tehmightymouse;57617 wrote:I have a suspicion that the bot isn't detected but that there is another reason players are being banned.
So if you check the hearthstone subreddit there was a guy that recently posted about being banned and he claims that he hasn't botted or used any program other then a deck tracker. He mentions that he "farmed" which I assume would mean that he purposely conceded after every win to keep his rank/MMR low in order to net easy wins.
Now I am not sure if this is a violation of the game rules but most likely it is behavior that's frowned upon as it ruins the experience for new players. Someone else on the official bnet forums experience the same thing claiming he hasn't botted yet was banned. I think "you botted therefore you're banned" is being used as a blanket statement to hand out bans.
If you think about it nearly everyone that bots uses the concede after win feature so it seems to add up. Do you really think they care to do anything about botters when they won't even address bugs/issues? Play some games in dumpster casual and 80% of your games will be against bots which have names like Z478FNN or some other nonsensical alphanumeric name.
This could definitely be the case, because I have been using it for some time now, and I do not concede after every win. it doesnt make sence to imo.
Also maybe they look if an account is f2p or is the player also spending money. this fact can say alot about an account.
If people are buying 2nd or 3d accounts, never spending any mony on it, just farming mindless win, loss, win, loss, etc.. well you might as well put a huge target on your back!
good luck everyone.