I just purchased the bot after seeing a friend use it for a long time. After building a few decks and starting the bot on regular ladder climbing, the bot throws a virtual protect error ("Virtualprotectect Write1 487' if i remember correctly). This can be easily dismissed by someone paying VERY close attention to the bot to continue its standard usage (it happens many times throughout a duel), but that seems to be against the idea of a bot. I've seen what this bot can do, and I quite hope to be able to use it after purchasing a year's worth of time - having to manually accept the error every 30-50 seconds is the problem, and less than ideal.
So far I've watched the bot for around 2 hours - any chance for help with the issue (and, hopefully, some time credit for the issue...?) Ultimately I just want to leave the bot alone for 2-6 hours (but I can't even leave it alone for a single match as-is)