jwlance;61050 wrote:Not sure if you've used bots in the past, but big updates like this took a few days to a week to resolve especially with ui redesigns. The bot devs usually extended out the bot licenses by x days it takes to fix so hopefully he can do that for us. I'm sure it's already being worked on and will get resolved in a few days or so.
I appreciate you trying to help, so to give you some background, I write bots for other games. This particular problem is a static positioning problem, that can be resolved in the ini. If they have to add the functionality to pull the position of the start button, it is as simple as adding a button to the form and reading the mouse position, which is approx 20 mins of work. Committing it and having TeamCity auto Deploy everything could be done in less than 30mins of work. Now lets say they do it via image recognition (which they dont), it could be a lot more intense using emgu or dx, but why do it the hard way?