Today I looked for few games that bot was playing wih your Zoo 2.5. I saw a missplay that shouldn't be done with your files. A game against Cube Warlock, Voidlord and Doomsayer on his side. Bot used Spellbreaker but instead of silencing Voidlord and killing Doomsayer with his minions, he silenced Doomsayer, killing Voidlord. It was of course very bad play that maybe cost a game later (it was lost). In your file Spellbreaker has huge bonus against Voidlord shouldn't it silence it no matter of everything?
There is a link to the game if you want to check:
I also saw that bot usually uses Mortal Coil very bad (not killing minions with it, instead using it first on full HP target). Maybe there is better to add some other cards to the deck instead?