Also, here's a log snippet:
6:40:04 PM:DEBUG::hr socket port - 14400
6:40:09 PM:INFO::loading data...50%
6:40:09 PM:INFO::loading data...100%
6:40:16 PM:INFO::Checking game environment..
6:40:16 PM:INFO::loading data...
6:40:16 PM:INFO::data loaded.
6:40:54 PM:INFO::Checking game environment..
6:40:54 PM:INFO::Login Binding Server...
6:40:54 PM:INFO::Login success.
6:40:54 PM:DEBUG:: client : ver.
6:40:54 PM:DEBUG:: language : enUS
6:40:54 PM:DEBUG::starting bot .. 1
6:40:54 PM:DEBUG::starting bot .. 2
6:40:54 PM:DEBUG::starting bot .. 4
6:40:54 PM:DEBUG::starting bot .. 5
6:40:54 PM:DEBUG::starting bot .. 6
6:40:54 PM:DEBUG::starting bot .. 7
6:40:55 PM:DEBUG::starting bot .. 8
6:40:55 PM:DEBUG::starting bot .. 9
6:40:55 PM:DEBUG::starting bot .. 10
6:40:55 PM:DEBUG::starting bot .. 11
6:40:55 PM:INFO::TransitStateMachineFromOffline
6:40:55 PM:DEBUG::starting bot .. 12
6:40:55 PM:INFO::Please start game.
6:40:56 PM:INFO::TransitStateMachineFromOffline
6:40:56 PM:INFO::TransitStateMachineFromIdle
6:40:57 PM:INFO::TransitStateMachineFromPlayMainOption
6:40:57 PM:INFO::waiting...
6:40:58 PM:INFO::ClickOnScreenLeftText - AggPal ret=True
6:40:59 PM:INFO::ClickOnScreenLeftText - AggPal ret=True
6:41:00 PM:INFO::ClickOnScreenRightText - Play Standard ret=True
6:41:00 PM:DEBUG::load vision deck config from directory -
6:41:01 PM:INFO::load vision deck config success - default
6:41:02 PM:INFO::TransitStateMachineFromIdle
6:41:02 PM:INFO::waiting..
And deck_config.ini snippet:
AggPal = sb_paladin_aggro-v1.9
And pic of files in the config folder: