It's been a couple of weeks and things have settled a bit more. I've also had a lot of time to run a few decks for a sense of what the bot can work with decently before customization. I'd recommend looking at the following decks for custom plays.
Dragon Priest - Compared to the other priest decks it's fairly aggro which the bot likes. While it's the least effective meta deck in this list, it's the third best in my own bot testing. 50% winrate after 35 games.
Code:###Dragon Priest
Pirate Warrior - Thanks to some new cards this guy is back in the pack and was my strongest performer with a 50% winrate after 123 games.
Code:###Pirate Warrior
Secret Mage - Second best, hitting my 50% winrate cap after 67 games.
Code:###Secret Mage
Demon Warlock - Take zoo and hyper-focus it. I haven't tested this one yet since it's still a zoo and likely to perform well. It's just a more demony zoo.
Code:###Demon Warlock
Lastly is
Secret Hunter - Spell Hunter failed now that more decks are being made. Secret Hunter takes its place, but it's not performing that great compared to these other decks. Probably the worst performer at 50% at 12 games, but maybe a good custom set can pull it out.
Code:###Secret Hunter
Xposting this to scottbreak's thread as well.