Hi there,
I know that it is hard to make a well-playing bot and I am not sure which AI system is behind it. But I downloaded the bot this weekend and started it today for the first time and abserved:
- [minor] Wild Aluneth Mage: turn 6, behind on the board, decided to play arcane intellect instead of getting burst with Aluneth
- [massive] Wild Aluneth Mage: discovered a flame strike in an earlier turn via primordial glyph. 8 mana available, enemy has a board with all minions at 4 health or less. Bot plays a forgotten torch on a 4 health minion and afterwards the discounted flame strike. Which is quite some resource waste....
- [minor] silver hand paladin: enemy has 0/2 totem and 2/1 minion. bot has 3 2 attack minions and with 3 mana plays knife juggler, righteous protector (luckily hits the 2/1) and *then* attacks the totem