misused;55791 wrote:I've got some notable misplays that I'm seeing. Here's some insight.
1. The bot is using its weapon incorrectly. I had a full board of 1/1 minions against a Leeroy Jenkins and the bot decided to use the 2 att weapon to hit Leeroy.
2. The bot would use the hero power/lost in the jungle with 6+ minions. This will be fixed coming up today.
depending on hand / board, using hero power with 6 minions is not bad sometimes. it shouldn't be absolute rule not to ever play hero power with 6 minions.
Some examples, if ironbeak is in hand, i rather play hero power for just 1 minion, then use ironbeak and waste the silence
Also is it possible you add dates to the OP in 'change log' ? Im starting to get lost in when i updated the config :), instead of going throught the thread and searching when you posted it