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Demon Hunter Deck Wild (75% Winrate)
#1 Posted : Sunday, April 26, 2020 9:58:37 AM(UTC)
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Hello everyone,

I've been testing several decks since Demon Hunter came out, but I haven't had good results.
I tested the dutchpowner's deck and had a good result (55 - 60% winrate) using his I.A. settings, but I was not satisfied with that .. Until I found this one.

*I don't want to devalue his deck, but we're here to help each other*

The Deck

This deck consists of a variation of ODD, the premise is very simple, just play and be happy.
After the Bad Luck Albatross nerf I replaced him with Raging Worgen, as he has a good synergy with the Guardian Augmerchant. (Yes, I.A. does that constantly) and it comes out pretty cheap. If you want to invest in something, I recommend use Vicious Fledgling.

I tested this deck in 563 games and had an incredible 75.49% winrate, so it's pretty solid.

🔍 Deck Code 🔎

# To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone

Note: I used this deck to farm as fast as possible the 1000 ranked victories with the option to concede after a victory so as not to rise in rank and always stay in gold 10.

There is no secret, but if you have any questions, just ask.

Sorry for the bad English.
2 users thanked transudo for this useful post.
SzDoriitos on 4/29/2020(UTC), WiiU on 5/9/2020(UTC)
#2 Posted : Sunday, April 26, 2020 11:06:45 AM(UTC)
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Very nice. It plays metamorphosis correctly? Some other users were reporting that it the bot attacks its own face with metamorphosis.
1 user thanked bulbasauron for this useful post.
transudo on 4/26/2020(UTC)
#3 Posted : Sunday, April 26, 2020 8:24:06 PM(UTC)
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Are u using dutchpowner's I.A settings in this one?
#4 Posted : Monday, April 27, 2020 8:28:33 AM(UTC)
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Sozachiago;60159 wrote:
Are u using dutchpowner's I.A settings in this one?

No, I didn't change anything. Im using Vision A.I. Congig Dir:[ default ]
#7 Posted : Monday, April 27, 2020 5:22:37 PM(UTC)
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Transudo, você é brasileiro, certo?
Bom deck mano, realmente a taxa de vitória é excelente!!!
Estou subindo um pouco nas ranqueadas com o deck...
Muito bom mesmo!!!
1 user thanked SzDoriitos for this useful post.
transudo on 4/29/2020(UTC)
#5 Posted : Tuesday, April 28, 2020 6:21:02 AM(UTC)
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transudo;60164 wrote:
No, I didn't change anything. Im using Vision A.I. Congig Dir:[ default ]

where do you get that AI from please?
#6 Posted : Wednesday, April 29, 2020 8:15:37 AM(UTC)
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bufy;60172 wrote:
where do you get that AI from please?

It's already set for you.
1 user thanked D3athwish for this useful post.
transudo on 4/29/2020(UTC)
#8 Posted : Wednesday, April 29, 2020 12:31:14 PM(UTC)
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SzDoriitos;60170 wrote:
Transudo, você é brasileiro, certo?
Bom deck mano, realmente a taxa de vitória é excelente!!!
Estou subindo um pouco nas ranqueadas com o deck...
Muito bom mesmo!!!

O nick me entrega facilmente hahahaha
Que bom que curtiu o deck!
Eu usei para pegar 1000 wins na ranked, não sei como ele se sai rumo ao legend, se puder me dar um feedback depois, agradeço.
Caso esteja interessado, estou terminando de fazer os teste com um deck de hunter e o resultado esta muito bom também.

#9 Posted : Wednesday, April 29, 2020 5:52:01 PM(UTC)
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Bom, o resultado é interessante, taxa de vitória 71.64%
O problema do Wild é que tem cartas muito apelonas, atrapalha um pouco quando vou contra um deck control...
Mas dá pra subir bem sim!!
Estou atualmente no Ouro 3, pretendo colocar platina 10 e pegar as recompensas do fim do mês!
Parabéns pelo deck, excelente!!
Depois me conte mais sobre o deck de Hunter.
As vezes o A.I deixa a desejar fazendo umas besteirinhas... kkkkk
mas de resto beleza!!
1 user thanked SzDoriitos for this useful post.
transudo on 4/29/2020(UTC)
#10 Posted : Wednesday, April 29, 2020 7:05:38 PM(UTC)
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SzDoriitos;60183 wrote:
Bom, o resultado é interessante, taxa de vitória 71.64%
O problema do Wild é que tem cartas muito apelonas, atrapalha um pouco quando vou contra um deck control...
Mas dá pra subir bem sim!!
Estou atualmente no Ouro 3, pretendo colocar platina 10 e pegar as recompensas do fim do mês!
Parabéns pelo deck, excelente!!
Depois me conte mais sobre o deck de Hunter.
As vezes o A.I deixa a desejar fazendo umas besteirinhas... kkkkk
mas de resto beleza!!

Eu percebi bastante dificuldade do BOT usar exilar corretamente, tirei o raio ocular e coloquei o Repugnaz, até então estou gostando do resultado.
Muito triste ver o BOT perdendo letal, ou atacando com a arma antes de buffar o ataque com o poder heroico, entre outras bizarrices, mas fazer o que..
Infelizmente não sei configurar essa A.I. e acredito que a maioria dos usuários também não, então o que resta é tentar achar o deck com a menor chance disso acontecer.
Particularmente gosto mais de control/tempo, só que nos meus testes percebi melhor resultado em decks rapidos (aggro), porque o A.I. não calcula muito bem combos e nem momentos ideais pra cartas valiosas.

Obs: Sobre o deck do Hunter, vou fazer uma postagem dele amanha, mas ja adianto que é um deck aggro no modo Padrão.
1 user thanked transudo for this useful post.
SzDoriitos on 4/29/2020(UTC)
#11 Posted : Monday, May 4, 2020 10:49:07 PM(UTC)

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I've been getting ~65% WR on wild unranked. Thanks!
#12 Posted : Friday, May 8, 2020 3:44:35 AM(UTC)

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fireplace;60220 wrote:
I've been getting ~65% WR on wild unranked. Thanks!

I have 36,38% right now, 110 games played, diamond 5, ranked.
#14 Posted : Saturday, May 9, 2020 2:09:03 PM(UTC)

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Thanks for your input!
What are decent replacements for 2xWarglaives and Metamorphosis?
Bot plays Shadowhoof Slayer turn 1 instead of Battlefiend, how to fix? :)
Also doesn't use outcast properly, trades 2-2 instead of a 2-1, is Vision AI really that bad?
#13 Posted : Saturday, May 9, 2020 10:33:31 PM(UTC)
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Tjafs;60259 wrote:
I have 36,38% right now, 110 games played, diamond 5, ranked.

I have similar numbers. Bot and deck did well up to Diamond (70%+ WR), but errors with bot and current meta are holding this <40% WR at Diamond Rank 5. Thanks nonetheless to OP.
#15 Posted : Thursday, May 21, 2020 1:11:22 PM(UTC)
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I'm currently 47.8% winrate with this deck on diamond 10 (over 300 games). The nerfs on DH recently might have dropped even more the winrate. The highest it took me was diamond 7.
Does anybody have a better or optimized DH list for ranked?
#16 Posted : Friday, May 29, 2020 10:31:13 PM(UTC)

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This got me to Diamond 2.

I since switched back to casual.

It may have got me there before the latest set of card changes, but probably the easiest set and forget so far, since its basically just loading the deck and using default AI.

My overall stats with deck are 707-604 but includes a variety of casual and ranked play. Getting higher in the ranking I think always relies on a bit of RNG to get streaks - as long as you are at 50% it will climb eventually.
#17 Posted : Saturday, May 30, 2020 10:58:53 AM(UTC)
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Is anyone able to post a current deck code for this? I understand some of the Portuguese, but I am ending up a card short.
#18 Posted : Sunday, May 31, 2020 6:26:53 AM(UTC)

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WrathofGod;60386 wrote:
Is anyone able to post a current deck code for this? I understand some of the Portuguese, but I am ending up a card short.

It's in the OP - I just copied into HS to check I got 30 cards, and copied out from there to get the list as well.

### Custom Demon Hunter
# Class: Demon Hunter
# Format: Wild
# 2x (1) Battlefiend
# 2x (1) Blazing Battlemage
# 2x (1) Consume Magic
# 2x (1) Crimson Sigil Runner
# 2x (1) Guardian Augmerchant
# 2x (1) Shadowhoof Slayer
# 2x (3) Aldrachi Warblades
# 1x (3) Eye Beam
# 2x (3) Hench-Clan Thug
# 2x (3) Raging Worgen
# 2x (3) Satyr Overseer
# 2x (5) Glaivebound Adept
# 1x (5) Leeroy Jenkins
# 1x (5) Metamorphosis
# 2x (5) Warglaives of Azzinoth
# 2x (7) Priestess of Fury
# 1x (9) Baku the Mooneater
# To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone
1 user thanked Tjafs for this useful post.
WrathofGod on 5/31/2020(UTC)
#19 Posted : Sunday, May 31, 2020 1:20:01 PM(UTC)
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Tjafs;60391 wrote:
It's in the OP - I just copied into HS to check I got 30 cards, and copied out from there to get the list as well.

### Custom Demon Hunter
# Class: Demon Hunter
# Format: Wild
# 2x (1) Battlefiend
# 2x (1) Blazing Battlemage
# 2x (1) Consume Magic
# 2x (1) Crimson Sigil Runner
# 2x (1) Guardian Augmerchant
# 2x (1) Shadowhoof Slayer
# 2x (3) Aldrachi Warblades
# 1x (3) Eye Beam
# 2x (3) Hench-Clan Thug
# 2x (3) Raging Worgen
# 2x (3) Satyr Overseer
# 2x (5) Glaivebound Adept
# 1x (5) Leeroy Jenkins
# 1x (5) Metamorphosis
# 2x (5) Warglaives of Azzinoth
# 2x (7) Priestess of Fury
# 1x (9) Baku the Mooneater
# To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone

I appreciate the help, but some of the following post after the OP talk about substituting cards because they don't work properly. That's where I am confused with the listing.
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