Here is
more. One misplay I noticed is it uses here power at 2 mana with golakka/razormaw in hand. Should play golakka.
### creeper2
# Class: Hunter
# Format: Standard
# Year of the Mammoth
# 2x (1) Alleycat
# 1x (1) Candleshot
# 2x (1) Dire Mole
# 1x (1) Patches the Pirate
# 2x (1) Southsea Deckhand
# 2x (2) Crackling Razormaw
# 2x (2) Dire Wolf Alpha
# 1x (2) Golakka Crawler
# 2x (3) Animal Companion
# 2x (3) Eaglehorn Bow
# 2x (3) Kill Command
# 2x (3) Southsea Captain
# 1x (4) Flanking Strike
# 2x (4) Houndmaster
# 1x (4) Spellbreaker
# 2x (5) Cobalt Scalebane
# 1x (5) Leeroy Jenkins
# 2x (7) Corridor Creeper
# To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone