I took a snapshot of the turn it misplayed. I want the priest to always heal after it plays Hooded Acolyte OG_334. It heals before and misses the +1/+1 to C'Thun.
okay i made rules, will this help?
"GameCardId": "CS1h_001",
"ConfigComment": "Lesser Heal.",
"comment": "Gain value when there is Hooded Acolyte (OG_334) and no Auchenai Soulpriest (EX1_591) on board.",
"condition": "my_minions(count(), cardid = OG_334, silenced = false) > 0 AND my_minions(count(), cardid = EX1_591, silenced = false) < 1",
"value": "20",
"ConfigComment":"Hooded Acolyte : Whenever a character is healed, give your C'Thun +1/+1 (wherever it is).",
"condition": "*",