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[REQUEST] Improve A.I, the bot has a really silly A.I
#1 Posted : Monday, February 26, 2018 9:54:29 AM(UTC)
Rank: Newbie

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Posts: 3
Location: Chile

Hi everybody. I'm new to this community and today I purchased the bot because the positive commentaries about zero ban reports.

Well, I was a Hearthbuddy user for over 2 years, their bot was great, was the best, and full of features, but I'm not here to compare the lack of features and simple design of Heartranger, because there is a more important thing than a design or features: a good A.I - and in comparison with others, Hearthranger has the worst and horrible A.I I had ever seen. Sorry for my words, but it the truth, I'm not satisfied with the purchase because the silly A.I.

Of course any A.I its perfect taking decissions, but an A.I should and must be improved, it should not be silly. In comparisson with the products I mentioned, those are very sofisticated A.I that can get you to legendary with a good deck and good filters.

This is the latest weird thing Hearthranger did while botting in constructed:

I was playing with a warrior (using Sav'j recruit warrior deck) versus a Hunter, the hunter had 7 minions on the board (all minions on board were summoned wolfs from hunter spells), I had none minion on the board, the hunter was full hp and I was 8 hp, well, its my turn, I have Brawl (5 cost mana) in my hand, Ysera (9 cost mana), and 4 or 5 low-cost spells to pick armor and discover taunt minions, what you consider a bot should do in this situation?... its more than clear, the bot should use Brawl to clean the board from 7 minions to only 1 (or what is the same, reduce minnion damage from 21 (7x3) to 3, so you can survive this turn), and then use any of the low-cost cards (or minions) to keep going. Now, what do you think Hearthranger will do in this situation?... it is so funny, the bot put Ysera on the board, and then, and only AFTER put Ysera on board (which is double weird) inmediately auto-conceded the match. What a great finisher movement to win the match, right? (sarcasm)...that has no sense and is the worst movement I've ever seen in a bot playthrough. The bot didn't cared about having Brawl to clean the board, didn't cared about low-cost spells to pick armor or discover minions, nothing of nothing, the bot directlly sends Ysera to the board, and inminently auto-concedes the match.

I've seen more weird decissions while using this bot, but that was the worst decission compared to all others.

Really Hearthranger needs to realize plans to update and improve the A.I, and I'm not talking about micro-optimizations, this A.I needs a huge improvement in all the senses, because it is just bad, very, very, very bad A.I compared to other products.

I'm between 10-5 high constructed range because my effort playing physically without botting, but for any other user that is for example on range 20 I think there are very low chances this bot even can take him to constructed range 15 with the current A.I,, no matter if you use a top tier 1 deck since the bot has a silly A.I you wil lose more than wins, it needs luck in the manner of the good or bad cards the opponent have to compensate the stupid decissions this bot does and not kill you.

Please, take into account my report, I'm sure many other customers will think the same as me and feel the same unsatisfaction like I feel, because it is much than obvious the poor development state of the A.I. I purchased today the bot, and in only few hours of botting I seen very stupid things about the A.I of this bot that unfortunately are enough reasons to don't renew my payment in the next month. I really wish the devs. could attend to this petition, not only for me, for every customer and for the reputation of the Heartranger bot itself, and so I can still purchasing and using this bot in the near future. Dev. staff of Hearthranger, its time to hear us, its time to start offering a good realised A.I in a product that is going for the 11 release version, its time for the devs to do more and focus on big improvements related to the A.I, sincerely. Maybe all the new users come to this website, buy the bot, and then they feel conform with this A.I because they never touched any other Hearthstone bot to be able compare Hearthranger A.I objectively, but you the dev's of Hearthranger probably are aware that you are offering a very bad A.I for ranked plays in constructed/wild, really in my personal oppinion this silly A.I does not compensate the low price and automation features that Hearthranger can offer.

Please take really care about implementing new and huge A.I improvements when taking card decissions and trading minions, and in mulligans (A.I its pretty bad saving low-cost cards without filters applied). It is much more important to develop a good A.I in the way explained, that focus in "humanizing" the A.I to avoid be banned, because humanizing and answering to emotes will not make you win, as customers will not make us feel satisfied if we put in a balance the good and bad things of this A.I.

Thanks for read.
#2 Posted : Monday, February 26, 2018 10:23:48 AM(UTC)
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#3 Posted : Monday, February 26, 2018 10:35:07 AM(UTC)
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Location: Chile

@JoyAdmin, thanks for sharing resources, but if you have the time to read my post, then you will see this issue has nothing to do with deck types or deck configs, it is more basic thing: just the A.I is silly by iitself.

A board with 7 opponent minions, you have none minion on board. It's your turn, you have Brawl and Ysera cards, the A.I. decides Ysera is better, throws Ysera and then autoconcedes when the turn ends, instead of throwing Brawl to clean the board and survive a next turn while throwing other cards from hand, its a "common sense" decission (regardless of the deck or config you are using) which the A.I of Hearthranger does not have.

At least I tried to talk about this, but unfortunately as I expected the devs. will not or have not the time to attend these kind of petitions and put effort to really improve the A.I decissions. Its a pity, I really would like to hear more than a comment with two hyperlinks and zero words about the problem, I put effort writting all that since English is not my native language, but anyways, thanks for the answer and sharing those links.

I tried it.

Have a nice day..
#4 Posted : Monday, February 26, 2018 11:35:31 AM(UTC)

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i think this A.I need a riding
developer add Scripting json we can make bot better
like this sample config for Brawl

"ConfigComment": Brawl Settings",

"comment":"Prioritize playing this.",
"condition": "opp_minions(count()) > 3 AND my_minions(count()) < 1",
"comment":"Prioritize playing this.",
"condition": "opp_minions(count()) > 5 AND my_minions(count()) < 3",

but i agree bot need a lot of misplay fixes to be great for laddering

#5 Posted : Monday, February 26, 2018 4:15:12 PM(UTC)

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pitoloko;54810 wrote:

I'm between 10-5 high constructed range because my effort playing physically without botting, but for any other user that is for example on range 20 I think there are very low chances this bot even can take him to constructed range 15 with the current A.I,, no matter if you use a top tier 1 deck since the bot has a silly A.I you wil lose more than wins, it needs luck in the manner of the good or bad cards the opponent have to compensate the stupid decissions this bot does and not kill you.

That's actually not true, many of us reached rank 5 with bot month after month. Just use proper deck, proper options (the concede issue you've mention for example) and proper config, obviously it will not be playing good with every deck. AI that plays perfectly would be much more expensive than Hearthranger.

Check out threads JoyAdmin sent and forum where they are, we are trying there to improve bot with our configs. But don't expect miracles.
#6 Posted : Friday, March 9, 2018 2:57:33 AM(UTC)

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Yes it is true that the AI really sucks. But no one has the motivation to improve it. It is only useful for getting to rank 10 or autoconcede farming 30 quests, but that's a good amount of gold for the amount of effort it takes. Making it good enough to get to rank 5+ reliably or infinite arena takes too much effort.

I've spent a lot of time trying to improve it with custom configs or reporting misplays but it doesn't help. The config files can't do everything like guessing the enemy deck type so you know what AOEs they might have or how to play around secrets.

I used to have grand plans to make something better, but it would take way too much time for the reward/effort to be worth it. I'd estimate it would take me over 200 hours and the reward would only be worth 1 golden epic per month. It would probably take 400+ hours to make it good enough to go infinite in arena. Not really worth the hassle.

For Hearthstone, there are only 2 bots left and this one is less expensive and has a lifetime option. The other one has a better AI which easily gets to rank 5, but that is only 1 extra golden epic per month. I don't think it is good enough to go infinite in arena, but I haven't looked at it in a while. It would have to be insanely good to be able to do that.

I've resigned myself to just farming daily gold and quests.
1 user thanked ralphy for this useful post.
allhearth001 on 3/9/2018(UTC)
#7 Posted : Tuesday, April 24, 2018 9:18:59 AM(UTC)
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Posts: 2

and what happened with Hearthbuddy? yeah that's right, everyone that used it got banned. I'd rather the bot not be that good so that people who use it just to farm 100 gold per day (for an average of 4500 gold per month not including 80 gold quests).

Everytime there has been a ban wave it was because a bot was able to get to high ranks easily, which put attention on it. It seems Blizzard doesn't care about bots as long as they're not climbing high ranks.
#8 Posted : Saturday, April 10, 2021 9:19:13 AM(UTC)
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Location: denmark

pitoloko;54810 wrote:
Hi everybody. I'm new to this community and today I purchased the bot because the positive commentaries about zero ban reports.

Well, I was a Hearthbuddy user for over 2 years, their bot was great, was the best, and full of features, but I'm not here to compare the lack of features and simple design of Heartranger, because there is a more important thing than a design or features: a good A.I - and in comparison with others, Hearthranger has the worst and horrible A.I I had ever seen. Sorry for my words, but it the truth, I'm not satisfied with the purchase because the silly A.I.

Of course any A.I its perfect taking decissions, but an A.I should and must be improved, it should not be silly. In comparisson with the products I mentioned, those are very sofisticated A.I that can get you to legendary with a good deck and good filters.

This is the latest weird thing Hearthranger did while botting in constructed:

I was playing with a warrior (using Sav'j recruit warrior deck) versus a Hunter, the hunter had 7 minions on the board (all minions on board were summoned wolfs from hunter spells), I had none minion on the board, the hunter was full hp and I was 8 hp, well, its my turn, I have Brawl (5 cost mana) in my hand, Ysera (9 cost mana), and 4 or 5 low-cost spells to pick armor and discover taunt minions, what you consider a bot should do in this situation?... its more than clear, the bot should use Brawl to clean the board from 7 minions to only 1 (or what is the same, reduce minnion damage from 21 (7x3) to 3, so you can survive this turn), and then use any of the low-cost cards (or minions) to keep going. Now, what do you think Hearthranger will do in this situation?... it is so funny, the bot put Ysera on the board, and then, and only AFTER put Ysera on board (which is double weird) inmediately auto-conceded the match. What a great finisher movement to win the match, right? (sarcasm)...that has no sense and is the worst movement I've ever seen in a bot playthrough. The bot didn't cared about having Brawl to clean the board, didn't cared about low-cost spells to pick armor or discover minions, nothing of nothing, the bot directlly sends Ysera to the board, and inminently auto-concedes the match.

I've seen more weird decissions while using this bot, but that was the worst decission compared to all others.

Really Hearthranger needs to realize plans to update and improve the A.I, and I'm not talking about micro-optimizations, this A.I needs a huge improvement in all the senses, because it is just bad, very, very, very bad A.I compared to other products.

I'm between 10-5 high constructed range because my effort playing physically without botting, but for any other user that is for example on range 20 I think there are very low chances this bot even can take him to constructed range 15 with the current A.I,, no matter if you use a top tier 1 deck since the bot has a silly A.I you wil lose more than wins, it needs luck in the manner of the good or bad cards the opponent have to compensate the stupid decissions this bot does and not kill you.

Please, take into account my report, I'm sure many other customers will think the same as me and feel the same unsatisfaction like I feel, because it is much than obvious the poor development state of the A.I. I purchased today the bot, and in only few hours of botting I seen very stupid things about the A.I of this bot that unfortunately are enough reasons to don't renew my payment in the next month. I really wish the devs. could attend to this petition, not only for me, for every customer and for the reputation of the Heartranger bot itself, and so I can still purchasing and using this bot in the near future. Dev. staff of Hearthranger, its time to hear us, its time to start offering a good realised A.I in a product that is going for the 11 release version, its time for the devs to do more and focus on big improvements related to the A.I, sincerely. Maybe all the new users come to this website, buy the bot, and then they feel conform with this A.I because they never touched any other Hearthstone bot to be able compare Hearthranger A.I objectively, but you the dev's of Hearthranger probably are aware that you are offering a very bad A.I for ranked plays in constructed/wild, really in my personal oppinion this silly A.I does not compensate the low price and automation features that Hearthranger can offer.

Please take really care about implementing new and huge A.I improvements when taking card decissions and trading minions, and in mulligans (A.I its pretty bad saving low-cost cards without filters applied). It is much more important to develop a good A.I in the way explained, that focus in "humanizing" the A.I to avoid be banned, because humanizing and answering to emotes will not make you win, as customers will not make us feel satisfied if we put in a balance the good and bad things of this A.I.

Thanks for read.

gues what 3 years later this bot still play terrible almost evry move is a miss play i went out last night drink some beers five hours later the bot only mannage to reach to rank silver this is last time i am buying this bot
#9 Posted : Sunday, April 11, 2021 1:26:21 AM(UTC)

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Why don't you keep using the other bots?
#10 Posted : Tuesday, September 17, 2024 6:08:28 AM(UTC)
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Hi everyone,

I agree, Hearthranger’s A.I. has significant issues. The example with Ysera and Brawl clearly shows the need for major improvements. Even after three years, the bot continues to make poor decisions.

For those working on improving their own content, I’ve found that tools like text humanizer can be quite helpful in making writing sound more natural.
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