, Dread Corsair, Shivering Timber, Upgrade, Sharkfin and Bloodsail Cultist is like forcing weapon synergy while you don't actually need anything more than unbuffed Ancharr. Felwing is a stat stick at best when you're already winning, DC can't get to 0 cost unless you really buffed Ancharr, which also makes Upgrade, Sharkfin and BC very weak if not drawn and used with synergy. These cards also hurts your draw a lot and became sub-subpar if you're not opening with N'zoth 1st Mate. Statistically your only 3+ drop should be Southsea Captain for pushing wide board, Defias Cannoneer because it's a 3 7/3 if you open with N'Zoth First Mate, Pufferfist (debatable), and Smite (also debatable after the nerf) with the wincon is to rush the quest. Anything else is too slow to use in Wild (aside from Shivering Timber in niche scenario, but most legend decklist cut it because usually it's a low value draw). Smothering Starfish is also a debatable choice after the nerf because it's too slow, waste a quest turn (4 mana means you can complete 1 part of the questline 90% of the time), and if you really need a silence it's prolly too late to win anyway.

Pirate Rogue is the exception to run the dead draw above because (and only because) of the 4/3 sword which Rogue has 4 copies in deck (2 of the weapon and 2 of the draw weapon) and Secret Passage. Rogue can dump those on turn 3 and swarm the board, which makes Felwing and Corsair seems valuable, while also having a 1 mana draw 4 to refill/reset hand when necessary. If you play the same card in Warrior, you're not dropping those by turn 5 at best (equip Anchar on turn 3, Cultist + Upgrade turn 4, turn 5 swing), at which time most midrange and control deck already have the answer to it anyway, while you're neither assembling a board nor finishing the quest.

You're also missing a lot of good pirates. The debate between going board or all-in quest is not even a debate anymore, because with Ammalgam, Harbor Scamp, Sky Raider, Ancharr, you can do both while also not running out of board pressure with a bunch of draw enabled by the aforementioned cards. Obsidian Smith is also a good 2 drop with aggro stat, dredge helps with draw, and gives you a +1/+1 minion or Ancharr. Tuskar Trawler has 1 more health for 1 less attack with Dredge, etc. With your decklist you're relying on drawing the weapon buffs to refill your hand, which can be really inconsistent while you're also playing a lot of dead draw (Dread Corsair, Sharkfin, like above). If you had to swing the last Ancharr durability (which you had to do in slightly losing/losing matchup), 9 out of 30 cards in your deck become either an understatted/vanilla minion or a spell that does nothing. This basically means that you're not guarantee-ing the win when you win, and losing really hard when you lose without a way to recover from it (because you sacrifice questline speed for weapon synergy)

Cyz's onepiece 1st ver (swordfish) was actually based on my Pirate QL Warrior config that I posted on this forum 6 or something months something ago (Cyz can confirm this. I still have their pm asking for the config sample). The deck can reach Legend post 1st nerf, but after 2nd nerf it's Diamond material only. My best run were D1 but it was like very long ago.

Decklist: ### Pwar QL
# Class: Warrior
# Format: Wild
# 2x (1) Bloodsail Corsair
# 2x (1) Bloodsail Deckhand
# 2x (1) N'Zoth's First Mate
# 1x (1) Patches the Pirate
# 1x (1) Raid the Docks
# 2x (1) Sky Raider
# 1x (1) Small-Time Buccaneer
# 2x (1) Southsea Deckhand
# 2x (2) Amalgam of the Deep
# 2x (2) Fogsail Freebooter
# 2x (2) Harbor Scamp
# 2x (2) Obsidiansmith
# 2x (2) Parachute Brigand
# 2x (2) Ship's Cannon
# 1x (3) Ancharrr
# 2x (3) Defias Cannoneer
# 2x (3) Southsea Captain
# To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone

My suggestion is to go all in on the quest and dump all the other small synergy. With Renathal you can't win game by just smorcing anymore. I didn't kept the config but maybe Cyz still have the google drive link to it (it was in my old email). I'll try to ask but if you really want bots to climb legend, Onepiece or Swordfish is your best choice no doubt.
1 user thanked KingDrancia for this useful post.
Space on 11/17/2022(UTC)
#7 Posted : Sunday, November 13, 2022 5:55:06 AM(UTC)

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Greetings, according to the results of the test last month, I was able to take this profile with D5 (because I had a bonus run after the legend), this month the profile was stuck at D10 because the previous bonus run was with D5. The deck has a win rate of ~44%, which is definitely more than a randomly built deck (they have about 30%). I still remained of the opinion that a deck where 28 out of 30 cards are cheap pirates will be even more productive - it is much more aggressive and less dependent on the mulligan. And from the config, you need to register only the mulligan. Thank you for your work.
#8 Posted : Friday, November 18, 2022 8:57:21 AM(UTC)

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Yeah, as I expected QL warrior is more productive for farming D5 and 1000 wins. Easily took her D5 in one night (42 wins while you sleep), win rate ~53%, then it will fall, but this is not so important. As they wrote above, there is a topic on the forum, half a year ago - all files are working. And most importantly, there are not missplay when playing Nzot pirate :)
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