For the Spiteful Dragon Priest configs, do you think these changes would help?
--#CFM_605 Drakonid Operative
"comment":"don't play this card with less than 1 dragon in hand",
"condition": "my_hand(count(),dragon) > 0",
"comment":"don't play this card with less than 1 dragon in hand",
"condition": "my_hand(count(),dragon) < 1",
--#EX1_558 Harrison Jones
Is this worth tech'ing in?
Helps against Cubelock & Secret Mage (although very marginally)
Is it worth duplicating the Shadow Ascendent config for this one? (basically if you minion-count>0, play it?)
#You currently only have -10 if you don't have any dragons in hand (while there's still dragons in the deck)
#Why not the opposite?
"comment":"don't play this card with less than 1 dragon in hand",
"condition": "my_hand(count(),dragon) > 0",
--#Twilight Acolyte
#right now you only have a positive bonus for:
#If you're holding a Shadow Word: Pain, there is a high attack enemy minion, you're holding a Dragon and you have 5 Mana, try and play this.
#Why not have a bonus if there's a minion with >4 (or >5 attack?)
"comment":"don't play this card with less than 1 dragon in hand",
"condition": "my_hand(count(),dragon) > 0 AND opp_minions(min(attack)) > 5",
--#Spiteful Summoner/Drakonid Operative/Curious Glimmerroot
Is it a bad idea to hold onto these cards if you're going against Priest or Warlock?