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HOWTO: Farm mercenaries efficiently with the BETA bot
#24 Posted : Monday, January 3, 2022 9:05:59 PM(UTC)

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agent0range21;61815 wrote:
any tips how to farm valeera ? dont have her yet

Google had this video on it - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MLd-eTK94Y0

Bot isn't going to do it for you though I doubt until you have her - then it's pretty easy.
#20 Posted : Monday, January 3, 2022 10:00:27 PM(UTC)
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fireplace;61816 wrote:
Yeah I'm starting to think I should stop farming the bounties and just farm coins now I have all mercs, as any coins I get are kind of being wasted and when new mercs get released they have a chance of helping to get the coins to craft them.

That's what I'm doing as well. You may not believe it, but I found farming coins using heroic 1-1 is even faster than farming tasks. 3 minutes for 10 guaranteed useful coins is insanely good - it is 4800 coins per day if executed perfectly, enough to max out 4 heroes (after their tasks are maxed out). With tasks, often I have to complete them manually which can waste several hours (= 200+ coins). Each task on average only gives you 50 targeted coins (useless if they are rare mercs as eventually you will have thousands of excess coins for them) plus random coins which are often useless.
I do have to write some script to speed up as the bot currently take too much time to choose bonus or start a new level, 5-10 seconds delay at each.

Edit: Forgot to mention this only works if you already have Valeera and is just trying to max it out. You need to only put King Krush and Valeera in the team. You can cheat the bot by setting max round to 10000 and change the deck after the bot creates it and heads to PVE mode.
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Space on 7/9/2022(UTC)
#26 Posted : Thursday, January 6, 2022 2:16:20 PM(UTC)
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I started farming heroic 1-1 after collecting all mercs, tested for 3 days, and the farming rate is between 2800-3100 coins per day, depending on who you put in the party. I have a AutoHotKey equivalent script to do following:

1. Always pick the spirit healer when available, to avoid 1 fight. The bot always picks the left one, whether it is fight or spirit healer, so on average this saves 0.5 fight per run.
2. Always pick the middle bonus after each fight. The bot takes more than 10 seconds to pick one. 30 second saving per run.
3. Click away battle animations like MoonlitBlackCat did

I opened firestone to track remaining coins to collect and found that I should max out all my mercs in no more than 14 days without doing any task.

So I think MoonlitBlackCat's strategy is very efficient before finishing the collection. It takes me 3 weeks to have a complete collection with his strategy. I can probably shorten it to 2 weeks in hinder sight if I stick with heroic 2-6 with fire comp and add a script to concede after mysterious stranger. After you get every mercs, the strategy would be quite simple:

1. Just farm heroic 1-1 instead of trying anything fancy. Whatever you do manually will actually slow down the farming. Put only 3 members (it is OK to put 6 but there will be an animation of shuffling the 3 bench members to your deck each fight) that need most remaining coins in the party every day.
2. Focus on task 1~7 without worrying about 8~18 for each merc (except Valeera, who needs task 8). This is only to get the equipment. The coin drops from tasks are actually slower than farming heroic 1-1 if you factor in both the time to get the task and time to complete it. Doing daily refreshed task is fine, but definitely abandon those that need manual steps to complete.

Wish JoyAdmin would eliminate any delays on the lettuce map and add special optimization for heroic 1-1, so everyone can max out their collections quickly. Currently it will only take 4.5 weeks from nothing to a maxed out complete collection and the mode is basically done. There is really no need to improve the AI or implement any fancy features beyond what are mentioned here.
#27 Posted : Thursday, January 6, 2022 2:30:50 PM(UTC)
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Also, for those who haven't got complete collections, I'll add two points to MoonlitBlackCat's strategy:
1. Get a comp as soon as possible so that you can farm heroic 2-6 most efficiently. In my case it is the fire comp: Rag + Antonidas + Baron. But any other AOE would do. Open packs if you are struggling to reach mysterious stranger in heroic 2-6. After that, save packs.
2. Open the remaining packs exactly when you are about to complete the collection. pack count = remaining legendary to collect * 20. So if you only have 2 legendaries left to collect, open them when you have 40 packs. If you open too early, you'll struggle to get a complete collection and it will take you wayyyyyyy longer to finish them now. If you open too late - well, the packs are almost useless after you have complete collection, unless you want to save it for new merc release. But I suspect that they might release expansion pack like normal hearthstone expansions, otherwise all P2W players will quit. In that case, saving the packs would be useless.
#22 Posted : Sunday, January 9, 2022 2:17:26 AM(UTC)

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FaceHunter222;61818 wrote:
You can cheat the bot by setting max round to 10000 and change the deck after the bot creates it and heads to PVE mode.

I'd tried to do this before unsuccessfully by getting the bot to play a merc team I'd created vs editing a merc team it had created.

This is perfect - I now have a team with the five mercs that aren't at bounty 7 yet so i can force farm those bounties (most of these are mercs that aren't currently in the bots drop down list - which is why they haven't progressed) and can use to force farm coins on 1-1 with the bunch of mercs I want to get coins once this is done.
#28 Posted : Saturday, February 19, 2022 2:05:55 PM(UTC)
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i do 1-1 with one Merc but it takes 5 to 6 minutes for one run.
How can some of you run it in 2-3 minute's?
my Mercs are all Level 30 is 1-1 still the fastest way to maxed out the non maxed mercs?
#29 Posted : Friday, February 25, 2022 9:14:35 AM(UTC)

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Smirni86;61905 wrote:
How can some of you run it in 2-3 minute's?

One way to do it faster is to increase the FPS and skip the card animations.
The fights itself only takes seconds it's the animations like attack that add alot of time.

Smirni86;61905 wrote:
i do 1-1 with one Merc.

Don't use just 1 merc. Try to get coins for at least 3 mercs at a time. More mercs = faster run.
6 Merc's aint worth it if you don't want coins for them since nothing is going to die at 1-1 with level 30 mercs.

Smirni86;61905 wrote:
my Mercs are all Level 30 is 1-1 still the fastest way to maxed out the non maxed mercs?

Short answer; It depends.
If you want 1 merc and 1 merc alone then Yes.
However speed wise it is better to at least get coins for 3 mercs at once.
Sure it's still RNG but the runs are faster and you still get at least one pack of coins for the mercs you want.

If you don't want tasks, don't need other coins for other mercs and only want to level 1 to 3 mercs then 1-1 is the fastest way for that.
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#34 Posted : Friday, February 25, 2022 9:35:17 AM(UTC)
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Thanks for the answer, but how to skip animation, the bot dosn't do it.
#35 Posted : Saturday, February 26, 2022 11:43:56 AM(UTC)

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Smirni86;61909 wrote:
Thanks for the answer, but how to skip animation, the bot dosn't do it.

Autohotkey or Autoit.
But with increased FPS the time gain is so little you wouldn't even need to bother with it unless you really wanted the most fasted blazing speed possible.
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#30 Posted : Saturday, February 26, 2022 12:12:53 PM(UTC)
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Smirni86;61905 wrote:
i do 1-1 with one Merc but it takes 5 to 6 minutes for one run.
How can some of you run it in 2-3 minute's?
my Mercs are all Level 30 is 1-1 still the fastest way to maxed out the non maxed mercs?

For me I wrote script to do the following things:
1. After a run finishes, pause the bot, click "confirm" on the reward screen, immediately start another run and resume bot. This prevent bot from come back to village and save ~30 seconds.
2. Click spirit healer and "Visit" whenever it show up in the middle or bottom of the screen. This saves 0.5 fight on average, another 30 seconds.
3. Pick the middle bonus after each fight. The bot often waits 10 seconds to pick one.
4. Click away the animaions.

You can ask JoyAdmin to see if these can be built into the bot. I feel they could be easy to fix.

If you don't have a script to do 2, go for normal 1-1 and it may be way faster. The only reason to go heroic is to skip a fight.

With all the tweaks my average run time is 3-5 minutes depending on the comp. Even with 5 minutes it converts to 2 coins per min or 2880 coins per day. I have everything except Long'xin (equip not unlocked) maxxed out using that method 5 days after they are released.

Initially when most of your mercs are not maxxed out yet, doing tasks might be faster. If you still have legendary mercs not crafted yet, definitely do tasks since that is the only way you get them. After you have all mercs and many are maxxed out, task reward is diminishing. Use Firestone and track how many useful coins you gain per day. If it less than 2800, go for heroic 1-1
1 user thanked FaceHunter222 for this useful post.
MoonlitBlackCat on 2/26/2022(UTC)
#32 Posted : Saturday, February 26, 2022 9:48:59 PM(UTC)

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FaceHunter222;61911 wrote:
For me I wrote script to do the following things:
3. Pick the middle bonus after each fight. The bot often waits 10 seconds to pick one.

It all depends on the effort you want to spend. I currently have a script that does not select the middle one but the one that increases dmg if possible for more speed.
Imagesearch on AHK is really fast and regardless if its 1-1 or a higher bounty it always helps to select a good treasure.

"If at first you don't succeed, skydiving is not for you."
#36 Posted : Wednesday, April 6, 2022 9:09:25 AM(UTC)
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Hi, since the tasks just got changed with the 23.0 update, is the new fastest way just to spam 1-1?
#38 Posted : Friday, May 13, 2022 11:20:39 PM(UTC)
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MoonlitBlackCat;61704 wrote:
Hi all,

I see quite a few questions on farming coins/tasks with the beta bot so I decided to make a little mini HOW TO with how I got all mercs to level 30, 80% maxed abilities and 70-80% tasks done.
Tested this with a new account to make sure it is correct.

First things first. For the reward track Mercenaries is not the place to farm. You do get some exp after each fight but if you want to level up the reward track it is better to make a stall deck and go to regular hearthstone.
Second; This is how I do it. By no means the best way or most tested way but the way I found working for me. I just write it down and maybe it helps someone.

How to get mercs to 30
The first thing you want is getting Mercs to level 30 ASAP so that is out of your way.
Even if you draw a new one from packs it can just hang arround the normal crew and catch up to 30.

At first I kept the bot at full random. This seemed slow leveling to me so I changed to 1-1 Heroic with random mercs.
This gives you a steady supply of coins since you get at least one batch of coins for a merc in your team. Regardless if it's a epic, legendary or whatever.
So while leveling you slowly also gain coins.

I keep track of the bot and manual select the mercs that get left out. After 2 hours my poor diablo was still stuck at his level so I manual selected him until he was 20.
I repeated this for some other mercs that where left behind.

Once the majority of your team is 25 (or you have 3 pretty strong mercs that you make your main team) you can start farming tasks.

How to farm tasks
Tasks are coming from the mysterious stranger. My favorite bounty for this is Banehallow. (2-6)
When farming manual we tend to reset the match if the node is to far away. The bot can't do that (for now) but it also does not really matter.
My mercs are all 30 and a lot of them are maxed/high abilities by now so I just random this bounty with mercs. As long as you have the majority of 25's (or a fixed 3 strong team) you can make it till the stranger.
If you have a lot of weak mercs but at least a steady 3 you can select those in the bot and let the rest go random.
Depending on how strong your team is you go normal or heroic.

I use firestone to track my progress.

As you can see I only lost one of the 2-6 bounties on normal. That still does not matter since the bot made it all the way to the mysterious stranger. So I got my tasks, some random coins and I can go again.
When you win the majority of the bounty runs like this example you can switch up to Heroic Banehallow (or stay at normal if you want to, the difference is neglectable).
I just go to heroic to get more coins cause even when you fail to get the boss you still get coins.

Heroic is a bit harder and you won't finish the bounty much if the majority of your mercs aren't strong enough. But again, I don't care. I want tasks.
As long as the bot makes it to the Mysterious stranger I am happy. One would say that not making it to the boss is faster since it starts the run again and get's another shot at the mysterious stranger.

Managing Tasks
There is a chance you are running normal bounties that can't finish the heroic tasks, your mercs are not strong enough to finish the heroic 2-6 or you have annoying quests that the bot can't finish.
I always take task 12 from Antonidas that I can't even complete against A.I. and I just use and alt account to do a friend battle to clear it.
Yes, you can clear tasks in PvP against friends.

How do I manage the tasks? Again I resort to Firestone. Firestone not only tracks the current tasks you are on (in case you want to force the bot to go to task 17/18 for the bonus pack) but it also shows the current tasks as an overlay. I don't need to stop the bot and see what tasks it is doing at the moment. I can just track it by hovering my mouse over it.

These 2 tasks can easy be finished with the bot so no action needed. It also keeps filling up since I am running Heroic 2-6. So the tasks are getting filled and cleared on a steady supply.

Would I be running normal or would the current team the bot drafted not be able to clear 2-6 Heroic (again I use Firestone to track this) I just edit the bot setting.

For example if I would have the "Finish 2 heroic bounties" I just go to the settings of the bot and set the map to Heroic 1-1. Wait a few minutes and revert it back to what I was doing. (Probably Heroic 2-6).
Like in this case I can clear 3 tasks at once by changing the bot to 1-1 Heroic and wait a few minutes and switch back to heroic 2-6. I can also wait it out since the current team the bot drafted can clear Heroic 2-6 around 70% of the time.

If you are really lazy you could just put those maps in there. No control or check is needed. You just check Heroic 1-1 and Normal 2-6 and it will clear the majority of the tasks.
Whenever I don't want to keep an eye out on the bot I go this route. It's slower but requires no interaction since it fixes the "Clear a bounty at level 30" and the "Finish heroic bounties/bosses" eventually and with heroic 1-1 you keep getting coins for at least 1 merc of your current team. So it's a win-win-win lazy run.

Your screen would look something like this:

More managing can speed the bot up but is not really needed. Task 16 for example is always "Deal 900 damage to the merc's critical destination role"
While eventually the bot might clear this it might take a while. So when, for example, Tyrande gets this and I need to deal 900 dmg to casters I just edit the bot settings and add Heroic 1-2 to the mix.
(1-2 gives 2 casters as a boss so faster clearing. I also take Heroic so they have more HP)
Again, this is not needed since the bot eventually does this amount of damage to casters on 2-6 but it just takes longer and I want that task slot to be open asap.

Unclearable tasks
Some tasks just cannot be cleared by the bot now. For example Mutanis "Devour "or Antonidas "kill three enemies in one turn using fireball storm".
Depending on the mood I am in I let the stick in the task window to clear them later myself or I just pause the bot and remove this task from the campfire.
This is where Firestone comes on handy again. If I see a quest I know the bot can't clear I just pause it and remove this task so the bot can start gaterhing new ones.

The tasks are always the same so when you take a look at the current/coming task you can make a good guess when your interaction is needed.
1 Using skill 1
2 Using skill 2 (rewards equipment, don't forget to equip it)
3 Using skill 3
4 Deal 150 damage
5 Finish bounty on level 30
6 Destroy 40 minions
7 Finish 2 heroic bounties (rewards equipment, make sure to add heroic 1-1 to your bot if you can't clear Heroic 2-6 with your current team or are running normal 2-6))
8 Use 2 boons for class / 4 healer (bot eventually clear this)
11 Deal/heal 450 damage (Only had BW so far but it cleared this task for me by healing)
13 Finish 4 heroic bounties with that merc (Same as Task 7, add Heroic 1-1 to your bot list if you can't clear heroic 2-6 or are doing normal 2-6)
15 Finish 6 bounties with that merc
16 Deal 900 damage to the merc's critical destination role (Bot will clear this eventually,if you want to speed it up pick the lowest Heroic that has a boss for your ciritcal. i.e. Tyrande add 1-2 to your list (heroic or normal)
18 450 damage to heroic bounty bosses (add heroic 1-1 to your list if you can't clear heroic 2-6 consistant with your current team)

You can also just have an overview/track with Firestone and see how long it takes a certain merc to get to the tasks that gives packs and select them manually if you are in need of packs for that new Valeera:

Why 2-6 / Banehallow?
Statisticly speaking Heroic 2-6 is on average the map to get the mysterious stranger consistenly.

As you can see the further away the nodes are the higher the chance for a mysterious stranger. Since we don't care about clearing the map it does not matter if you can't finish the last boss.
We don't want to clear it, we want tasks. And as mentioned before, failing it still gives coins.

Why Firestone?
As I mentioned in the chapters above.The tracking is insane. You can see how much you win/lose the bounty, what tasks your mercs on (so you can easy see if you get enough tasks done during a farming session to make you happy) and can see the progress and current tasks without pausing the bot. All in all, great to keep the bot running as long and smooth as possible.

- Do Heroic 1-1 until most mercs are level 20-25-ish
- Do Normal 2-6 until most mercs are level 30 and have higher/maxed leveled abilities
- Do Heroic 2-6 until you are out of tasks
- Use Firestone and adjust the tasks/bot to clear certain tasks.
- Don't forget to remove tasks that the bot can't clear
- Don't forget to equip and level up your abilities

Does the bot get stuck if you lose a bounty? Or am I doing something wrong
#37 Posted : Monday, June 27, 2022 4:39:00 AM(UTC)
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Slyca;61985 wrote:
Hi, since the tasks just got changed with the 23.0 update, is the new fastest way just to spam 1-1?

^ This lol

also is there a way to make the bot use a specific comp and then 3 randoms? And edit ability use to combo properly instead of cycling through abilities?
When I choose my AOE comp (millhouse, Krush, Varden as I dont have fire comp yet) it auto fills the party with randoms but then includes them in the fights instead of keeping them on the bench

AND if everyone is suggesting task farming to fill out collection as I have only just started, the bot can barely do any of the later tasks so do you just farm heros up to a reasonable level and then cycle tasks and heros? Very confusing...
if I am understanding correctly I should go full random party farming 1-1 heroic until everything is around 25 and then switch to the same thing but in 2-6 up to 30 while also rotating tasks once they hit 7
#31 Posted : Saturday, July 9, 2022 12:20:39 AM(UTC)

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FaceHunter222;61911 wrote:
For me I wrote script to do the following things:
1. After a run finishes, pause the bot, click "confirm" on the reward screen, immediately start another run and resume bot. This prevent bot from come back to village and save ~30 seconds.
2. Click spirit healer and "Visit" whenever it show up in the middle or bottom of the screen. This saves 0.5 fight on average, another 30 seconds.
3. Pick the middle bonus after each fight. The bot often waits 10 seconds to pick one.
4. Click away the animaions.

Hello, can u share this script please?

Half a year has already passed and there were no updates for mercenaries, they still return to the main screen after each 1-1 pass and create the deck again ... a huge amount of time is spent :(((
#33 Posted : Saturday, July 9, 2022 12:23:32 AM(UTC)

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MoonlitBlackCat;61912 wrote:
It all depends on the effort you want to spend. I currently have a script that does not select the middle one but the one that increases dmg if possible for more speed.
Imagesearch on AHK is really fast and regardless if its 1-1 or a higher bounty it always helps to select a good treasure.

Can u share this script, please?

Greetings, thanks for the work done and contribution to the community :)
#21 Posted : Saturday, July 9, 2022 6:33:47 AM(UTC)

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FaceHunter222;61818 wrote:
You can cheat the bot by setting max round to 10000 and change the deck after the bot creates it and heads to PVE mode.

Thanks, it helped, now the bot doesn't go to the welcome screen and doesn't recreate the command after every 1-1 pass :)
#39 Posted : Monday, July 11, 2022 3:16:35 AM(UTC)

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I also want to add, for those who have a weak PC (like mine without a video card). After an hour of farming the mercenaries, the game starts to lag, despite the fact that the RAM reserve is not used even by 1/4, but the CPU usage is 100% (I think we need to add an option to the mercenaries to clear the log - as implemented in the ladder for weak PCs), but so far there is no such option, there is another option:

- set the game to turn off through the "Windows Scheduler" every hour (depending on how much the mercenary mode starts to lag) - and the bot will restart the game itself and continue farming from the place where it's over :) it helps a lot if you have the same problem as me.

You can do it like this: Create a simple task, for which select "Daily" as a trigger and specify a start time. As an action, select "Run a program", and in the "Program or script" field, write taskkill /F /IM hearthstone.exe
#40 Posted : Tuesday, August 2, 2022 7:37:43 PM(UTC)
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Well guys is there any new method of getting task for new mercenaries after one is already completed ? Just curious
#41 Posted : Tuesday, August 30, 2022 12:09:56 AM(UTC)
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Hello everyone, curious too.
Why do u need that mercenaries?
what profit do u get from it?

Is it a way to farm gold?
Exp? Or what?
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