So I jumped on this thread as soon as it appeared hoping it would get me out of the 15-13 hell that I'm in. There's been some success from others, so I thought I'd post my results so far so that they can be picked apart.
Decks used:
- Aggro Druid v1.4
- Midrange Hunter v1.2
- Zoolock v1.1
- Secret Mage v1.0
Each deck is set in queue as Ranked - Deck - Done if winrate < 45% after 10 games.
In this way each deck has 10 games to get it's percentage foundation, and if it does well it can keep going until it eventually fails enough to so sub 45%. As you can see from the pic, they all went longer than 10 games with 56, 31, 60, and 49 games respectively. That makes the Zoolock the highest performing deck, followed by Aggro Druid. In distant third is Secret Mage. Yet, despite this success my highest achieved rank this month is 12, which was not obtained by these decks. I'm currently back at 15.
I've played at all times of the day including overnight last night. Generally, though, I only run it from around 9am PDT to 9pm PDT with breaks in between. As of this post Aggro Druid hasn't quite failed to sub 45% just yet, though it lost another game while writing this so it's at 48.8%, but I'm not confident it'll suddenly get a streak.
Am I doing something wrong, or is this just how it goes sometimes? Are the rank 10's and 5's just that lucky?
EDIT: Druid is still going strong, 56 games and 50%. Still at 14, though.